Howz XAT!
With CAT out of the way now we need to shift our focus to the second most important MBA entrance – Xavier’s Aptitude Test. Many good B schools outside the Xavier family, like TAPMI, IMT, MICA, KJ Somaiyya, etc., accept both CAT and XAT scores for admission to their MBA programs and the students who did not do well in CAT can hope for an improved performance in XAT for a realistic chance in these and many other B schools.
While many people tend to describe XAT as CAT + Decision Making, it is not an accurate representation of the paper because:
- CAT is Quantitative Aptitude and Mathematical Reasoning heavy paper, but XAT tilts the balance in the direction of Language skills. In CAT 2/3rd of the questions test mathematical skills through QA and DILR but in XAT these would be around 40%.
- In the Verbal Ability section, vocabulary & grammar constitute about 25% of the questions, these are missing in CAT, also in XAT Para Jumble questions have choices.
- The third section, Decision Making, also involves a lot of reading and good comprehension skills are important to do well in this section.
- There are no TITA questions.
- XAT gives 165 minutes for approximately 75 questions hence, unlike CAT you do not need to rush and can comfortably complete the paper.
- There are no sectional time limits in XAT and a candidate can not only decide how much time he/she would spend in a section but also the sequence in which to attempt the sections.
- XAT has a GK section which is missing in CAT.
Structure of XAT
In the last few years, the structure of XAT has changed almost every year but last year the structure was the same as the previous year and therefore, it is expected to remain the same this year. To understand this paper let us have a look at the XAT 2010-20 papers, ignoring the XAT 2011 paper which was an experiment gone wrong. XAT can be broken into two parts:
- Aptitude: comprising QADI, Verbal & Logical Ability and Decision Making
- General Knowledge (GK): reintroduced in XAT 2013 and is evaluated only at the time of the interview
Traditionally, XAT has been a difficult paper and even the toppers could typically attempt less than half of the 90-100 question in 120 minute allocated for the aptitude paper. To ensure that students are able to attempt a larger number of questions XAT has over the last few years reduced the number of questions, reduced the level of difficulty of QADI and increased the time for the paper from 120 to 165 minutes.
- XAT 2013 increased the time for Aptitude Section to 140 minutes and gave an additional 40 minutes for the 30 GK questions and the Essay.
- XAT 2014 again had a minor change in the structure of the paper with 150 minutes for the combined Aptitude and GK section and an additional 20 minutes for the Essay.
- XAT 2015 made it 140 minutes for the aptitude section and 30 minutes for the GK and Essay.
- XAT 2016 further increased the time for aptitude section to 170 minutes and gave 35 minutes for GK and Essay. This structure is being followed in XAT 2017 also.
- XAT 2017 – 2021 showed a steady decline in level of difficulty of the QADI section. As of now, one can say that the LOD of XAT’s QADI is similar to that of CAT’s QA section.
While the XAT Website clearly mentions that XAT is a 3 hour paper, the website has not as yet shared the details of the test. However it is expected that the 180 minutes of XAT 2021will be bifurcated as:
- 165 minutes for approximately 75 questions of Part I – Aptitude portion comprising:
- 26 questions of Verbal & Logical Ability
- 21 questions of Decision Making.
- 28 questions of QADI.
- 15 minutes for Part II – 25 GK questions
XAT Negative Marking
In the past, XAT has experimented with differential negative marking, but in the last 3 years, it has stuck to a 25% negative marking for incorrect answers. In XAT 2016 negative marking of 0.05 marks for the unattempted questions was also introduced.
In XAT 2017 candidates leaving up to 12 questions unattempted were not penalized but unattempted questions beyond 12 did carry the negative mark of 0.05.
In XAT 2020 and XAT 2021, candidates leaving up to 8 questions were not penalized. But unattempted questions beyond 8 questions carried negative marking of 0.10 marks. Thus if out of the 75 questions of Part I, a student attempted 51 questions then the negative marking for unattempted questions was (24-8) x 0.10 = 1.60 marks. These -1.6 marks were divided among the three sections in proportion to the number of unattempted questions.
Impact of penalty for unattempted questions:XAT believes that negative marking for unattempted questions will encourage students to take risks and not play safe. I disagree with this assessment of XAT because the penalty for unattempted questions is very low.
The penalty for not attempting questions is 0.10 but that of an incorrect attempt is 0.25 hence you are better off not attempting questions that you are not sure of because an incorrect answer has a heavier penalty. My suggestion is to ignore this negative marking for unattempted questions and not to change the way you take a test.
Part 1: Aptitude – 165 minutes
Since 2016, the aptitude portion of XAT has had about 75 questions on English, Quantitative Aptitude & Data interpretation and Decision Making. The sectional break-up in the last few papers and the estimate for 2021 is given below:
No of Questions | ||||||
Section | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Verbal and Logical Ability | 26* | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 24 |
Decision Making | 21* | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 |
Quantitative Ability | 28* | 28 | 28 | 27 | 27 | 27 |
Total | 75 | 75 | 75 | 74 | 74 | 72 |
General Knowledge | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Time allocation: The total time available for XAT 2021 also was 180 minutes in which a good time allocation: was 55 minutes to Verbal & Logical Ability, 45 minutes to Decision making a 65 minutes to Quantitative Ability. Here are the three suggested time-division strategies for XAT 2021.
Test Division Strategy #1
Neutral Strategy
- Give equal time to all sections
- Can adjust the time division later
Section | Qs | Time Spent |
Verbal and Logical Ability | 26 | 55 mins |
Decision Making | 21 | 55 mins |
Quantitative Ability | 28 | 55 mins |
Total | 75 | 165 mins |
Time Division Strategy #2
If QA is your area of strength
- DM can be done in 45 mins
- Spend 65 mins on QA
Section | 2021 | Time Spent |
Verbal and Logical Ability | 26 | 55 mins |
Decision Making | 21 | 45 mins |
Quantitative Ability | 28 | 65 mins |
Total | 75 | 165 mins |
Time Division Strategy #3
If V&LA is your area of strength
- DM can be done in 45 mins
- Spend 65 mins on V&LA
Section | 2021 | Time Spent |
Verbal and Logical Ability | 26 | 65 mins |
Decision Making | 21 | 45 mins |
Quantitative Ability | 28 | 55 mins |
Total | 75 | 165 mins |
XAT Section-wise Strategy
XAT Verbal and Logical Ability
This is possibly the most difficult English section that you would see in any Indian MBA entrance test essentially due to the Reading Comprehension passages and Critical Reasoning questions. About 50-55% of the questions are from Reading Comprehension and the remaining questions in this section consist are from Critical Reasoning, Para Jumbles, Sentence Completion (multiple blanks), Sentence Correction and Vocabulary. While the RC passages in XAT are not lengthy (300 – 400 words), they are usually difficult to read and about half of the RC questions are inferential.
In this section it is advisable to first attempt Para Jumbles, Sentence Completion, Cloze test, Sentence Correction and Vocabulary before moving on to the difficult and time-consuming question types – Critical Reasoning and RC. You can expect an equal number of inferential and specific detail questions. In RC you should focus on understanding the passages and then answering the questions. The technique of checking the question and them skimming the passage is likely to be a disaster in XAT.
Out of the 26 questions in this section, you should target attempting 16-18 questions. If this section is your strength area, then you can target around 22 attempts. However, do not attempt for the sake of attempting, if you are not sure of the answer then leaving the question is the right approach, especially in Inferential RC, Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction questions.
The Verbal & Logical Ability sectional cutoff is usually 7-8 marks and hence 10 is a safe score in this section, however a score more than 15 is not difficult if you are good in RC and CR.
XAT Decision Making
This section is unique to XAT. It consists of Behavioral and Mathematical decision making questions. The behavioral questions typically give data in the form of a passage in which a situation is described. The protagonist in the passage typically has a dilemma and needs to take a decision. In the questions that follow, you must suggest the right course of action to be taken by the protagonist.
The questions might even check your understanding of the decision. Decision Making is often incorrectly considered as an extension of Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning. However, it is different because from these two question types because here you are expected to arrive at a decision (course of action or the way forward) based on objective criteria that may or may not be mentioned in the passage or the questions.
The best way of solving Decision Making questions is to eliminate choices based on the parameters of fairness, legality, and the desired end result. It is extremely important that you be completely objective and do not let your personal biases influence the decision.
DM 1000 is a good program to quickly make the most of the remaining time and become a master at the XAT decision making section. It comprises over 30 videos by Gejo and me, which will take you through various aspects of solving DM questions.
There is a certain amount of subjectivity in these questions and a 100% accuracy is not possible but if you have read the case and the questions carefully and are objective then 80-85% accuracy is not difficult. There would also be a couple of questions that you will need to leave as none of the choices would seem correct.
The mathematical decision making questions are easy to handle if you consider them as DI sets or mathematical reasoning sets. These are, however, time consuming (mostly) and should be attempted after the behavioral questions. Till a couple of years ago it was advisable not to spend too much time on these but with 180 minutes for the paper and the lower level of difficulty, these too should be attempted. However XAT 2020 and XAT 2021 did not have any question mathematical reasoning.
In the 45 minutes that you devote to this section you should target attempting about 16-18 questions out of 20-22 questions. Here too it is advisable to leave the questions where you are confused or are unable to arrive at a decision based on objective criteria or if you are unable to decide on the criteria itself.
Like the Verbal section, the Decision Making sectional cutoff is also 7-8 marks and 10 is a safe score for clearing the cutoff. This to my mind is a scoring section and one should target a score more than 15.
XAT Quantitative Ability
The level of difficulty of the QADI section in XAT has reduced over the years and now it is almost the same as that of CAT. Questions appear from all areas of QA – Arithmetic, Number System, Algebra, and Geometry. Topics like Base System and Mathematical Reasoning that were once the mainstay of this section now contribute to not more than a couple of questions.
For practice, use your CAT material and focus on Level 1 and 2 questions. You need not worry about Level 3 or difficult questions. You could also use the sectional tests in Test Gym to get a good feel of what each section is like.
This section also has 1-2 DI with about 5-6 questions, the DI sets are usually simple and do not create any problems in terms of understanding or solving. However, you could end up leaving a couple of questions due to high calculation intensity or due to ambiguity of data.
Till XAT 2015 around half the questions in this section were attempt-able but with reduced level of difficulty from XAT 2016 onwards, those who were strong in QADI could attempt around 20 out of 27-29 QADI questions. Average students in QADI could also attempt 12-14 questions. I expect QADI in XAT 2022 to have the same level of difficulty as XAT 2018-21. The 2-round approach and SQC techniques will work here. Check this out in the past XAT papers which are given in your Aspiration accounts.
Given the reduction in the level of difficulty of the paper and the fact that one has 1 hour for the section, the cut-off can be 11-12 marks and one should target at least 12 marks in this section, those good in QA can target upto 20 marks.
Part 2: General Knowledge – 15 minutes
General Knowledge (25 questions)
Though the General Awareness section will not be included in determining the percentiles and the cut off in the first stage of the selection process, it still is paramount. Your account has sufficient resources for this section. The GK compendiums & question banks, GK videos of IIFT/SNAP/XAT, Gyandhara etc. are sufficient preparation to get a decent score. A very low score in this section could eliminate you from the final list of XLRI, so do not ignore GK. As usual, do not waste time on any question, if in doubt, leave and move on to the next question. To ensure a good chance of final selection in XLRI target a score of at least 5 marks.
Sectional vs. Overall Cutoffs
The score in Aptitude is used by all the institutes for shortlisting the candidates for the 2nd stage. While XLRI and XIMB have sectional and total cutoffs, almost all other institutes using XAT score for shortlisting students for their MBA program do it on the basis of the total XAT score only.
To clear the sectional and overall cut-off for XLRI BM (95%ile) one should target a double-digit score in each section and an overall score of 32. The target should be an overall score of over 35 marks. In XAT an overall score of 35 is typically around 97.5%ile while an overall score of 40 is over 99%ile.
For a final conversion one should preferably have a score of over 97%ile (35-36) because XAT score typically has a 65% weight in the final score. The components of the balance 35% are usually 5% for work experience, 10% each for GD and Interview and 10% for Academics, and GK. These however can change.
Percentiles are calculated only based on the three sections of Aptitude (QADI, VLA and DM). While XLRI shortlists students based on their percentile scores in the aptitude section only but usually candidates with a very low GK score usually do not make it to the final list of XLRI.
GK scores are considered only by XLRI and that too at the interview stage. Other XAT institutes ignore (or do not have) the GK scores and short list candidates for the interview only based on the aptitude percentile score only.
If XLRI is not your target institute, then you should look at maximizing your overall score without worrying too much about the sectional scores. Spend more time in the section you are good at as it will help you increase your overall score but do spend some time in the other sections as well to ensure that you do not miss out on their easy questions.
How to Prepare
Familiarity with the question types is extremely important for doing well in any MBA entrance test and hence along with XAT Mocks, practicing the past XAT papers is essential for cracking the paper. Old XAT papers are available in your account along with the solutions.
XAT 2017-2021 papers should be taken like a Mock on while the earlier papers can be attempted as sectional tests. However, some of the old XAT papers are either not relevant at all and for some a specific section should be avoided.
XAT 2011 was an experiment gone wrong and can be avoided completely and XAT 2020 paper has such atrocious answers in Verbal Ability and Decision Making sections that XAT has not even released the paper on website for practice, only XAT 2016 – 2019 papers are available.
- For Verbal Ability and Decision Making section XAT papers from 2008 to 2019 except 2011 should be attempted
- For Quantitative Aptitude, XAT 2017 to 2021 papers are a must, from XAT 2012 to 2015 papers you can selectively practice the questions that are of the right topic and level of difficulty, the pre 2012 papers can be ignored since these are extremely difficult and such questions are unlikely now.
Solve one paper every 3-4 days starting with XAT 2017 and go forward till XAT 2021 under test conditions as it will help you work out your strategy for the paper. In between two XAT papers go through the Verbal and DM sections of the older XAT papers. As mentioned earlier do not worry about XAT 2011 paper which, was a botched-up experiment.
Taking a good number of XAT mocks is a must since it will put you in a good stead before the actual exam. Taking about 5 mocks will be more than sufficient to form a strategy. Going for CL’s XAT Test Series would be a good way to get the exam practice. Those of you looking for specific classes oriented to XAT to prepare yourself in the topics that differ in CAT and be better equipped to handle questions of a higher LOD, than CTA, should look at CL’s XAT Online Classes
The last word about XAT 2021
Selection of questions is the key to doing well in this paper. It has both sitters and speed- breakers. With low cut offs, it is your ability to sift out the sitters is usually the difference between getting and not getting a call. Question selection is more important in XAT than in other papers.
The cut off for the last three XAT papers for XLRI, given below, should convince you to focus on accuracy and not on attempts. The percentile cut-offs for XLRI are:
BM: Verbal 80%ile, DM 80%ile, QA 90%ile and Overall 95%ile
HRM: Verbal 90%ile, DM 80%ile, QA 70%ile, and Overall 95%ile
The cut off for XIMB BM is typically the same as that of XLRI BM but that of other top institutes is typically a couple of marks less.
Estimated Cutoffs and Target Score
Section | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | ||||||
BM | HRM | BM | HRM | BM | HRM | BM | HRM | BM | HRM | BM | HRM | |
Verbal & Logical Ability | 6.5* | 6* | 2.6* | 3.38* | 8 | 8.75 | 7.2 | 7.71 | 7 | 7.5 | 7 | 7.5 |
Decision Making | 7* | 6.6* | 5.9* | 5.6* | 9 | 8.5 | 8.43 | 7.99 | 8.5 | 8 | 7.5 | 7 |
Quantitative Ability | 11.5* | 11.5* | 7.8* | 5.94* | 11.5 | 6.5 | 11.31 | 6.68 | 8.5 | 7 | 8.5 | 7 |
Total Aptitude | 34* | 32* | 21.46 | 20 | 31.5 | 30 | 29.6 | 27.75 | 35 | 32.5 | 31 | 28 |
All the best
can anyone help me with percentile
how come my total is so less
Verbal And Logical=20.366
Dear student
this is percentile score (which indicates the percentage of the total test takers behind you) and not absolute score.
Kindly share overall percentile as well
I have got Below marks in XAT 2018
Quant 55.556 96.7 (percentile)
Verbal 38.462 91.3
Decision 19.048 29.9
overall 39.19 92.80
Any chances of any college?
XIME Bangalore, Kochi and Chennai and XISS
XIME Bangalore, Kochi and Chennai and XISS
Being a professor in Architecture, is aspiring for XLRI HRM too vague?
Have there earlier being cases where people from academia (a different background) have jumped to taking XAT and entering XLRI?
sir, my total positive score is 27, with negative score being 4.25,
Net score of 8 in VA, 4.75 in DM, and 10 in QA. what colleges can I expect?
My xat total score is 15, and I am a domicile quota holder , odisha. Is it possible to get a call from ximb rm/hrm??
sir, according to cl score calculator i m getting xat score of 31.9
with VA = 3.7
DM = 10.9
QA = 17.3
what percentile should i expect???
with VA be a drwaback , should i go for institutes who take overall cutoff or drop this year and take xat again after considering a score of 32 approx
if va’s sectional cutoff was crossed,will xlri,ximb would give me a call???
please suggest me sir
thank you
my academics performance
10th =93
12th 94
btech = 74
sir, what percentile dose 20-23 marks fetch this year.
Kiran, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
How much percentile I can expect with 25 marks in xat 2017 with 5 in va and 10 in qa and 10 in dm
Gulshan, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
Hi GP sir,
Using the career launcher XAT analysis i found i am getting around 18.65 in XAT.
I have 3+ experience in IT currently working.
Is there any hope for GIM. ?
I am targeting mostly 1 year program,
Please do reply 🙂
Sudhanshu, GIM might not happen at that score. Pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
Comparing my score with Career Launcher’s answer key I am getting the following score:-
Va= 12
What calls can I expect?
Wasim, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
Hello sir,
With a total expected score of 42% in XAT 2017 how much percentile can I expect
Divya, you can expect a score upwards of 96%ile.
Sir, According to score predictor i am on 17-18 marks for XAT 17. what can be an approximate percentile for this score? or how much percentile this score got in XAT 2016. Kindly let me know for colleges i should opt for based on XAT 17 results. (I am commerce with decent marks till graduate and am currently having 25 months of work experience till this date.)
Rashmi, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
sir ,
with a score of 19.25 in XAT2017 (According to TIME).. which callages should i apply?
Ashish, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
Sir, After comparing my answers with the answer key for XAT 2016, I’m getting a score of 28
VA – 12
DM – 12
QA – 4
What percentile can i expect ? And which colleges can I hope to convert?
i have appeared for xat 2017. i have attempted around 32 questions and getting a score of 20-21 .what could be my percentile?
SHubhangi, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
hello sir, XAT 2017, as per CL XAT score calculator my net score is 26.25(without gk) and as per IMS xat score calculator my score is 25.25. can you plz tell me what will be percentile. Should i apply for TAPMI and FORE with this score
Minmoy, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
Kindly guide me if there is negative marking in GK section of XAT 17.
Sarthak, no negative marking in GK.
thank you
Hi sir,
10th: 9 CGPA
12th 87% (PCM)
Graduation: 70% (Arts)
GMAT score: 660
Can I expect a call from IMI Delhi?
Chaitali, pardon the delay. I hope you got some good calls this year.
Is there any negative marking in the GK section in XAT?
No, Wasim.
Dear Sir,
Is there negative scoring for GK?
No, Jio
Hey GP!!!
I have heard that Gk section is free of negative marking in XAT. Is it true?
Please tell me.
Samantha, that’s true
Is there any negative marking in the GK section as well?
No, Wasim
Hi Sir,
10th- 73
12th- 72
B.Tech- 70
Work Exp- 5.1 yrs
Quite a few “employee of the month awards, Appreciation from CEO etc
2 promotions already. (generally 1 promotion happens every 3 to 4 years)
Involved in social work.
Do you think XLRI is possible if I get 98 – 99 percentile in XAT?
Jitender, given your work experience you have decent chances for XLRI if you score high percentile. However, you can also go for executive MBA from top B-schools.
Sir my target is GIM could you advice me on the required percentile to get through. And how to tackle xat??? Thankyou!!!!!
Joshua, you should secure atleast 90%+tile in XAT for GIM. You can refer to this article to prepare for XAT
Cracking XAT .
Hi Sir ,
I have got a call from TAPMI and Great Lakes. Could you please help me , as to which is better for HRM.
Thanks in advance
Puja, if you are considering going for the Great Lakes’ one year programme then it is certainly better.
Dear GP Sir,
I currently have 2.5 yrs of experience in the Financial Services industry, working as an analyst with a CTC in excess of 9 lakhs plus variable pay.
I have a cat score of 92.xx and have been shortlisted for IMTG and IMI-Delhi.
I am in two minds if I should take a drop this year or should go ahead with either of the above, since I fear that in the next attempt I would have almost 4 yrs of experience when I join and a lot of colleges as well as companies don’t prefer such candidates.
Please advise.
Prateek, you should be looking at Executive MBA. And the work ex of 4 years wouldn’t have any adverse effect.
I am scoring 22 in cat 2017
I have 5+ years of experience and I am targeting xlri GM and GIM
Is there any chances of getting in.?
Nitesh, 22 score or percentile? Either way it is extremely low.
Sir, I have secured 62 percentile in XAT. Can tell me.some.preferable institutes????
Aishwarya, there aren’t any good institutes at that percentile. Suggest you to take up a job and prepare for CAT again next year.
sir,my percentile in xat 2016 is 84.75. Can you guide me with the name of colleges in which i should apply. Also is bimtech good enough for 10 lakh fee?
Sameer, you can apply for IMT-G, LIBA, XIME, XISS. You can go for BIMTECH as well.
sir i have 39%tile in xat.what colleges i may get
Padma, there are no decent colleges with 39%tile. You should reappear for XAT’17
i got 10 percentile on in xat with -ve marks in DM what are my chnces to get admitted in MICA if i clear MICAT.
Shahsank, MICAT is a completely different exam. You XAT score will have no bearing on that. Prepare well.
GP Sir,
Could you please tell me some good options at 80.5%ile in xat?
Niharika, TAPMI, Welingkar, XISS, XIME are most likely to happen at this score.
with 98.4%ile overall and 72%ile in verbal is it possible to get xlri or ximb call?
Juner, XLRI calls are not possible. Extremely slim chance of an XIMB HRM call.
Hi Sir,
My XAT score 2016 is:-
Overall – 93.6
QA – 71.22
VA – 94.49
DM – 93.43
Work Experience – 43 months (Jan end) at a product based IT MNC.
Graduation – 76.2% Govt. based Engineering College – UPTU.
How are my chances for a call from XLRI HRM/BM?
Thanks and Regards,
Surbhi, hope you got the XLRI calls. Good luck!
Overall Percentile: 94.488
Verbal : 97.xx
DM: 90.xx
Quants: 76.xx
GK: 79.xx
Is a call from XLRI possible?
Shreyans, XLRI HRM call is possible.
Hello sir,
my XAT 2016 Score is QA-6 , VA-12, DM-10
i have applied to GIM,IMT,TAPMI and XIME.
will i get a call from these colleges. also wat will be my percentile?
Harshneet, all these calls are possible at this score.
i scored 14 in xat 2016.. in which college should i apply …
Danish, good colleges are not possible at that score. You must consider taking CAT 2016. Pick up a job and prepare along with it.
Sir,with XAT total score of 15,should I be expecting any calls?
pRagnya, decent calls are not possible at that score. You must consider taking CAT gain next year.
I got OA 29 ( quant-14.25, DM- 6.75, VA-7). Which calls I can expect??
Rajan, XIMB might be possible. Slim chance for SP Jain is the profile is good. IMT G will happen.
Sir, I’ve got an OA score of 24.5 in XAT. Is TAPMI possible at this score? Which other colleges should I apply for?
Tanzil, yes TAPMI is possible at this score.
my XAT score are as follows
QA :9.025
Verbal & logical ability : 75.719
DM : 11.557
can i expect any calls???
Rohan. calls from decent college are not possible at this score. You must consider taking CAT 2016. Pick up a job and prepare along with it.
Sir, I have got 42%ile in xat 2016 . In which colleges I should apply? I have a score of 22 in xat 2016
QA- 5 , DM- 9 , VA- 8. From which colleges I can expect a call
Kawaljit, you should be looking at XAT’17.
Hi GP Sir
I got 20..75 mks(XAT) in total. Is there any chances to get a call from TAPMI?
Abhishek, TAPMI is most likely to happen at this score.
Hi Sir,
My score as per official key is 31.45 ( VA – 7.733, DM – 9.735, QA – 13.981). Will VA be a spoiler? Do I have any chance to get the call from XLRI BM/HRM or SP JAIN?
Thanks and Regards,
Saiteja, VA will be touch and go.
XLRI HR and SP Jain might be possible at that score
Hello Sir!
MY score as per CL calculator-
VA: 13.xx
QA: 12.xx
DM: 11.xx
OA: 36.xx
GK 5
My profile- 85+ in acads….GEM…..30 months Wrkex
What calls can I expect?? ALso I am worried about my DM….with TIME keys I am getting 9.8 in DM….will that be good for clearing sectional?
Thank you sir !!
Ankur, with an overall score of 36.xx it is most likely that you’ll get an XLRI call. Even 9.8 is a good enough score to clear the cutoff.
Hi Sir,
My XAT score prediction is :
Verbal & Logical Ability 6.35
Decision making 11.867
QA & DI 4.833
Total 23.05
General Knowledge 8.0
X : 70.60 (CBSE)
XII : 64.20 (CBSE)
B.E. Comp Sci : 67.09 (RGPV Bhopal)
Work Experience : 46 months in Wipro Technologies.
Sir what are my chances and which colleges can I expect a call from like SP Jain, XUMB, GIM, Great Lakes PGPM.
Thanks in advance
Ajay with a total of 23.05 it’ll be difficult to get a call from the colleges mentioned by you
Hello Sir,
My score in XAT 2016:
Total : 33
Xth: 95.8% XIIth: 93% Engineering CGPA: 9.13 Work exp: 14 months
Will I be able to clear sectional cutoffs? Can I expect a call from XLRI, XIMB or SPJain?
Nilu, calls from XLRI is most likely to happen. XIMB and SP Jain call will certainly happen.
Expected scores are 22.35 in xat2016. What will be my percentile? I have applied for gim..will i able to get admission into it with this score?
Kanchan, please chek your expected percentile using the XAT Percentile Predictor.
Verbal-11.25 , DM- 9.25 and QADI-9.25 and total -30
Do I have any chance for SPJAIN or XLRI?
10th-92.5 12th-94.2 and Btech(IT)- 8.89 cgpa – State boards
wrk exp- 2 years
Lavanya, considering the score and the profile, SP Jain is most likely to happen.
Sir.I have calculated a score of 17-18 in XAT .What percentile can i expect? can i expect a call from IRMA?
Anurag, extremley slim chance of an IRMA call.
Is there any negative marking for paper 2 in XAT-2016?
UT, no, there is no negative marking in the paper-2.
Sir according to CL score calculator I’m scoring 22-23. will I get a call from TAPMI? Is 90+ percentile possible at this score?
Anjana, 90%ile is unlikely at that score. TAPMi call is possible.
Sir would be a score of 9 to 10 be sufficient to clear the sectional cutoff in DM this time?
Shreehari, you are most likely to clear the cutoff of DM.
I have attempted a few mocks. My overall score ranges between 26-27. What according to you should be a safe score to get a call from xlri for bm this year? The target score as per the table is 50. Is that the expected cut off for xlri; 50 out of 78 ??
Rizwan, I expect the XLRI BM cutoff to be around 37-38 marks. 40 would be a safe cutoff score.
Hello Sir,
Sir can you please suggest how many correct attempts would be required to get >99%ile.
Shitiz, for a decent percentile the attempts should be:
QA: 17 – 20 Questions
DM: ~ 18 Questions
VALR: ~ 25 Questions
Hello sir, my verbal is good, but Quant is really really bad, if I don’t clear my cut off in Quant but get good percentile in verbal, will I get a call from xlri??
Ankita, clearing all the cutoffs is a must for a call. The XL HRM cutoff of Quant is lesser than the same for XLRI BM. You can have a good chance of getting a XK Hrm call.
Sir, considering that there is no negative marking for GK, can I mark the answers for the questions that I know and then simply mark the same answer option, (example B) for all the rest and hope that at least 5 out of 25 are right?
Smriti, as per laws of probability you should get 5 out of 25 correct.
Hello Sir,
I have benefited a lot in my CAT exam from yours and Sir Gejo’s mock taking videos.
Are you guys planning to share similar mock taking videos for XAT ??
Abhishek, XAT mock taking videos won’t happen. However, it is likely that there will be a webinar for XAT. Stay tuned to know more.
Hello sir,
If we recall the DM section of XAT 2015, for few/many questions the answer key provided by the various institutes did not match with the official key. That means there no specific guidelines or common rules that one has to follow, and everyone(including the question paper setter) has a way of solving it. How is to be ensured that we are on the same platform as that of the paper setter,?
Sarat, the best way is to have a look at the previous year papers and try to access that what has been XLRI’s line of thought for each questions. It is most likely that you’ll find what type of answers do they expect. More importantly the answers should be fair and should not have any sort of an unfair bias towards any stakeholder.
facing immense probems in quant section of XAT. Feel that its too tough. I am able to attempt around 12-13 question in quant only. and get around 9-10 right.
Ayush, since the time of the exam has increased you should be aiming at solving at least 16-18 of them and getting 14-15 correct.
Sir my NMAT scores are:
Sir what are my chances? Should i go in for a retake?
SNF, you should go for a retake only if you expect to see a jump of 20 marks or so. Ideally, you should apply for XAT and should aim for the B-schools there.
Hello Sir,
I have solved all the previous papers (QA and DI) part from 2008-2015. Please let me know which material I should focus on for acing this section? How relevant are the MOCK CATs for XAT quants?
Karan, not all the questions from Mock CAT are relevant for XAT. It is advisable that you should be taking XAT mocks. Solving the previous year papers was a good move. Practice the Expert level questions from the Test Gym.
can you please suggest a way to prepare for the RC passages with real ambiguous options?
Also, it seems that the verbal reasoning part is a notch higher than CAT.
please suggest a way to go ahead.
Anadi, a good way to go about this would be to solve Test Gym questions of Advanced and Expert level. Also, taking the previous year XAT papers will give you a clear picture of your current level of preparation.
Sir does XLRI release sectional cutoffs in terms of marks or percentile after the exam?
I have a friend who got a HR call at 79 percentile in Quant but not the BM call, hence the doubt..In your post you have mentioned only the cutoff in terms of marks
Mukund, the cutoffs for the two programs are different.
BM – QA 90%ile, Verbal 80%ile, DM 80%ile overall 95%ile
HRM – QA 70%ile, Verbal 90%ile, DM 80%ile overall 90%ile
GP Sir,
Any chances for LR to be coupled with DS like it used to be in 2008-2009 because it never has been put together with VA. I think with fewer questions the chances are less for them to even turn up but still your say on this?
Vijay, this is unlikely, the pattern of the last 3 years will be followed.
Can you please suggest me some good books for the preparation of Decision making & Essay writing, for XAT ?
I would be highly grateful.
Deep, Descision Making is best practiced by going through the previous year XAT papers and by taking mocks. No book would suffice for this purpose. Even for essay writing no book can be beneficial. You can obviously search for some good tips over the internet. If you are a CL student you’ll be having sufficient number of DM and Essay Writing classes before XAT.
How many number of attempts are there for XAT ?
Sunny, XAT happens only once every year.
Sunny, usually about 12-15 attempts in each section and a net score of 30+ is sufficient for a call from XLRI.
Hello Sir,
what would be a healthy no. of question attempts in Xat 2016 to get a high percentile score.?
Aayush, will be doing a blogpost on it really soon.
i have XLRI HRM/Global MBA Calls..
Although on the net im not getting any concrete data on the next part of the process.
i am aware there is a GD and a PI
Will there also b a WAT?
Rushil, XLRI has a GD and an interview. WAT is usually not there is XAT because they have already made you write an essay.
Hello Sir,
My XAT score is
OA 95.4
QA 79.4
EL/LR 94.15
DM 92.68
Moreover I have a work ex of 27 months.
I have received a call from XLRI HR .Is there any chance to convert it at this percentile?
Nikhil, yes you can convert the call with a good performance in the interview.
I am expecting a score of around 22 in XAT 2015 according to the CL XAT score calculator. Though i am not very confident of about surpassing the sectional cut off in one of the section i.e Quant.
Would you suggest that i apply for the b-schools that consider the overall percentile/score and not sectional cut offs? if yes, which b-schools would you suggest i apply for.
help will be much appreciated.
thank you
Hello Sir
Am getting in XAT 2015 accroding to CL e-Omr
QA:- 5.75 🙁
VA:- 11.5
DM:- 10.5
Will i be able to make cut in XLRI BM?
Given QA was difficult than last year ?
Also please evaluate my options for XLRI HRM and XIMB and SPJAIN? so that i can start my gd pi sessions at CL centre?
Avi, XL BM is not possible at your QA score but HR is possible. XIMB is possible at your score.
Sir what is the marking scheme in xat. I heard somewhere it is .25 upto 6 wrong ques and .5 after that. Is that so? Please throw some light.
Shubhankit, it is fixed at +1 for a correct answer and -0.25 for each incorrect answer.
Hello GP Sir,
I got 211 in NMAT 4th window.
What are the chances for mumbai campus?
Sneha, you should get a call from NM Mumbai
Hello sir, what was the approximate XIMB-HR cutoff this year?
Rimsha, it was around 90%ile.
I will be appearinf for CAT 15 AND OTHER ENTRANCES in the next session. Could u please suggest me some good book for Decision making.
Esha, unfortunately there are no good books that are available for Decision Making and you will have to restrict yourself to your study material and old XAT papers.
Hi Sir,
What is your opinion on XIME and XISS?? Are they worth applying for considering the placements and ROI factor??
Syam, XIME Bangalore with an average salary of Rs 6 lakh pa can be considered. Similarly XISS can be considered for its HR program.
Sir there have been cases with incorrect options in past XAT papers. What should we do in such case? Randomly mark something or leave the question.
Also how is the marking for that question done?
a)0 to everyone and reduce maximum marks by one.
b)0 to everyone and no change in maximum marks.
c)1 to everyone and no change in maximum marks.
d)NOTA.(Please specify).
Hi Sir
Can you share over all and sectional cut offs for non Xavier institutes-SP Jain and IMT.
Also do they consider GK and Essay for score calculation at any stage?
GP Sir/ Gejo Sir,
Please please upload a video of how you would attempt XAT paper sir.
Your test taking strategies helped me a lot and other aspirants as well.
Eagerly awaiting your response sir.
Sir, Does XLRI and XAT or any other XAT institute have reservation and separate-cut off for NC-OBC? If so, plz provide the details.
Guruprasad, there is no reservation in the XAT institutes for OBC,, SC and ST candidates.
Respected GP Sir , I am a CL student and with god’s and CL’s grace I have recieved 216 over-all in NMAT and in sectionals QA-82 ; LS – 72 ; LR – 62, now the million $ question is can I clear this sectional in LR…??? last year it was 61 ..but dis year… will it increase ..? sir please throw some light thank u
Adarsh, most probably you will clear the LR sectional cutoff since the level of this section is similar to that of last year.
Hi Sir,
Your articles have always given a nice and apt start up for every exam. Thanks for your constant support. I need to ask you one thing that I am not sure about, Would it be a good practice to attempt all GK questions.?
When I went through the last year GK questions in XAT, I was not able to solve more than 2-3. Anyhow they are not going to add the marks in the percentile calculation then instead of getting lower than required why not attempting all of them and giving it a try( to get more than atleast 5-6 marks) if I get through.
Silly thought but it just came across my mind. What’s your take, Sir ??
GP sir i just want to know about the MBA in Global Management which is offered by XIMB .. Is it wrth going for ?? i mean what are the prospects,ROI etc…
Arka, at present XIMB Global Management should be avoided since it new and should be considered only if you have to do an MBA this year.
sir i have not prepared anythng for GK XAT till now. In these 20 days what shall i study for GK in order to get selected in the final selection sir ….plz reply soon sir i have very less time .!!
Sravani, go through the SNAP, IIFT, XAT GK material in your SIS E-Lib and the GK Quizzes, also do download the GK app.
Hello Sir,
I have two and a half years work exp in the manufacturing unit of a FMCG company. I have resigned the job recently to completely focus for the entrance exams. Will it effect my chances of getting into a good B-school if at all after clearing the cut offs in the entrance exams. Please guide me
Chirag, a large number of students in IIMs have a drop year and you too can make it. Year drop will be discussed in the interview and how you handle the question will be important.
Thank you for your feedback sir.
i have 73% in xth, 75 % in 12th , 57% in btech , but have the strong profile in extracurriculum , should i apply TISS entrance exam , and it gives MA in HR so is it equivakent to a MBA or PGDM?
Today is the last day for fresh application….so register….and When GP sir will reply then you can pay fee……last date for fee payment is 15-12
Neha, apply to TISS as it is among the best HR program in the country and its placements are similar to that yo XLRI HR. If your are interested in HR then TISS is a must apply institute. The name of the degree – MBA/MA/PGDM is not important as the industry treats TISS graduates as equivalent to MBA HR.
For selection profile is not important for TISS and it is your performance in the test and the personality process that is important.
Hope you have applied as suggested by Sunil.
Sir..when is the workshop on DM scheduled to be conducted.. Also Sir..something on quants would be very helpful in regard to XAT as it requires different mindset.
Sir,can a video on how you attempt XAT paper be made possible for us inorder to know your approach to the paper n all.
Thank you.
A video on analysis of previous year XAT papers as well as Decision Making will be uploaded in a couple of days.
Sir, where can i obtain XAT FLT and MOCK ?
I cant find the link to buy them either.
Steve, please contact you nearest CL center for XAT Mocks and FLTs
Hello Sir
When can we expect your mock attempts for XAT in recorded format . It will be really helpful.
Avishek, it is planned, but will take a week.
hello sir…could you tell me if there are any CL mock papers available for XAT?
Shreehari, four XAT papers (2 each of Mock and FLT) are available for XAT, please contact your center for the papers.
i eagerly need some advice i have just completed my graduation in may bcom (h) and spend the following months from then for cat cat went bad with 43 attempts 18 qa 25 va/lr (dunno the accuracy for english).i have decent acads above 90% in both 10th & 12th and 68% in i don’t knw what to do next..will working in a backend job coz thats mainly offered to freshers and giving cat 2015 the right option? is working in a backend job for a good brand better than venturing into family business?what counts as a better work experience for the pi round sir?plzz do advice..
Krishi, working is important and it does not matter weather it is a back end job or a family business.
While experience in family business is given weight it is also looked at with suspicion as you may not have worked at all and just get your father to issue a certificate and hence during the interview you will be grilled more. So if you plan to actually work in family business then it is a good option. Whatever you decide, start early so that you gain valuable experience and also have time to prepare for CAT’15.
hello sir,
what would you recommend for GK in xat and snap??
Hemant, the GK compendiums in your SIS E-Lib, weekly quizzes and the SNAP/XAT GK pack on your mobile.
hello GP sir,
thanks for the post. I have following 2 questions:
1. i am planning to take out 80- 90 minutest to solve say 10-11 easy to moderate questions in all the sections and then go for the aditional possible ones to ensure a very high percentile , depending on the post above. this will ensure me a 30-33 correct attempts which as aforesaid will get me some 95+ %ile and then 4-5 more will help me for getting that 98%ile mark secured.
Is it a good mind set according to your expertise?
2. i have been solvin 1-2 past paper for SNAP and XAt more on alternate basis, i plan to give 4-5 mocks for each to cross examine my strategies,then devoting my time to GK and vocab + essay is the preparation enough for both the fronts.
For DM i am depending on the past XAT papers and solving around 3-4 questions often as well. is it enough for the battle?
Also my major dilemma is what year papers are apt for the preparartion of SNAP and XAT both?
I am palnning for solving past papers from 2008 onwards for both the respective exams , is it fit?
Thanks again Sir.
Vivek, this approach in point 1 is followed by many students and is a good approach if you can implement.
Past XAT papers are you best bet for DM questions.
For SNAP and XAT the past papers from 2008 along with Mocks and FLTs are sufficient. The only XAT paper that you should ignore is XAT 2011.
Thanks for the reply sir, i am working on the earlier mentioned method, would you suggest any improvement in the approach or a better approach all together.
Also, while i have been able to put time towards preparing for SNAP and XAT i find that XAT LA is more inferential based and someone good at that can really lift his/her marks high, so can you suggest me some tips to face the inferential questions and/or some video and blogs.
Will be very helpful on you part.
Vivek, this approach is fine.
For inferential questions, please refer to the posts by Gejo on inferential questions and on RC in this blog.
hello gp sir
i am a fresher and will be writing xat 2015 .i just now solved xat 2014 ques paper in the given time frame and got the foll marks
so according to the previoys year result how much percentile would i have got and do xlri include gk marks also while preparing results for the written round?
XLRI only considers GK & Essay marks in Stage II
In the aptitude section (VA, QA, DM) an overall score of 28-30 and sectional score of 9-10 will be good for a XLRI call.
However if you are looking at XAT for colleges other than XLRI/ SPJain focus on the overall score.
Hello sir,
As we have done for the CAT and waiting for its result.but We have to start preparation , so can you please upload some materials to solve XAT DM section or come online classes for the same and English sections.
Thanks in Advance.
Baibhav, all CL centers are conducting additional sessions for XAT, please contact your center for the same. Will be uploading some additional videos on DM section.
Sir as guided by you, for essay writing I need to follow editorials. But is CL going to provide any extra material related to it? Like the guidelines and sample essays? Thanks!
Pankti, yes additional sessions (including for essay) are being conducted by all CL centers for XAT, lease contact your center for the details.
Hello Sir,
Thanks for this wonderful post,it gives so much clarity to XAT & XLRI selection procedure….
Sir 2014 was my 1st XAT attempt & my marks were as follows:
VA- 11.25(89.14%le), QA-6.25(82.04) & DM-5.25.(48.60).OA- 27.41(82.32)…Sir i had realized then that DM was my weakest section & rt now i am working on that.Also previous year i was not that well prepared.Sir could you suggest as to what should be my approach in this remaining 1 month.I know its a very vague question to ask as its me who should identify the strong & weak points & study accordingly but still can’t resist myself from asking you.
Suman I hope you are working on QA & DM.You will need a double digit score in both.If verbal is your strong area then you should focus on that. GK as well as Essay only come into picture in the final selection stage (10%). So XAT Score (65% weightage) is going to make a lot of difference.
Please make sure you attempt past year papers of XAT as well as CL Mocks.
Sir, Thanx for a great post.
What should be the sequence of 3 sections while attempting ? Could you give a general idea ?
Visharad, this is a personal preference based on your comfort level, my preference is Verbal, DM and then QA.
This has been my performance till now:
CAT:22nd Morning slot…QA 29 VA 33…Total 62 attempts…Was quite confident in marking all of them…That kind of confidence in marking every answer came only in 3-4 CL mocks out of 20 taken…My Accuracy in those 3-4 mocks was QA 95%..VA 85-89%…I entered 53-55 correct in CLPP and it shows 97.5-98.5..In IIFT too,due to my obsession with accuracy my attempts were low but got only 2 incorrect and that too in gk+rc and got around 35 marks according to CL KEY!My NMAT first attempt is on 13th and will also be taking SNAP and XAT…Please suggest me the plan(A weekly plan and some things that I should do daily) for these upcoming papers so that I can bridge the gap between my current preparation and the preparation required for these papers…Thanks in advance Sir!You have been a great mentor in the journey!
Anonymous, please call me at 9811155160 in the evening to discuss.
Dear GP sir,
Please tell me how to prepare for the GK section of XAT considering that there is only one month left for the exam?
I mean what should i do to prepare well within this 1 month to a decent score in xat?
Ravi, go through the GK compendiums for IIFT/XAT/SNAP in the E-Lib. Additionally you can attempt the weekly GK quiz in the SIS.
hello sir,
1) what is the course content of MBA in Rural Management(RM) and Strategic Management(SM) in XIMB ??
I am mainly interested in BM but I get advises that I should also apply for SM and RM beacuse 1st year is the same and 2nd year we have electivels and so..
BUT applying for them increases the chances of selection.
so little confusion
2) What is the approx cutoff for Odisha Domicile candidate for XIMB?
Thanks in advance sir 🙂
Shubham, RMa nd SM are best avoided unless you are desperate. The RM program of XIMB has not picked up and has (at best) average placements while SM is a new program and will take time to pick up. It will be best to stick to BM followed by HRM.
I do not have the confirmed cut off for Odisha domicile but it should be less than the general category cutoff which is usually around 94%ile for BM.
sir, can you please suggest some book or website from where I can prepare for decision making. I can easily do the ones in which we have to make decision on basis of some mathematical data provided in question. But can’t manage the other type of problems. Though I have XAT supplement provided by CL but I don’t think that’ll be enough.
Nishant, unfortunately I am not aware of any book or website that you can refer to.
Hi Sir,
Thank you for the informative article on the XAT exam. I have 2 questions/doubts.
Firstly, I am reading your book on ‘XAT Solved Papers’, I noticed that XAT paper of previous years have at least a few unsolvable/incorrect questions in Quant/DI sections. Is this a trend to go by ?, Can we expect this in XAT 2015 also ?, and what strategy can you advise for these unsolvable/incorrect questions which will unnecessarily consume time ?
My second question, is regarding the GK CL android app which I found useful for IIFT GK. Would Careerlauncher be releasing a XAT GK package for the app as well (like the IIFT app package), anytime soon ?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Dilip, Yes every XAT paper has a few questions that are not worth solving and should not be attempted as they are just a waste of time.
Regarding GK, we will be releasing packs for SNAP/XAT and TISS/IRMA shortly.
Can you please point me to some video sesions of CL?
I am unable to find it on SIS.
Ravi Jain
Ravi, check out the E-Learning Videos in your SIS home page.
How should one prepare for the decision making section?
Rohan, byt the DM questions in the old XAT papers and in the Mock CATs. We are planning a webinar/video on DM. Your CL center would also be conducting extra sessions for XAT.
thank you sir. But the thing is i could not attend the XAT sessions owing to college exams and the classes are over. there are no more backup classes also. i saw the papers but felt like i should have a little prior knowledge for deciphering the answers to the problems.
Rohan, take the exercises from your center, solve them and discuss your doubts with a faulty. DM is by and large similar to RC with common sense solutions. We will in any case be uploading a video on DM,
hello sir,
1) There seems to be a problem with the time allocated for XAT based sectional tests.
QA, DM and VA, for each section only 30 mins are given thus making it 90 min aptitude test. But CL mocks give 150 mins for the test.
2) Would a score of around 12,12,12 in each section suffice to get 98-99 percentile in XAT ??
thanks in advance sir 🙂
Shubham, will have point (1) checked and rectified. Thanks for the feedback.
A score of 12 x 3 would have been around 98%ile in XAT last year.
Sir does NM Mumbai have sectional cut-offs ?
My NMAT score –
Total – 220
QS – 87
LS – 54
LR – 79
What are my chances of gettin a call from NM mumbai ?
Steve, your LS score could be an issue. The LS cut off for NM Mumbai is 55 for the last 3 years. All other scores are very good, if possible go for a retake to increase your LS score to over 55.
my NMAT score is 216,
sir, i wanted to know wheather there is a chance of getting a call from NM-mumbai, given my past academic records are not good..
X th – 73%, XII th- 62%, GRAD-76%
Rahul, you should get short listed for NM Mumbai and should strat preparing for the next stage. Please contact your CL center for the schedule of PDP classes.
Dear Sir,
I am a CL bangalore student in the Marathalli M3 Batch. I’m preparing for XAT very seriously and consulted the current affairs pdfs given in the CL website for my IIFT. Although I was very happy to see some common questions, I was shocked to find out that No. 37 question in Current Affairs for NON-CAT exams pdf had answer WRONGLY marked as Andy Murray for the winner of 2014 Wimbledon. I had faced this question in this year’s IIFT and marked it as Murray(as per the pdf) but later was very sad to see that the correct answer is Djokovic.
Sir, can you please ensure that if there are any errors in the GK pdfs, they are removed. It would be sad if students lose marks in SNAP/XAT again for these errors.
Swagato, while nothing I say can rectify your loss in IIFT, I would like to apologise for this error on our part.
I am having these and the other questions checked again.
Thank you very much Sir. 🙂 Looking forward to receiving more tips in the coming month.
Hello Sir
Fantastic article and thanks a lot for this.
I would like to ask two things:-
1> When can we expect mock papers and other few XAT paper attempted by you and its video uploaded so that we come to know your way and improve with sufficient time left.
2>I am also CL-CP location student , when can i expect PDP sessions to start?Please guide
Avishek, a few days for both. For the schedule of PDP classes please contact your center.
Hi Sir,
I quit my job last year as i was confident that i’ll get through one of the many exams. But i didnt.
Now due to current market situation i am unable to find any job.
Will there be a problem if i take a break and prepare for next exams. Doing an MBA is my first priority but i am surrounded by many ifs n buts as i can face the same situation next yr as well.
pls help
Lalit (Btech 2011 with +2 yrs Exp in IT)
Lalit, a 2 year break is usually difficult to justify so it will be helpful if you can pick up a job – any kind of job is fine. Work with NGO is also acceptable.
REASONING -4.46 1.19
TOTAL 3.92 4.86
Sir This is my Xat score card
Which College gud with me…
Gautam, unfortunately no decent college is possible at your score. suggest that you consider options outside MBA.
Hi Sir,
What percentile should I get to get a call for FPM in XLRI, Jamshedpur? What are the other criteria they look at for this program?
Vamsi, call from FPM should be possible at a score of over 85%ile. Your research and academic orientations are critical for this program.
I have overall 78.83 percentile with sectional cutoffs as
QA: 59.21 percentile
ELLR: 85.42 percentile
DM: 74.54 percentile
From which colleges could i expect a GD/PI call.?
Trisha, calls from GIM, IFMR, LIBA and XIME are possible.
I have overall pecentile of 95.54.
QA= 59.21 %ile
ELLR=91.31 %ile
DM=99.10 %ile
From which colleges could i expect a GD/PI call.
You can expect calls from XIMB and IMT Ghaziabad.
sir, i have xat %ile of overall=95.54, qa=95.16, verbal=48.47, dm=98.76, %age of overall=34.94,qa=30.65, verbal=22.32, dm=55.21
what are my chances in the top b-schools? can i expect a call from XLRI, XIMB, XIME, IMT ghazibad?? what schools should i apply to with my scores??
Ak, please refer to the blogspot to know the cut-offs of XLRI, XIMB and other XAT allied institutes.
Hello Sir ,
My XAT score split-up is as follows :
TOTAL : 98.71
General Knowledge : 2.25 out of 20
Profile : Work ex 42 months
Std X : 85 %
Std XII : 93.5%
B.Tech ( graduation ) : 76.2 %
My Question is : Can i expect a call for XLRI and SPJain based on my XAT score and profile ?
Will my GK score be a bit of a downer if i get a call from XLRI ? Could you also please suggest few other good colleges which I can apply to based on my XAT score/profile ?
Vinith, please refer to the blogspot to know the cut-offs of XLRI, XIMB and other XAT allied institutes.
I have got 95.32 %ile in CAT with 92 & 93 sectionals in Quant & VA respectively which I have updated in my SP Jain form.
But I have got 89.9 %ile in XAT with 96.25, 95.75 & 15.95 %ile in Quant, VA & Decision Making respectively. Shall I update XAT %ile in SP Jain form coz I fear of rejection due to very low %ile in Decision Making???
Tara, your DM percentile may prove a spoil-sport. You have a decent score in CAT. Go ahead with that.
I am an ex-student of CL.My XAT result:QA=50.65 percentile ,ENGLISH=96.29,DECISION MAKING=91.47,OVERALL=91.85 percentile.I have applied to GIM,XLRI and XIMB. Do I stand a chance of getting a call from any of these 3 colleges.Are there any top colleges where I can still apply? Plz reply soon as I am short of useful guidance.
XYZ, XLRI and XIMB get ruled out because of your low QA score. You can expect a call from GIM though.
My XAT score is 77.95 percentile.
Cat score 81.3 percentile
10th 90.6%
12th 78.0%
BE 73.2%
Exp. 27 months (Honeywell)
What are my chances for great lakes pgpm?
Can you pl. suggest me some good colleges?
Amit, slim chances for the PGPM call from Great Lakes. Please refer to the blogspot to know the cut-offs of XLRI, XIMB and other XAT allied institutes.
Sir, I have got 80.62 percentile in XAT 2014. Which all decent colleges can i apply to through this score and expect a call.
Khush, Please refer to the post Cutoffs of XAT allied institutes for the institutes that you can get a call from.
Sir I have got overall 96 percentile in XAT.
IN VA 94, Decision making 98, But in quant 62 percentile..
Does XLRI & XIB has sectional cut offs ?? Which call can i expect to get ??
Aakash, unfortunately XLRI is unlikely due to your low QA score but XIMB should not be a problem. Please refer to the post Cutoffs of XAT allied institutes for the institutes that you can get a call from.
Sir, in XAT i have scored OA- 76.11 percentile, QA-84.95 VA-65.95 and DM- 59.39.. Which All colleges should i apply for?
Ishita, Please refer to the post Cutoffs of XAT allied institutes for the institutes that you can get a call from.
Sir, I have got 85 percentile in XAT. Which colleges should I apply for?
It seems this time there has been low cut offs compared to last year.
Ishank, at your percentile you should be aiming for GIM, TAPMI, IFMR, LIBA and XIME.
which college have reservation policy for sc/st students??
scored 60.25 percentile with 50 50 n 75 in each section.
Deepak, non of the XAT institutes have reservations.
Ok sir.
then which colleges should i apply for?
Hello GP Sir
My XAT scores are as follows :
QA 29.84 94.57
VALR 41.96 91.31
DM 51.04 97.36
TOTAL 40.06 98.71
But my GK score is 1.5 only. Do you think I have a chance to get XLRI BM based on my interview performance? If Yes, What should I focus on from now to prepare for that performance which can get me a seat in XLRI BM despite my low GK score?
Thanks in Advance.
sir ,
Got the biggest set back of my life . XAT Overall = 98.92%ile
quant = 56%ile .
Please suggest me any college which doesn’t take into account sectional ? spjain has sectional ?? jbim ??
Ravi, unfortunately this will be below the sectional cutoff for XLRI, XIMB and SP Jain and these institutes are not possible. Calls are however likely from all other XAT institutes like GIM, Great Lakes Chennai, 1year program, KJ SOmaiya and IMT G.
Your overall XAT score is very good and and gives you a decent chance in JBIMS, but since JBIMS (through DTE) accepts scores of CAT/XAT/CMAT/Feb’14 MAT, apply based on your best overall score out of these.
Ravi, colleges in Maharastra which offer admissions through DTE consider the overall score. SP Jain does look for balanced scores across sections.
Also sir, I have 7.25 GK score.
Sir is it advisable to apply for JBIMS too as an IMS candidate since I have scored over 99 percentile (99.02%ile) in XAT?
Manik, 99%ile is very good and gives you a decent chance, but since JBIMS (through DTE) accepts scores of CAT/XAT/CMAT/Feb’14 MAT, apply based on your best score out of these.
Sir, what is your take on IMS Ghaziabad, Kirloskar, Alliance University, Master school of Management? I met these schools’ representatives recently in a Mba Fair.
Aryan, Kirloskar can be considered but the others are avoidable.
Sir, my XAT score is 33. But I’m getting only 2.5 in GK. Do I have a chance in Sp Jain or XLRI?
Akshay, SP Jain is not a problem since it will not be using the GK score. XLRI will give you interview call but to ensure conversion you will need a very good performance to compensate for the low GK score.
Sir am getting 13.5+10.5+12.5=36.5 in Xat 14 and just 3 in GK….what chance do i have in XLRI bm and HR…should i consider joining global management?
Mathivathan, a very good interview will hopefully compensate for the low GK score in XLRI. You can consider the Global MBA program as a backup.
Sir i am expecting the following scores
VA- 12.25
QA- 0
Unfortunately i found the quants section very difficult, what are the chances of getting into TAPAI, LIBA, BIMTECH
Dear Divya,
you stand a chance in LIBA and outer chances in TAPMI and BIMTECH
Sir, you mentioned that most B schools accepting XAT scores only consider the overall score. My overall score will be between 28-32. However, I’ll be scoring no more than 2 marks in the QA section. Am I likely to be shortlisted for the next round based on my overall score?
Mayank, you should be able to get calls from all XAT institutes except XLRI, XIMB and SP Jain as these are the only ones that go for sectional cutoffs. You should Start PDP classes at your center immediately so that you are well prepared. Contact your CL center for the details.
Sir, The Subject of this mail is mainly to catch your attention but I have my reasons too..
A score by a student who has not studied at all….
VA- 14.25/28 😀
DM- 12/24 🙂
Quant- 1/31 🙁
Overall 27/83 😐
“After Not Studying at all”: Literally BINA PADHE, Only thing that worked in the XAT paper for me is “I read a lot of stuff” which is habitual for me since childhood.
I am a final year under graduate student from DU. I gave XAT for experience and didn’t studied at all (as you can see from my Quant Marks) but I tried to apply myself in VA & DA as they were based more on general understanding & I got good results from that. I literally just woke up & came to give the exams & I didn’t had any expectations at all. I didn’t knew anything in quantitative ability or any other section as I haven’t studied at all for these papers & literally took the paper very lightly as a joke. What helped me was the fact that I read a lot which helped me generate interest in Verbal Ability & Decision making & also that I have a very positive & rational mindset. Only reason I gave this paper because my friends were also giving it. I even registered myself at Career Launcher & paid around 35K but only went there for few days even less than a month & wasted my parents money for which I am solely responsible. I was so not serious about these XAT, CAT, SNAP paper to an extent that I even didnt registered myself for any college like XIM, XLRI, SP. Now i came to know that i am meeting the required criteria which is very surprising for Me. Now I am thinking of what should I do? because after not studying at all i am at least fulfilling the minimum cutoff!! i am just wondering what would have happened if i had Studied properly. Please guide. What should I do & What are the options available to me as I haven’t registered myself to any college…. Where can I apply & What should I do??
Dear Abhishek,
You can apply to XIMB, TAPMI, LIBA, G lakes- check out for their last dates on their websites. Also you should start preparing for your GDs and Interviews. Contact your nearest CL centre soon.
Sir I have checked answers to the QA section and GK sections so far. In QA I attempted 11 questions and I am getting 10 right. In GK, 9 correct, 7 wrong. Are QA and GK scores enough to clear cut-off? Could QA cut-off for XLRI BM be higher than 9.75?
Rana, the QA cutoff is unlikely to be more than 9 marks but please wait till Wednesday when we will be releasing the percentiles. GK, with a score of 6.75 is not a problem. Call from XLRI BM is possible. Please refer to the blogpost XAT 2014 Cut-offs
what’s ur take on today’s exam.
please come out wth ur feedback asap.
Sir I have done well in XAT but I have also applied to GMP programme in XLRI through GMAT as a safety option (in case I don’t inadvertently clear XAT) because I really want to study in XLRI. Is the GMP programme a good substitute for the BM programme of the institute?
Kartik, yes GMP is a good backup option.
hello sir
gud evening
hw much should we score in xat to get above 90%ile
Deepak, Please Check the CL Exam Corner in the evening for percentiles.
attempted xat 2012 paper
how are the scores???/
i have a query about the B-schools advisory.
Before that i want to provide some details.
as per the cl predictor my best case is 96 and the minimum predicted is 92(though it depends upon my judgement of accuracy) and i am advised to aplly for FMS,NITIE,MDI etc..What about institutes like IRMA,UPES. Shall i apply for those as back up.?
it will be very kind of you if you suggest more institutes as my back up.
Sir what would be the approximate minimum score in DM section required for a call from XLRI? Is it above 10? In that case, considering I get on average around 60% accuracy,should I attempt all the DM sets and everything in this section to be on safe side?
Sonu, a score of 10 would be required to be safe in this section and yes with a 60% accuracy you will need to attempt 16-17 DM questions.
Hello Sir,
i have been actively following this blog and it has made my preparations easier.
I would like to know the XAT cut offs with score for XISS, XIME, WELINGKAR, BIMTECH, GREAT LAKES.
Aman, the cutoff for XISS/XIME is likely to be around 20-22 marks, Welingkar and BIMTECH around 22-24 marks and GL around 25-26 marks.
i had several queries.
1.i have been solving previous year xat papers and my score is varying between 29 to 32.. Can,u advise me the strategy to maximise my score and in which order should i start attempting the paper.
2.will the cut offs be lowered in km cateory for xlri??? to allocate time. I usually tend to sit on a particular question,missing out on easy ones. The questions tht i leave start disturbing me.
i require some last minute tips.
thank you sir
Ayush, I have answered 1 and 2 in another of your query.
3. YOu will have to eave the difficult questions and focus on the 40 odd easy and the 30 odd moderate questions in the paper. The remaining 20 difficult questions are not to be attempted.
i attempted last yr xat papers,my score is fluctuating between 29 and 32.. Decision making gives me tough time. The basic problem which i faced while attempting is time management.
sir can u pls tell me the order in which i should attempt question paper.
secondly,sir being a km student what would be the score required in xat for bm and hr,considering the fact xat has 2 seats in tht category???
third, how many questions are generally on the easier side in xat i.e. Easy and do able.
waiting for last min tips sir.
hope u reply soon .
Ayush, 29-32 is a shade below the safe score for a call from XLRI but since you belong to KM category a call from BM is possible at this score. Hope you attended the DM webinar that was conducted a couple of days ago by Niraj, if not then please log in to your SIS and check the video.
In XAT the number of easy+doable questions would be around 35-40.
Sir, I read somewhere that GK section will have no negative marking. Is that true??
Shelly, I am not aware of this. To the best of my knowledge GK too will have negative marking. However the instructions on the test paper will clarify. Assume negative marking unless the instructions specify to the contrary.
Sir how much marks will the following the following percentiles mean ?
QA VA DM Total
60 78 65 94
i have taken this percentiles from official thread of XIMB from a famous social site . this have been stated cutoffs . so please how much marks will dis percentiles required in xat 2013 ?
Ashish, in XAT 2013 the corresponding scores would be:
QA 60%ile: approx 6 marks
VA 78%ile: approx 9 marks
DM 65%ile: approx 7 marks
Total 94%ile: approx 28 marks
I could not attend the decision making webinar yesterday. Could you tell me when the video will be available?
Thank You
Sindhura, it would be available in your SIS.
Can you please tell me the possibility at what % i can get a call from XIME ?
Rajat, a score of 85%ile should be able to get you an interview call from XIME.
Hello Sir,
Will the institutes such as XLRI, GIM, XIM extend their application dates?? Since i found that the admission process has closed.
Thank You
Aman, it is unlikely but let us hope for the best.
Hi Sir
I am using your book XAT Solved Papers, In the Mock Test 1 in the book, I scored 44 overall with nearly equal marks distribution across the three sections. Please tell me whether it is a good score and also please tell me what would a be a good score in the other two mocks.
Thanks and Regards
Vaibhav, 44 in mock XAT with equal distribution in the three sections is a very good score. In the Mocks any score over 35 is a very good.
Hi SIr
Thanks for the reply. But in the mocks in the book questions are weighted differently(i.e. some have 2 marks and few 3 marks). So are 44 marks still a decent score?
Thanks and Regards
Vaibhav, I mixed up the book with the Mock XAT and FLTs.
The paper you are referring to is based on XAT 2011 and in this paper the overall cutoff was around 45 with a sectional score on around 14-15 each in English & DM and around 9-10 marks in QA. However you should ignore this paper and focus on the XAT 2012 and 2013 papers wherein your target should be a score 35 but a score of 30+ can get you a call from XLRI BM.
Aabir, while the total, English and DM scores are fine, as rightly identified by you, QA is an area of concern and you should consider giving it 5-10 minutes extra for an additional 2-3 questions.
I have been out of station and hence could to take the XAT FLT1 and FLT2. I am still not in the city wherein my center is located and hence cannot collect the mock papers from the center. It would be really helpful if you could upload the soft copy of the two mocks(in .pdf) along with their solutions on SIS.
Sir , i too have the same problem… please help..i had posted this earlier but somehow it did not get posted……
Sugata, please repost your query.
Karan, which city are you in and which CL center are you enrolled in?
If the city has a CL center it will allow you to collect the papers if you have your ID card of receipt.
Sir, In CL MOCKs and AIMXAT I have been geeting 22-26 over all with constant score of 12+ in quant 99%accuracy.
But in DM and VA, I am able to score 10-15 combined.
Do you think with this kind of performance I have a chance GIM or may be XIMB?
Rohan, a score of around 25 will be required for GIM and around 27-28 for XIMB.
Thank you sir.
Dear Sir
I am enrolled in CL and I live in a place which is 50 km from kolkata. Sir , due to some reasons I was not able to give XAT mock . Can you please upload the XAT mock in SIS. I want your help desperately.
Sugata, will check and confirm.
Sir u said it would be better to take MAT to apply for JBIMS for OMS students.
Will there be no differentiation by the admission faculty of JBIMS as one person scoring 99.5 in CAT/XAT and the other getting same percentile in MAT though CAT/XAT are relatively tougher than MAT
Chiirag, in the past DTE has not differentiated between the test so go for the one in which you can get the highest percentile score.
Hello Sir
does spjimr consider sectional cut off in xat (Non-profile based)
Hello Sir
does spjimr consider sectional cut off in xat
Chirag, The sectional cutoff score for SP Jain is 70%ile.
If i mark an option and then later on if i want to change the option then its not an option. So if i mark two options then will the question be counted as not attempted or will i get negative marks for it.
Please reply.
In case you are talking about a paper pencil based test, it depends on the exam. In SNAP zero marks will be awarded in such a case and in other exams you may be penalized with negative marks.
GP Sir,
does jbims consider xat score if not which is the best exam other than cat to apply for jbims.
Chirag, an OMS candidate you will have to apply on the basis of CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/ATMA scores when DTE opens the admission window. For JBIMS you will need over 99%ile in entrance test and hence my suggestion is to take MAT as it is the simplest.
Sir kindly tell me what is the exact procedure for applying to JBIMS, Mumbai as an OMS General candidate? Does JBIMS consider XAT score and if so, what is the minimum percentile I need in XAT to get a call from JBIMS? Also, when will the forms of this college be out?
Ajay, as an OMS candidate you will have to apply on the basis of CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/ATMA scores when DTE opens the admission window. For JBIMS you will need over 99%ile in entrance test and hence my suggestion is to take MAT as it is the simplest.
Sir I have solved XAT 2013 paper & scored 29 marks (QA-9, DM-11, VA-9) Also for XAT 2012 & scored 27 (QA-8, DM-10, VA-9)
Please tell me how much % this converts to? Also tell me tips to increase the score?
Vishal, by and large you are on track, 29 in XAT’13 will be a shade below 95%ile while 27 in XAT’12 will be around 91-92%ile.
DM is fine but you need to work on improving your QA and VA scores by 2-3 marks.
hello, gp sir………………plz provide some stuff on decision making as soon as possible………….if already available then provide some refrences………….
and i want to ask you that analytical, critical, logical or intelligence which reasoning part is coming on xat .having some confusion plz……….clear……as soon as possible…………
Kirti, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
A DM webinar is scheduled for 2nd January, register at
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
thank u sir……………..
Hello GP Sir,
Please reply to the following queries:
Firstly I am targeting only XIM-B ( HR ) and IMT thru XAT. So , Can I leave GK section unattempted in XAT and rathar focus on maximizing my scores in other sections , because , I guess , GK scores are used by only XLRI during final stage of selection ?
Secondly, I gave CL FLT – 1 and 2 and scored 20-22 marks in both the tests (scores are : QA & DI – 11 marks , DM – 6 marks , Verbal – 6 marks ) so what is likely to be %ile in these tests ?
Finally , Give me some tips to improve Decision Making ? However , I am doing XAT Supplement for DM , Anything else that could help me out ?
And , lastly , thanks a lot for always replying to my queries.
Thanks once again
Gaurav, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
You can leave the GK section but the difference between XL HR and XIMB HR cutoff is only 1-2 marks and hence by not attempting GK you will miss out on a better institute. My suggestion will be to spend only 10 minutes on GK and the balance 140 minutes on the other 3 sections.
A score of 20-22 in the FLTs is likely top be between 80-85%ile DM and Verabl; arte the problem areas that you need to work on. My suggestion will be to focus on past XAT papers.
A DM webinar is scheduled for 2nd January, register at
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
sir my sem exams are going on . I have my last exam on 31st dec then I have my XAT on 5th Jan . What I can do in those 3-4 days ???????
Ankita, just revise the past XAT papers. A DM webinar is scheduled for 2nd January, register at
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
Hi Sir, I have seen that for some questions in past year papers, the correct answer is not present in the options. In that case what shall I do, mark the nearest possible or leave the question as unattended?
Rohit, my suggestion is to mark the best option among the choices.
Hello Sir,
I am a CL test series and non-CAT test series student.Where can we get the analysis for XAT mock and FLT papers?I have attempted XAT FLT-1 so far.Also suggest where can one prepare for the fill in the blanks questions involving use of articles as asked in XAT 2013.Looking easy at first sight,were quite confusing and options were too close.Also suggest how to prepare for fill in in the blanks involving use of homonym,homophone etc. which are quite common in mocks and past XAT papers.
Waiting for your reply.
Anurag, Apologise for missing out on your query. Your email made me search and pick it out.
The CL Acads team has responded to your email, repeating it for your reference.
The analysis of XAT Mock is available in the ‘Analysis’ tab in your SIS.
For preparation regarding usage of articles, the chapter on ‘Articles’ in the Fundamentals of Grammar book will be very useful. Any good grammar book will also be useful for preparation regarding usage of articles and for practising questions based on usage of articles. Try practising as many questions as possible.
Regular vocab preparation and presence of mind will be useful for tackling questions involving homonyms and homophones. You should know the different common homonyms, homophones, etc. and also know their precise meanings and usage rules.
Questions based on statements and inference are very similar to Critical Reasoning questions. Brush through your concepts of critical reasoning. You can practice these questions from CL Mocks, FLTs and past years’ papers of XAT. Do remember that the fundamental concepts in all these questions are the same. So if your basics are strong, you shouldn’t face any difficulty in answering the questions. Read the directions and the question stem properly, especially for the inference based questions, so that you do not get confused while answering them. Have confidence and belief in yourself and you will do well.
Hi GP sir,
I tried watching the decision making video given at SIS at the best resolution possible, but still it is not possible to read and understand from the screen/video . Sir , that video is of no use . Kindly do the needful. In case a better video is not available , is it possible to conduct a repeat webinar ?
Rahul, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
A DM webinar is scheduled for 2nd January, register at
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
Sir, I am not very good in quants. Moreover, to be honest, It is just from today that I aim to study for the 5th January’s paper. Though I’m am very good in english. Could you please suggest, few topics in quants (kindly tell me the specific topics like mensuration, simple interest etc.) that I should focus on? I am targeting collges like BIMTECH, GIM, IMT, TAPMI whose cut offs hover between 75-90. Kindly suggest me the way forward and help me.
Ishank, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
In the remaining 4-5 days to XAT, please focus only of the past XAT papers. If you are good in English then DM also should not be a problem and between these two sections you can target 25 marks, you should focus on getting a double digit score in these two sections. In QA focus on XAT 2012 and 2013 papers. in the other XAT papers (2008, 2009 & 2010) focus only on the question types that are there in XAT 2012 and 2013 papers.
The cutoff for most of your target institutes is 90%ile which can be achieved at a score of around 25-26 makrs.
A DM webinar is scheduled for 2nd January, you can register at
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
Sir why has this module been launched only for smartphone? Why can’t I use it in my laptop or PC?
Sonu, we keep experimenting with technology, the same papers are also available at your center.
Sir, Thank you very much for your suggestions. It was of immense help. Thank you
Hello Sir,
While practicing the XAT papers of CL,i didnt find the right explanation of this question
Mrs. Carson took a taxi to meet her three friends for lunch. They were waiting for her
outside the restaurant when she pulled up in the car. She was so excited to see her friends
that she left her tote bag in the taxi. As the taxi pulled away, she and her friends took notice
of the license plate number so they would be able to identify the car when they called the
taxi company. The four license plate numbers below represent what each of the four
women thinks she saw. Which one is most likely the license plate number of the taxi?
a.JXK 12L
b. JYK 12L
c. JXK 12I
d. JXX 12L
Answer is-‘a’
Could you explain….
In the given options we can see that the all the four women noticed the first alphabet as “J”, again three of them notice the second alphabet as “X”, three of them notice the third alphabet as “K” and the second half of the registration was noticed as “12L” by three of them. Hence, the most probable number should be “JXK 12L”.
hello sir, does jbims consider xat score if not which is the best exam other than cat to apply for jbims.
Chirag, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
JBIMS will consider CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/ATMA scores for non Maharashtra students but the preferred exam is MAT since it is the easiest. Maharashtra students have to take CET.
Dear GP Sir,
Does all the students who clear the overall and sectional cut-offs of XLRI BM and HRM programmes get calls or the calls are given at 2-3 percentiles higher than the cut-offs. If it is given at cut off percentiles , then is not the large number of students invited for the GD-PI stage a problem for authorities?
Manish, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
There are both sectional and overall cutoffs. The overall cutoff is usually at 95%ile but not all make it to the interview list due to the sectional cutoffs.
I have been past years papers of XAT….My scores have been inconsistent….XAT 2013 paper i got 24.25 marks and in XAT 2012 paper i got 34 marks and in XAT ock and XAT FLT 1 i got 24.5 and 33.5 respectively….for me it comes down to if the questions click on the given day at that given time…..please suggest any tips to improve upon this….
Sumpunn, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
In the next 4-5 days just revise all the past XAT papers (except 2011).
Sir, are there any sectional cut offs for XIMB ? Also,does XIMB consider GK and essay scores?
Shelly, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
XIMB does not have sectional cutoffs and till last year it did not consider the GK and Essay scores.
Hi Gejo sir ,
I got confused in 27 of XAT FLT 1 . How to decide whether the tone is descriptive or narrative ?
Thanks and regards,
Rahul, apologise for missing out on your query.
Rahul Krishna from CL Acads team has emailed his response to this query and I am repeating it for your reference.
Your question is quite relevant. Narrative and descriptive may appear to be very similar options. However, the difference between the two is that a narrative tone would be precise (relatively terse). It would not provide emotional/sentimental elaborations but would simply present the flow/sequence of events. Descriptive tone on the other hand will include such emotional/sentimental elaborations and exaggerations. The given passage does not merely present the sequence of events but also presents the narrator’s emotions/feelings, etc. Hence, the tone of the passage is descriptive and not narrative.
Sir how to crack Decision Making questions?
Aashish, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
A DM webinar is scheduled for 2nd January, register at
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
Sir I have mailed you xat related query at .. please take a look sir
Raj, it has been responded to.
Hi GP sir,
What should be the target speed and accuracy for DM ?
Thanks and regards,
Rahul Arora
Sir it has been mentioned that XAT-2014 will be a ”discriminatory paper”. What is the meaning of this? Does it mean there will be a differential marking system in the paper as it happened in XAT-2011?
Sonu, where is this mentioned, I have not seen it.
Sonu, went through the article, discriminatory here means that the questions will be of varying level of difficulty and hence that the paper will be able to discriminate between the good and not so good students. It does not refer to differential marking.
Sir,I am curious to know what is the average score for a total 100 percentile in XAT. Has it been more than 50 marks usually?
Kanchan, I have not tracked this but my estimate is that the highest is unlikely to be above 60 marks.
Sir I have solved XAT 2013 paper & scored 29 marks (QA-9, DM-11, VA-9) Also for XAT 2012 & scored 27 (QA-8, DM-10, VA-9)
Please tell me how much % this converts to? Also tell me tips to increase the score?
Aakanksha, the XAT cutoffs for XLRI are given in the table at the end of this pot. XIMB cutoffs will be 1-2 marks below that of XLRI BM.
Hi sir,
Can we say that Parajumbles in XAT are easier than those in CAT ? I am feeling this because I used to face difficulties in CAT parajumbles ( and use to leave them always ) while I was able to get 2 correct in XAT 2013 , and 2 correct in XAT 2012 leaving the one difficult question in both the papers .
If yes , then I may think about attempting it in XAT 2014 , otherwise it has always been wise for to leave them .
Thanks and regards,
Rahul Arora
Rahul, yes in general you will find XAT para jumbles to be easier than those in CAT.
Hello Sir,last year when i appeared for XAT 2013 i could manage only 5 marks out of 25 in DM whereas when i was practicing the same paper few days back i could easily manage 11-12 marks.After analysing i saw that it was the poor selection of questions that led to my low scores.If there is anything that you can suggest for same ?
Shirish, practice DM questions from XAT papers of 2008 to 2013 and hopefully this will make you comfortable with all kinds of DM questions. In general the Mathematica DM questions are time consuming and should be avoided.
The Video on DM that’s been uploaded on SIS is unclear and shoddy (even with the highest resolution) , please look into this and re upload if possible sir.
I am ok with VA,Quant sections,but donot know how to crack DM , hence the worry. Please guide me sir.
Thanks 🙂
Bharat, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
A webinar is scheduled for 2nd January, register at
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
sir, does essay taken during xat is considered in other bschools as well, i.e. other than xlri.
or is it just the sections which are considered.
what if I leave essay, if I am not applying for xlri
samie, only XLRI considers the Essay, other B schools do not.
Do not leave the essay, since the score required for a call from XLRI and XIM B is almost the same.
well thanx alot sir,
does that means that essays contribute to the overall %le sir, is that so?
samie, essay does not contribute to percentile. Percentiles calculation is on the basis of Aptitude score only.
Sir,does spjimr consider sectional cut off in xat
Sir, what could be the cut off for sp jain incase a student gets profile based call ?
Ritu, for a profile based call also a student should have over 85%ile
sir, how much marks will 85 percentile amount to ?
Ritu, it should be around 25-26 marks.
Hello Sir,
In XAT 2008-2010 Papers , logical reasoning was part of Decision making..but in last 1-2 years, this trend has changed and we have 90% DM questions in the section.. Can we expect same trend in XAT 2014 ?
Varenya, I expect the XAT 2012 and 2013 trend to continue.
hii varenya, same happened with me too..did you try calling to admissions office?
The postal site says to have delivered my documents a couple of days back but today i received a mail from xlri that my documents arent received, please send immediately. my documents are complete, i am sure. what should i do?
Varun, send them another set of papers immediately. You should take a screen shot of the postal site and send it to them along with the documents.
Sir i have a ques.
Which of the statements are strong/weak
Should the railways be privatized in India in a phased manner like other PSUs.
a) Yes, this is the only way to bring the competitiveness and provide better services.
b) No, This will pose a threat to the national security of our country as multinationals will enter into the fray.
Prateek, apologise for missing out on your query.
Rahul Krishna from CL Acads team has emailed his response to this query and I am repeating it for your reference.
Argument a is strong while argument b is weak. It is quite plausible that privatizing railways may be essential to make them competitive. Making the railways competitive is a meaningful objective and hence argument a is certainly strong. On the other hand, it is not at all plausible that the arrival of multinationals will threaten national security. Multinationals are already present in the country in large numbers. Hence, argument b is weak.
sir, i have gone through all the papers of xat……but found maths very tough….kindly give some tips on how to improve the QA score??
will an overall score of 30-32 be enuf for xlri call??
Shivani, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
Focus on XAT 2012 and 2013 papers, QA in the earlier papers was difficult and hence should not be be considered. A score of 30-32 is usually sufficient for a call from XLRI but you should target a score of 35-36 with 10-11 in QA and the balance in the other two sections.
thank u so much sir. one more query…what role does essay writing play in XAT?? i mean how important it is??
My acads r as follows:
10th – 81.1%
12th- 79.69 %
BTech – 7.65 cgpa (71.1 %)
Assuming i perform well in xat then wat r my chances of converting xlri call with this acads. I have no work experience and m a final yr student. Is there any chance?
Harsh, you have good acads so you need not worry.
Sir when you say:”The cutoff for XLRI is usually around 30 marks and a score of 40 leads to more than 99%ile.” do you include GK score in this 30 or 40 marks? I mean, does a total score of 40 including GK make it to 99%ile in XAT or excluding GK? I have scored 40.5 in this mock XAT held yesterday but including GK. Excluding it I have scored 29. Kindly mention what would be overall percentile based on this? (QA-11,VA-12,DM-6)
Piyush, this is without the GK marks. A score of 29 in XAT is likely to be around 95%ile
Sir I am very worried and in deep trouble. Today in the mock XAT of CL, I scored 16.5 in verbal and 15.5 in QA. But could manage only 1.5 marks in DM section, ended up getting only 4 correct and 10 wrong. If I cannot clear DM cut-off I will miss a call from my dream institute XLRI. But I am unable to do much about this because there is no good book on DM available and I found the DM questions of this mock extremely tricky as I went through the solutions.
Sir please suggest some really excellent source for understanding how to crack DM with high accuracy. I am really worried if I can ever be successful in this section, it totally puzzles me.
Rana, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
Yes, inability to clear any one section will lead to you losing the call. On the positive side your overall attempts and your score inn the other two sections are very good.
Please go through the DM video available in your SIS for a better understanding of this question type. Practice the DM questions from past XAT papers.
Thank you for the reply sir! Sir, before starting my DM course,I just once again need your assurance that a very pathetic student like me who could manage only 1.5 in a mock, can also score 10+ in the section in actual exam. Sir, is it possible if I work really hard for this section?
Rana, it is not difficult, practice the DM questions in the past XAT papers.
Sir how many question should one attempt in each section to secure a XLRI and XIMB call?
Sumit, a double digit score in each section is usually sufficient to clear the sectional and over cutoffs for XLRI and XAT.
What would be the approximate marks that one should get in order to fetch a XLRI BM/HR call?
Soham, a double digit score in each section is usually sufficient to clear the sectional and over cutoffs for XLRI BM and HR calls. Please check the last two year cutoffs given at the bottom of this post.
Do the institutes accepting XAT scores make the GD/PI calls based only on the marks or do they consider academic profile as well?
If the profiles are considered,what according to you is a more or less safe score to ensure a call from these institutes?
Soumak, apologise for the delay as I was travelling.
Most of them use only the marks to shortlist candidates.
i attempted both the FLTs of is my performance
decision making-12.75
decision making-12.5
how you rate it?
Rhitwiz, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
Your overall performance is good and will clear the sectional cutoffs also. However in QA a couple of extra marks are possible.
Sir being a SC student,do you suggest to give XAT exam??
Or should I just concentrate on MH-CET and CMAT??
Nathan, XAT does not have reservation so it will not give you any advantage. If you are from Maharashtra then MH-CET should be your focus, if not then CMAT will not give you any advantage because there are no reservations in CET for OMS category.
hence if from Maharashtra, focus on MH-CET, if from outside Maharashtra then focus on XAT.
So you say ,I being a Maharashtra student, better prepare for MH CET than CMAT (feb).
I gave CMAT in sept and scored 155( with 50% preparation) .
Nathan, a Maharashtra student has to take CET and not CMAT. You do not have an option.
thanks a lot sir…
Hi GP sir,
Is the DI easier in XAT in comparison to CAT or should I practice logic based DI from CAT papers 2000 – 2008 . I have already completed calc based DI from 1990 – 1998 CAT papers..
Will revising DI from proc + unproc mocks be a good idea for XAT DI ?
What is a good preparation strategy for XAT DI ?
Rahul, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
DI in XAT is simpler and what you have done is more than enough. Focus on the CAT papers of 2000-08, Mock CATs have difficult DI.
Hi GP sir ,
Is it possible to maximize one’s score through DM section in XAT ? I am asking this because at my center I am being told that we cannot count on DM , as one ends up getting these questions wrong without realising, but I am not able to completely agree with this , and hence i thought of conforming this with you .
Is it mostly a better strategy to give preference to DM sets rather than LR in XAT as LR is very very difficult in XAT ?
Please answer both the queries seperately.
P.S :- I am fairly comfortable in DM .
Rahul. I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
I have a difference of opinion with your faculty. DM to me is common sense and if you are comfortable with it then DM should be attempted.
LR (or mathematical DM) in XAT which is not difficult but time consuming and hence is not my preference.
Thanks a lot sir for telling this to me. I am of the same view as you , but the point made by the faculty member confused me and made me think whether I was making a wrong strategy for myself , by giving preference to DM . Sir , what should be the target accuracy for DM and also the target speed. As of now, my accuracy in DM is around 70% and I attempt almost all the DM questions.
I’ve written quite a few XAT mocks and i’ve stumbled across an incorrigible fact- If you do DI, you decrease your score. THe DI’s are of a much higher level and calculation intensive w.r.t rest of the quant section and attempting DI doesnt look all that conducive. In a paper like XAT, what would you do w.r.t DI?
themellifluousbitsian, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
I will, in the paper, check the DI sets (data, questions and choices) and then decide if I should attempt or not.
As per given in the Xat website, gk scores will not be calculated in the overall percentile,and last year it was only used by XLRI during the PI stage.So if I m only aiming for the non-XLRI institutes will it be better to leave the gk section in the main paper and give those 15-20 mins time to the other sections that will help me increase my overall percentile?? please clarify.
Priya, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
The cutoff for the top XAT institutes – XLRI, XIMB, SP Jain etc is usually 95%ile and hence my suggestion is not to ignore GK to ensure that you are in contention for XLRI also. Further more, the time saved in GK is likely to be 10 minutes and in this time you will be able to attempt max of 3 questions.
While filling the XLRI form, I filled in HR as option 1 and BM and option 2, although I didn’t put it as a sort of preference order. Now I am worried that it was supposed to be in order of preference and BM is my first choice. What should I do ?
Irshad, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
This had to be in order of preference. Please write to with a copy to and request for a change in order of preference.
Will clearing the mentioned sectional and overall cut offs ensure a GDPI call from XLRI or are these cut offs used to just shortlist the students and then call the top performers from the list for the GDPI?
Varun, clearing the sectional and overall cutoffs will get you an interview call.
Dear GP Sir,
While practicing essay writing I have found that while I am very good in the English part and sentence construction, many times I am unable to write a lot of things simply because I am not well aware on the topic given. For example, XAT-2009 essay was about capitalism versus socialism and I found that unless I have a very deep knowledge about this subject, my essay content won’t be very good and insightful.
So in the few days left, what according to you are the various subjects one needs to revise and gather deep knowledge on so that the essay content can be made rich?
Arun, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
You can go through the GK Compendiums available in SIS to update yourself on some of the important issues.
Sir will revising the Proc-mocks and unproctored mocks from SIS once again be wise for XAT-2014 preparation?For the VA and QA portions I mean.
Paul, yes this would be helpful.
Hello Sir i just need to know that how much marks one should target(assuming out of 25) in Decision Making section of XAT to get a percentile between 75-80 ?
Shirish, a score of 9-10 marks is usually a very safe score for 80%ile in DM.
Thanks 🙂
sir..i had a look at all the papers of xat…found QA very tough(except for 2013 paper) ….kindly give some tips on what to study?? which topics and from which books?
i have arun sharma, sarvesh verma and all CL material.
sir pls let me know the cut off for XIMB? and its average package also.
Deepika, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
XIMB cutoffs for MBA is around 95%ile and for HR around 90%ile.
The package is around Rs 9-10 lakh pa.
Deepika, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
focus on the type of QA in XAT 2012 and 2013. XAT 2011 has to be ignored and the earlier papers had a different orientation of QA. Focus on Arithmetic and Algebra.
Hi Sir, thanks for the wonderful analysis of XAT. In XAT-13, last year, I got the following Percentile
Decision: 98.5%
Verbal: 95.5%
Quant: Just 3 Qns attempted!
Overall: 85%
As You can see from the above percentiles, other than quant I believe, I did well in other sections. I have used just 10 minutes for solving quant questions, for the reason that I have spent all my time on Decision and Verbal.
Now my question is:
a) Is it ok to spend most of my time decision and Verbal and solve around 10 Qns out of 36 in Quant to clear the sectional and overall cutoffs of XLRI?
b)What are the top colleges under XAT which do not bother about sectional cutoffs?
Hi GP sir ,
What percent of the questions of GK in XAT are expected to come from the following :-
1. Understanding of finance/economy terms/jagrons
2. Current affairs
Is there any analysis available for the kind of GK that is asked in XAT ( as per the last years pattern ) .
Thanks and regards,
Rahul, GK was reintroduced in XAT’13 after many years and had static questions and of current affairs. Pleasse check XAT’13 paper available in your SIS to get an idea of the questions.
I am a consistent CAT 70% in CL mocks. My academic record
10th – 69.2
12th- 51.4
B.Tech – 63.2
Sir I have applied for Xlri bm program. I know much amount of hard work is needed. What are the chances of selection?
Sir kindly guide for an appropriate strategy for call from Xlri bm program? Should I practice level 3 questions from TEST GYM?
Kindly help!
Rajan, apologise for the delay as I was travelling.
Make sure you attempt the past XAT papers at least twice. Your target should be to get a 10-11 in two sections and around 15-16 in the third one. This will ensure a score of 97-98%ile and a call from al the XAT institutes. Level 3 questions of English are okay but those of QA are not required.
sir can you please tell about the focus areas in gk over a period of 5 yrs. do they ask static gk or only current affairs?
Aashish, apologise for the delay, I was travelling and hence the delay.
GK was reintroduced in XAT’13 only and it had questions of static aGK and current affairs. Your GK preparation for SNAP and IIFT should be helpful for XAT also.
sorry for asking on the wrong post…
I want to know does JBIMS consider MAT scores???
If yes which is a better exam to take btw CMAT and MAT to maximise chances of getting into JBIMS??
Also G.K is my weak section.
Vishwaas, yes JBIMS considers MAT scores and it is better to go for MAT as it is a simpler paper as compared to CMAT and a higher score is possible. For JBIMS your target MAT/CMAT score should be at least 99%ile
sir will mat be conducted again this year so that its score can be used for JBIMS??
and is GK a part of MAT??
Vishwas, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
MAT will be conducted again in Feb and you can appear in it for JBIMS. GK scores are reported separately in MAT.
Sir in one of your posts of june ’13 “The DTE Conundrum” u have said that essentially only CMAT will help u get into JBIMS…that it considers scores for other exams only if seats are left???
Vishwaas, this was for 2013-15 batch. This year candidates belonging to Maharashtra have to take CET and non-Maharashtra candidates can take CAT/XAT/CMAT/MAT/ATMA but MAT the recommended test.
Sir my CMAT score is 99.35%. Should I apply for JBIMS?
Aman, I have been travelling and hence the delay. Apologise for the same.
Yes, you should apply for JBIMA. Your percentile could however change with the combined results of the Sep’13 and Feb’14 CMAT. It might be useful to take Feb MAT as you could be above 99.5%%ile in it.
Brilliant article sir! Sir,won’t CL be conducting All India mock XATs? Kindly inform when. Also, since essay writing is of 20 mins, what would be the actual duration of the written or MCQ/objective part of the test?
Sourabh, Mock XAT is scheduled for 25th and 26th Dec, please contact your closest CL center for the date/time.
The time break up is:
Aptitude+GK – 150 minutes
Changeover – 10 minutes
Essay – 20 minutes
1st of all, very informative article that you have put here.
Secondly, its mentioned if you get a score of 40 the %ile will shoot up to 99%ile,..??..
No offence but is this information Validated by someone?..
Ashwin, this is based on the data that we collect from students but no third part validation.
sir can u pls tell me the sectional cutoffs in xat for xlri-BM? like i saw in past papers that QA and DI are combined…so would it be ok if i leave DI and do only QA?? kindly elaborate a bit on sectional cutoffs..also which is the most important area in maths which i should focus upon from xat’s point of view?
Jahnvi, the sectional and overall cutoffs for the last 2 years are given in the table at the bottom of this post.
It is okay to attempt only QA and leave DI as XAT does not have sub-sectional cutoffs.
Arithmetic and Algebra are the most important areas in QA for XAT.
I heard that there will be a mock test for XAT organised by CL.
I do not know any further details about registration and others.
Can you give us the details?even the timings.
Thank you
Sreeja, which city are your from? Which is your closest CL center?
Sreeja, which city are your from? Which is your closest CL center? The timing will vary depending upon the city.
Sir, how is XIMB RM program? i don’t have any about it pls guide me.
i mean after mba job role,profile,future prospect etc as compared to pgdm/mba.
Ashutosh, XIMB RM is a decent program but has not really picked up. It is an MBA with Rural Management specialisation similar to that of IRMA or ABM of IIMs. The placements are significantly lower than that of XIMB MBA or HR. You can expect an average salary of around 5 lakh pa post this program.
sir i am general category student. i gave all exams except nmat. but after giving exams like cat iift snap i found out that i stand nowhere..just last exam xat is i am nervous also whether i get good percentile or not.i have applied for xlri.i want anyhow perform very good.i hv gone through past xat papers..sir i wanted to get into xlri as this is the last exam for me. what will be my strategy to maximize the score? considering i am good at quant & DM, but not in verbal.plz guide me sir to get into xlri.
Anhishek, apologise for the delay, I was travelling and hence the delay.
The past XAT papers would have given you a good idea of the XAT verbal section. Since you are good in DM, the RC in verbal should also be comfortable for you. Additionally you could focus on para jumbles and sentence completion. You target should be to get a double digit score in Verbal section and about 12-15 in the other two sections. A total of 35 odd in XAT will assure call all XAT institutes.
I have been very disillusioned since CAT. My CMAT scores (259/400) didn’t get me a call from the B School I wanted and predicting my CAT score based on correct attempts is difficult since my VA section is always variable. So I have not done so. However, I keep worrying about the unpredictable nature of such exams and that leads to a lot of tension as I want a call NOW. Please help.
Also, is Competition Success Review a good source of GK for the XAT paper? I am following that mainly.
Aman, 259 in CMAT is a good score and can get you interview calls from GIM and KJ Somaiya. Last date for GIM is 31st Dec and for KJ Somaiya it is 15th Jan.
Do fill in the Percentile Predictor in CL Exam Corner, while it is difficult to be sure of the number of correct answers you can get an idea of the range in which your CAT score is likely to be. You can give two different estimates of estimated correct.
If you have been reading CSR regularly then it is fine else do not start it now. Either way, in the remaining two weeks focus on the GK Compendiums and Question Banks available in your SIS for XAT.
Okay. Thank you sir. I have been looking to contact someone from CL and searching for a CL email id. Didn’t find one so ended up here again. I follow your Smart Quant Cracker series. And I had some doubts.
1. For GK should I follow only the XAT Compendiums or also the ones you have put up for TISS and SNAP and such exams??
2. I am aiming for XLRI BM. What should be a rough estimate of the score I should aim for in such a case?
Aman, for GK cover all the compendiums and question banks available in SIS.
For BM a double digit score (10-11) in two sections and 15-16 in the third is a very safe score.
I have filled XAT and i belong to sc category.
I have applied only for XLRI.
does XLRI gives any relaxation to sc candidates ??? if yes then how much percentile is required to get call???
Sourabh, XLRI does not have any reservations so there are no relaxations.
Sir, for xat how many questions need to be correct for getting more than 80% in quant? i know its depend on the difficulty level but on safer side how many needs to be correct?
Vishal, check the cutoff table at the bottom of this post. QA cutoff is usually 90%ile for BM and 70%ile for HRM.
how to prepare vocab and lr for xat…
Hope u reply asap sir..
Ayush, for vocab you can follow what I have suggested in the blogpost Crack Vocab & Sentence Correction in 60 days
I wanted to know that colleges which accept both CAT and XAT score will be normalizing the scores and then calling ?
Like , if a student gets 90 percentile in CAT and another gets 95 percentile in XAT, so just these percentitles(90, 95) will be compared or some other criteria is followed which will noramalize the scores based on different exams .
MadhuPriya, most of the top institutes do not differentiate between CAT and XAT but tend to discount the scores of other tests like MAT/CMAT.
Sir,is there negative marks for gk qns as well..?? I dont think there was negative marks for gk qns last years.
Please Clarify,
Shanmuganandam T, there are negative marks for GK also.
10TH: 77.2%
12TH : 70.2%
B. TECH( till 6th sem) : 67.6 %
NMAT SCORE 187/360
CMAT SCORE 196/400
Abhishek, while NMAT and CMAT scores are low, with an expected CAT score of 94-98%ile you have a chance from top MBA institutes. Please check the B School Advisory on the CL Exam Corner for a list of institutes from where interview calls are possible based on your estimated CAT score.
MDI, NITIE, XIMB and SP Jain are all possible.
Sir please clarify this. Will the XAT paper be of 3 hours duration and then there will be a 20 minute essay writing? Or will the essay be provided alongwith the main paper and we have to submit everything after 3 hours?
Sir I can see in your article that you have included essay section within the 3 hour XAT. But some mock institutes of XAT are taking the XAT paper mock of 3 hours excluding the essay and in your analysis, the total is adding to 170 minutes (135+15+20) and not 180 minutes. So I am feeling confused. Please clarify this.
Bhoomika, XAT has clearly specified that the entire paper is for 3 hours so the essay has to be within this period of 180 minutes.
Please refer to FAQ no. 8 on the XAT website.
8. What is the duration of the test?
The test will be of 3 hours i.e. from 10:30am to 01:30pm.
Out of the 150 minutes of the Aptitude + GK I have suggested 15 minutes for GK and the remaining 135 minutes for Aptitude. 10 minutes for changeover and 20 minutes for Essay add up to 180 minutes.
Bhoomika, XAT paper including the essay is for 3 hours. It is likely to be 150 min for Aptitude + GK, 10 minutes for collecting the OMR sheets and distributing the Essay sheet and 20 minutes for the Essay.
Thanks a lot sir! Today in the admit card, it has been specifically mentioned that the XAT will be of 150 mins from 10:30 to 1 pm followed by 20 min essay writing. You were totally right. However, many coaching centers misinterpreted this earlier and provided several mocks of 3 hours aptitude test. I wasted my money.
Bhomika, it happens, at times people assume without going through the instructions/FAQs. If you have not attempted some of these 3 hour tests then take them in 150 minutes. All the best.
Since, GK is included in the 150 minutes paper, so does that mean GK score will be counted to calculate the percentile? Please help.
SAgar, GK score will not be used for percentile calculation. Please refer to the FAQs in the XAT website.
what is the difference between mms and pgdm in colleges of mumbai like jbims,kjs,welingkar,simsree etc..
hello sir…i have completed my graduation and want to pursue mba now…i have given cat, iift, nmat, snap and last would be xat. although i studied a lot and gave my 100% but still i am not having any hope of clearing any of the 4 exams.
sir i am very tensed..pls advice me what to do…what can be the options for me if i dont clear any entrance exam….
a prompt reply will be appreciated. thank u in advance.
Astha, give your best shot to XAT, it is a different kind of paper and many students wh do not do well in CAT end up with a good score in XAT. Let us disucss non-MBA options after you are done with XAT.
ok sir…den kindly give me some tips for gk preparation. should i focus more on static gk or current affairs? and what would be a safe score in gk to avoid elimination??
Astha, The GK section is a mix of static and current. Just focus on the GK Question banks, compendiums and videos in your SIS. These are more than enough.
A score of 5 is sufficient to avoid elimination.
Sir i am not a cl student. So i dont have acess to videos in sis account. Kindly tell me some other source.
Astha, which city are you from? Which is your closest CL center?
Which are all the marksheets that need to be attached with XLRI confirmation page ?
Nikhil. your X, XII and graduation marksheets.
GP Sir,
I really respect the amount of effort you people put-in in the sphere of MBA coaching.
In My Opinion the best possible way to handle things and deal with the MBA exams.
CLs indepth analysis with easy to use modern software and webinars
And the best possible tool to approach Quant / Verbal question via Test-Gym.
Very nice set of videos to all possible topics (Ranging from GK-Analysis of exams)
I must say the CL-Site presentation is the best among all the other Coaching institutes (im in almost all)
Concept coverage also quite good.
And you sir..dedicating your precious time to help every single student and explicitly explaining where-ever required..Hats off to you GP Sir and the CL-Team !!
Keep up the good work..will spread the word .
Anshu, thanks for your appreciation of our efforts.
Next year XAT will consist of 80- 90 questions. So this means this questions include GK or without GK?
Vishal, it is likely to be around 90 questions of aptitude and 30 questions of GK.
Hi Sir,
My name is Sandip Roy. I m a avid follower of your blog. I appeared for Snap yesterday and thus have about 20 days left for XAT. This is my first attempt. Could you please guide me as to how to prepare for XAT in these last 20 days so as to get a good score.
Sandip, the best way to utilize the last 20 days is to focus on the past XAT papers.
I am planning to practice 1-2 essays every day starting with XAT previous papers. Is there any way to get them evaluated by you/CL team so that I can improve my writing skills? I am CL’s SCC(other online packages also) student.
Dibya, it will not be possible to check all but do email a couple to me at and I’ll give my inputs.
Sir, in the XAT sample paper given by CL, there is a question:
If a person makes the statement “I never speak the truth”, the person can be said to be….
I marked right option as “lying” rather than “making a logically contradictory statement”. The reason is that I think this person can well be a liar and say this statement without being logically contradictory. If he lies while saying this, it would mean that he sometimes speaks the truth and does not always lie. So, it can be possible that while speaking this statement he is lying but at some other instants he does not lie but speak truth. CL considers the opposite of never as “always” but I think it should be “sometimes” because it is a matter of lie versus truth. Even one instance ( and not necessarily always) of the person saying truth would make the statement false.
Dear Abhirup,
Case 1: Let us assume that the person is speaking the truth at this time. But, if his statement is true, it implies that he cannot be speaking the truth even in this case. Hence, this case is not possible.
Case 2: Let us assume that he is lying at this point of time. But if his statement that he never speaks the truth is false, it implies that he must speak the truth only. Hence, he must be speaking the truth even in this case. Therefore, even this case is not possible.
Hence, this statement can never be made as it is always logically contradictory.
Sir case 1 is clear to me. But it is in case 2 where there is a small problem. If it is a false statement that he never speaks true, should it necessarily mean he speaks true only? I think it should mean he sometimes speaks truth. So it could well be possible that right now he is lying but at other times he speaks truth.
Sir, what are the new concepts that need to be mastered for tackling the Mathematical Reasoning questions of the DM-LR section of XAT? I am not too confident in DM accuracy, so need to attempt some sets of mathematical reasoning too.
Premaraju, no new skills are need for the mathematical questions of DM, they are like DI caselets but are usually time consuming. DM is not difficult, please go through the DM video session available in your SIS, it will hopefully clear your doubts.
Sir, it would be good if the material come in pdf format ,as the internet speed here is very slow.
Sir, can you list out some good colleges which take scores of XAT.
Also, please compare XIMB, GIM, Great Lakes.
Prateek, XLRI, XIMB, GIM, SP Jain, TAPMI and IMT G are the best institutes of XAT.
My ranking is XIMB > GIM = Great LAkes Chennai
I have applied for xlri through xat..
I had enquired from xlri that they have introduced 2 seats in kashmiri migrant (KM)category. I am from km category, so i just wanted to know what will be the cut-off in that category. will it be the same as general or lower than that??
Hope you reply sir
Ayush, for the 2 KM seats XLRI is likely to call 8-10 candidates and my guess is that the cutoff should be less than that of others. However you should work assuming a similar cutoff as it will help in converting the call.
sir, where can I find IBSAT old question papers ??
Ankita, unfortunately we do not have these papers but a google search should give you the desired results.
hello sir, is the difficulty level of xat same as cat or higher?
also tell me except xlri which institutes consider gk and essay scores??
Pooja, XAT is different from CAT. It is more difficult as it expects you to do the time management but its QA is simpler than that of CAT. Also while CAT is more quant focused EURC is the more important in XAT.
Only XLRI considers Essay and GK scores.
Hi Sir,
I had a rough exam season.Following are my performances:
1.CMAT(September): Score: 268 ; Rank: 236
2.NMAT: 208(Best)
3.IIFT: Expecting between 40-45
4.CAT: Expecting between 90-95 %ile
5.XAT: Last Hope!
My Academic:
Working in Telecom Firm(1.5 Years)
Wish to build my career in Marketing.
Kindly suggest what options do I have among top 30 B-Schools?
Rishabh, with a CAT score in the range of 90-95%ile you can get a profile based call from SP Jain provided they are happy with your answers. On the basis of your score a call is possible from IRMA, XIMB (MBA and HRM), IMT G, IIT Madras and Kanpur, MICA, TAPMI and BIM.
Focus on XAT, a score in excess of 95%ile will ensure calls from XLRI, SP Jain, XIMB, TAPMI, MICA and BIM.
Sir, what are the options I can look forward to via CMAT?
Rishabh, at present there are very few good options through CMAT. The best options are GIM and KJ Somaiya.
What are your scores – CMAT score and expected CAT score?
1.CMAT(September): Score: 268 ; Rank: 236
2.CAT: Expecting between 90-95 %ile
Rishabh, on the basis of CAT you can consider the Category A and B+ institutes as suggested in the blogpost Application Time!
As suggested earlier, apply to GIM and KJ Somaiya on the basis of CMAT score.
GP Sir,
Please suggest what courses to apply for XLRI. We have General management, HRM, Global management program. Do each of the courses have different cut offs? Please throw some light on the above. Thanks in advance.
Srikanth, you should consider applying to the following:
PGDM (Business Management): cutoff > 95%ile
PGDM (Human Resource Management): cutoff > 90%ile
PGDM (Global MBA): New program cutoff should be around 90%ile
Thanks a lot sir
Sir i am a btech student with the following acads
X- 80 %
XII- 60 %
and grad- 65%
i have a work ex of 2 years with india infoline and now i am working as a market analyst with analyse india for 2 years.
I am expecting a percentile of around 90
i wish to pursue finance from MFC, is it possible??
Also throw light upon how is DFS(DU).
Avni, MFC is an excellent program with good reputation in the industry. At 90%ile you may be on the edge so let us hope for the best.
Dear Sir,
My CAT didn’t go that well so i am banking on XAT as my last resort.
My verbal skills are good and i find the Decision Making section quite doable. I have bought the book penned by you containing all the past XAT papers and have been practicing from them rigorously. However my Quant skills are not that strong and i don’t know how to improve on them since i haven’t taken any tuition so i hardly have any study materials. Can you please advise me as to from where i should brush up my quant skills? I can manage Arithmetic and DI but algebra is a bit tough for me.
My profile is- 10th- 65%, 12th 80% and graduation( hnrs) 65%. I studied in State board which is a lot less scoring than ICSE or CBSE Board.
If profile based calls are made, do i stand a chance of receiving one from S.P. Jain?
I have a work experience of 18 months in TCS. And my extra-curriculum activities are strong.
Please advice.
Thank You,
Srijata, apologise for missing out on your query.
In XAT usually a double digit score is good enough to clear the QA cutoff. To brush up on your Quant skills focus on the level 1 and 2 questions (MCQs only) from QA fundabook and Test Gym. Make sure that you solve the QA questions of all past XAT papers at least a couple of times.
As mentioned in the post this is the paper for students, like you, who have good language skills. Fortunately marks of X/XII/Grad are not important for XLRI, XIMB and most of the other XAT institutes. On the contrary your 18 month work experience will be helpful in clearing the interviews.
A profile based call from SP Jain is difficult (due to marks in x, XII & Grad) but not ruled out as you have decent work experience and strong extracurricular activities. You answers in the application form will play an important role in this regard.
GP Sir,
Thank you so much for your help on this.
But there is a problem.
I am not a CL student and so i do not have access to the Quant practice resources which you have mentioned above. Is there any way I can procure them and practice the important chapters before the exam? Can i get them online? I don not have any friend who went to CL.
Please help.
Thank You.
Srijata, which city are you from? Which is your closest CL center?
The QA fundabooks are given to CL students and this is not the time to start. For QA practice you can enroll for CL Test Gym, hope you have the past XAT papers with you. If not then it is available at and at Flipkart.
Will ask someone to get in touch with your for the Test Gym.
Hi Sir,
Assuming the current trend of 1 mark per question in XAT, what score would guarantee a call for XLRI BM? Also, what is a safe score in quant?
Harsh, usually a call from BM is possible at a score of 30 but a 35 will make it safe. In QADI 12 will be a safe score.
hello sir,
Plz tell us the strategy and preparation criteria for CMAT Feb 2014 exam.
Kirti, please refer to the blogpost 1 day to CMAT: Last minute tips for guidance on CMAT.
further i want to ask u that “what topics that we have to read in news paper exactly? i refer the hindu news paper .”
wanna to know about highlightening of points……….kindly help………
Kirti, the front, editorial and business pages are the most important for MBA entrances.
for your guidance……………..
hello sir,
for xat which areas are mostly important to cover for gk section while preparation…………if it would be few days left for xat 2014…………
i have read your webinar on gk…….but in that you have covered many sections, so which pays more emphasis in xat…………..
Kriti, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
GK has been reintroduced in XAT after over a decade and with only XAT 2013 paper behind us it is a bit difficult to identify the focus area in GK. My suggestion will be to focus on the GK Compendiums and Questions banks in your SIS.
hello, gp sir………………plz provide some stuff on decision making as soon as possible………….if already available then provide some refrences………….
and i want to ask you that analytical, critical, logical or intelligence which reasoning part is coming on xat .having some confusion plz……….clear……as soon as possible…………
Kirti, I was travelling and could not respond earlier. Apologise for the delay.
CL has also launched a free XAT Mobile App on Google Play Store. This app focuses on the Decision Making section. There are 4 practice tests on Decision Making which one can practice from any android smart phone. The app can be downloaded from
XAT has critical reasoning.
hello gp sir,
i did not appear for cmat (sep). and now i am preparing for cmat (feb). but does jbims,k j somaiyan and simsree take admission on the basis of cmat (feb). if yes then what is expected cut off for these colleges.
my cat pp is 95..and i think that’s my best case..i have applied to sp jain and lbsim..should i apply to nitie..And what choices do i have on the basis of cat..please reply asap
Mayank, CMAT Feb can be used for JBIMS and other Mumbai university colleges. The cutoff for OMS candidate is likely to be 99%ile for JBIMS and 97%ile for others.
PGDM of KJ Somaiya should be possible at 95%ile in CMAT.
Baed on 95%ile in CAT calls are possible from NITIE (PGDISEM) and other Category A and B+ institites as suggested in the blogpost Application Time!
Mayank, it will be useful to take MAT and not CMAT for JBIMS since MAT is a simpler paper and a higher score is possible.
thanks sir for the reply…what is cutoff in terms of number in mat for jbims, simsree and kj somaiyan..
sir, i am an average which colleges shall i apply(which will take admission through xat)? I have not given any mocks so i can’t use percentile predictor.
Ujjwal, non CL students can get an estimate of their CAT performance by using the “True CAT %ile Predictor” available in the CL Exam Corner. Login using your Facebook ID, fill in the profile details, enter your CAT attempts and estimated correct answers to get an estimate of your CAT percentile. Then check the B School Advisory for the schools that you can consider applying to.
For XAT also we will be coming out with a percentile predictor.
You can also choose the institutes based on the blogpost Application Time!.
Hi sir
Im Prabhakaran.My acads in 10,12,and BE are as follows. 89.9,94.5 and 81.3. According to CL percentile predictor my percentile comes out to be 93.5.Im NC-OBC candidate.Can you please tell me from which colleges i can expect calls from?
P.S : I have applied to IIMS,FMS,IMT-G,XLRI,..thinking of applying to IITs and JBIMS
Prabhakaran, you should get calls from all the colleges that have NC-OBC reservation, i.e. IIMs, FMS, NITIE, all IITs, MFC etc.
JBIMS has NCOBC reservation only for HU and OHU candidates. There are no reservations in the Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) category.
Colleges that do not have NCOBC reservation will treat you as a general category candidate hence XLRI (through XAT) is ruled out at this score. IMT G is likely to be an outside chance only.
Hello GP Sir,
Sir I’m in my final year year of graduation from Indian Institute Of Technology, Roorkee. I’m planning to give CAT the next year and not willing to do a job till then. Now, I’ve got an effective CGPA of 5.3, have 92 and 88 % respectively in 10th and 12th. I am an SC student and have a strong quantitative and English skills.
What are the possibilities of getting a call from the major IIMs the next year if I manage to grab a percentile of 90+, considering that I have a low CGPA and no work experience?
Would not working professionally be a problem when it comes to personal interviews at IIMs?
Eagerly waiting for a reply.
Much regards for you and the whole CL Team.
Kunal, with a 90%ile in CAT, as a SC candidate you will be able to get calls from all IIMs. You have excellent X/XII marks and they should be able to cover up for the poor performance in graduation.
My suggestion is to pick up a job and prepare simultaneously since MBA preparation is not a full time occupation. Work experience will also be helpful in compensating for the 5.3 CGPA. Also the interviews are easier to handle with work experience. Suggest that you start preparing for CAT’14 immediately Dec-Jan), if you delay it till completion of your graduation then you will not have sufficient time to prepare.
Couldn’t thank you more GP Sir.
Hi Sir,
(i) Gen category male with 20 months of work ex as of 31st March 2014
(ii) Xth : 83.6%
(iii) XIIth : 72%
(iv) Graduation : 88.30%
I have applied to XLRI and XIMB.
Sir can you please suggest where as per u I stand a chance and how many questions do i need to solve to get into ximb.
Biswajeet, XLRI and XIMB shortlist candidates on the basis of XAT score only and the weight for other factors is applied only after the interview. In any case you have a good academic record so it should not be a problem.
While for call you need to score around 30 marks, a very good score in XAT is 10-11 in two sections and 15-16 in your area of strength.
sir, I’m having a lot of trouble in XAT Quant. I’m hardly able to attempt any question correctly.
Please suggest me something to fix it? And what is the number of questions that I should attempt to clear the cut off?
Akash, in XAT usually a double digit score is good enough to clear the QA cutoff. To brush up on your Quant skills focus on the level 1 and 2 questions (MCQs only) from QA fundabook and Test Gym. Make sure that you solve the QA questions of all past XAT papers at least a couple of times.
Hello Sir,
I am solving past XAT papers. I have observed that in some DI questions & DM questions data is insufficient to answer the question. So while evaluating such questions take in to account or not? considering any one has attempted it.
Vishal, it is okay for a DM questions can have insufficient data but not a DI set, unless it has “insufficient data” or “cannot be determined” as one of the choice. An incorrect question is usually not evaluated.
Hello Sir,
I am really confused with my gk preparation for XAT. I am a student of career launcher kolkata and my general knowledge is very poor.As per your previous suggestion, I have downloaded IIFT GK Compendium(129 pages pdf file) , snap question bank,(consisting of 100 odd questions), IIFT question bank(consisting of 100 odd questions),XAT GK compendium(consisting of 100 odd questions) from SIS.Apart from this, i have decided to go through the three sheets of gk (each comprising around 50 odd questions) given by CL kolkata.Also i have decided to go through the gyandhaara archives(weekly tests)of the months August, september,october and november.And i shall also be studying the basic economics fundas and terminologies from the gk book given by CL kolkata at the time of admission.
Just wanted to ask you that…is it fine if i just go through these materials only??as there is hardly any time for additional gk preparation…:(
Will it be ok if i study these materials thoroughly ??for a decent gk performance in xat 2014??And also wat should be a safe score in gk provided they give 30 questions???please sir…it would be great if u answer my queries…This gk thing is killing me…
Barnendu, what you are doing for GK is sufficient. A score of 4-5 marks GK is safe.
I took CAT for the first time and according to the CL predictor my score is in the range of 92-98 percentile.I am a general category female candidate from a non science,more specifically Arts stream.My 10th and 12th percentages are 94 % and 82%. Being a final year student,till now my percentage has been 77.6%.
I wanted to know what are my chances of getting a call with this profile and whether it would be advisable to apply to FMS or not?
A S, the cutoff for FMS last year was 98.63%ile and hence you are unlikely to get a call at 98%ile. Given your profile calls from a few IIMs are not ruled out. You can get calls from MDI, XIM B, GIM, IMT, MFC and most of the Category A (and lower institutes) mentioned in the blogpost Application Time!
hello GP sir,
My expected percentile is ranging from 93 to 97. I’am in my senior year with 10,12 and engineering scores as 89.8,95.3 and 88.5 respectively. Iam a NC-OBS female candidate. what is my prospectus in getting an IIM call ?(considering the worst case 93)
please shed some light. should I apply for FMS as well?
thank you.
Shreya, as a NC-OBC with a score in the range of 93-97%ile, good academic record and female candidate you should get calls from most of the IIMs. You should apply to FMS as a call is possible from there. You should get calls from all IITs, NITIE, MFC also.
sir, i am an average which colleges shall i apply(which will take admission through xat)?
Ujjwal, what is your expected CAT percentile as per CL Percentile Predictor?
Is there any TISS compendium for gk or any material specific for tiss gk apart from two tiss mocks.
Raghav, the GK compendiums and question banks for other tests are good enough for TISS.
Hi GP sir ,
I have a doubt regarding filling the NITIE form . In the summer vacations during the 3rd year of my B.Tech , I did an 2.5 month internship in Forbes Marshall, Pune . I was rewarded a letter of appreciation by General Manager, Production for the results I achieved through my project. Can I mention it on the page for Extra-Curricular Details under the heading ” Enter the Awards/Achievements you have won ” or should I mention it under the heading of ” Enter your Extra Curricular Activities ” on the same page – i.e on the page for extra-curricular activities.
I am asking because I don’t know whether an Internship project can be counted as an Extra Curricular activity.
Thanks and regards,
Rahul, this should go in the “Summer internship/Final year project details” in the page for Educational Details.
Sir,My question is out of this blog.. I want to ask you that what all things you provide for PDP. I am a CL student and when i joined CL they told me that i am enrolling for PDP program as well. I am not understanding what all is in PDP program… Please tell me everything about PDP Freedom.. Thanks in advance..
Plz let me know the last year over-all and Sectional Cut Off for XLRI GMP which 15 month full time coarse. Whether both the cut off mandatory considered for the above prog. of XLRI.
Deepak, GMP was launched in 2012 and all details are not available. My estimate is that its cutoff will be lower than the cutoff for XL HRM and will have sectional cutoffs.
Ashana, please check the details of PDP Planned at
My question is out of this blog.. I want to ask you what all things you provide for PDP. I am a CL student and when i joined CL they told me that i am joining for PDP program as well. Please tell me everything about PDP as i am not understanding anything about it… Thanks in advance
Ashana, please check the details of PDP Planned at
Hello GP Sir,
1.What is the CAT & XAT cut-off for XIMB?
2. XLRI has sectional cut-offs but XIMB considers only overall cutoff. Could you please advice the strategy to follow if one applies to both the colleges?
Vishal, Cutoff for XIMB MBA is around 94%ile and that of HR is around 90%ile
In XAT you should target a double digit score in all three sections with around 15-16 marks in your strong section giving you a total of 36-37 marks.
Hi Sir, My Percentile Predictor gives me an estimate of 89.64 or 93.68. My profile:
(i) Gen category Female with 20 months of work ex as of 31st March 2014
(ii) Xth : 85.6%
(iii) XIIth : 95%
(iv) Graduation : 70.3%
I have applied to SP Jain, IMI, MDI, DU (MIB and MFC), XLRI and XIMB.
Sir can you please suggest where as per u I stand a chance and what other good colleges I can apply to?
Manali, with CAT score in the 90-93%ile range you should apply to IMI, FORE, TAPMI, BIM Trichy and LBSIM. MBE, MIB, MHORD are possible but MFC could be a borderline case. Given you good academic record and 20 month work experience SP Jain profile based call is possible.
XIMB MBA is a borderline case but HR is possible.
Brilliant article sir:)
Sir are logical reasoning questions ,like the ones that come in cat verbal- asked in decision making section is xat?
Vedika, apologise for missing out on your query.
The Verbal and Logical Ability section of XAT has questions of RC, Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning.
The LR questions of CAT VALR are unlikely to come in the Decision Making section.
Sir what was the 99 percentile score in xat 2013. and can u please specify the section wise score for the same percentile
Pranav, an overall score of 40 with about 13-14 in each section should lead to 99%ile in XAT.
hi GP sir .. thanks a lot for the article ..
according to cat percentile predictor i am getting 79.66% in CAT (ST candidate with good profile and 24 month work experience ) . What are my chances for a good b-school ??
Rohit, ST candidate with good profile and 2 year experience should get calls from all IIMs, FMS all IITs and NITIE. Join PDP immediately to ensure that you are well prepared for the personality assessment stage.
Hi GP Sir,
I am a CL student form Chennai, Adyar center. As seen in the CL website, the workshops for Smart Interview Cracker(SIC) has already started in cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.
Therefore, my question is when is it going to be conducted in Chennai?
I am very much looking forward to the workshop as the Smart Quant Cracker(SQC) was very helpful for CAT and hence my eagerness 🙂
Vinod, SIC is planned for Chennai also and the schedule will be announced shortly.
Gp sir, can you please rank them in ascendending order- narsee monjee mumbai, new iim’s and sp jain ?
Sg, my ranking will be SP Jain, new IIM, NMIMS.
Dear Sir,
what should I do to score well in GK section of TISS mumbai & XLRI 2014? Moreover I find it difficult to write which may cost me huge in WAT for IIMs and essay sections. so kindly guide me way out to this.
Armaan, for TISS GK go through GK Question bank and compendiums in the SIS. This is sufficient for TIIS/XAT.
We will be conducting a webinar on essay writing immediately after SNAP.
my name is santosh. My 10th ,12th and B.E percentages are 86,91 and 78 respectively. I have got a managerial working experience of 30 months. I am currently working as an assistant manager in ESSAR GROUP. I have applied for operations management in SPJAIN . what are the chances of a profile based call?? Also i am writing XAT and i have got a query whether SPJAIN will consider GK and Essay scores?? if no, should i concentrate only on the Part A of XAT 2014.