To Predict or not to Predict?

There are things that should be ignored and there are things that should be addressed. This one is the latter. I was quite amused when I read this in a website of a test prep company. “Another important point to…
There are things that should be ignored and there are things that should be addressed. This one is the latter. I was quite amused when I read this in a website of a test prep company. “Another important point to…
As if Parajumbles of the regular variety weren’t mystifying enough – ever since CAT 2011 there has been a new type that has some of us a little dazed. Seen regularly in singlets in CAT ’11, you will find at…
In the last couple of days my mailbox is overflowing and with a single query from many of you. How many questions should be attempted to ensure an IIM call appears to be a common worrying point. Unfortunately most of…
Guest Column: Nikunj Bhagat, Alumnus IIMB,Mentor- CL Kolkata With the CAT testing window starting on 16th Oct 2013 and your preparation drawing towards a close, it is time to decide on the B-Schools you would like to apply to. The…
After a thoroughly engaging series of workshops across Vizag, Hyderabad and Bangalore, the next stops for SQC workshops in the coming days are Cochin, Chennai, Pune, Kanpur & Lucknow.
Vizag As every year, I was looking forward to these workshops as we started with Vizag on 19th July.In the evening session I saw a lot of students coming in directly from their respective colleges, and the hall was brimming…
One of the most upsetting situations that I encounter as a faculty is to interact with a student who did not fill up the application/admission form correctly and hence has to settle for a sub-optimal institute or program. Identifying the…
Ever since Niraj, Gejo and I started taking webinars for CAT’12, there have been regular demands from students for a full fledged CAT/MBA entrance preparation program built around our way of handling the paper. In this world of specialization, the…
On 30th May 2013, DTE finally came out with its notification for CAP for admission to MMS/MBA programs of Government Universities and Institutes. Given the paucity of time DTE has dispensed with the GD-Interview process and admissions this year will…
I have always believed that one needs to reinvent himself to remain relevant. While the delta of innovation can be small or big, however there comes a time when one has to stop doing course correction but change the course…