How a ‘pathetic’ student made it to IIM-B

I had a great time in school because I never studied. If one word sums up my academic performance at school, it is “pathetic”. I never failed but was always at the bottom of the class. In my Class X pre-boards I scored 39 on 150 in Math. Class X boards was the first time I got a 1st division – exactly 61% with 51% in English and 49% in Hindi. In XI, I took up science but ended up with 65% in Class XII boards with 48% in Math. In sports, I played many games without excelling at any.

While in XI, I cleared NDA entrance exam twice but was rejected in the Personality Assessment Process. I was trying to be portray myself as someone I was not – the ideal candidate! Later I found out that one of the candidates who was selected had admitted that his hobby was to sleep! That is when I learnt that an interview is all about being honest – you’re not fooling anyone with rehearsed answers.

I realized that if I wanted to do well in life, I would need to change my approach towards studies. I joined Govt. College for Men in Chandigarh for Pre Engineering (equivalent to Class XII) and not only did I attend college regularly but also ensured that no work was kept pending.

This led to Chemical Engineering in Punjab University, where I did reasonably well – top 20% of the class. The foundation of my teaching career was laid in these 4 years of engineering. I discovered that you don’t have to know everything to clear the exam – you just have to think like the examiner, study smart instead of studying everything and read the paper carefully. Before every semester and other exams, I would conduct classes for my batchmates. The focus of these classes was not theory or building of the fundamentals but how to clear the exam, which chapter to study, which type of questions to focus on, how to maximize returns (marks) with one’s limited knowledge. I can claim credit for helping about half my batchmates complete their Engineering in 4 years. Ofcourse, this only helped them clear the exam; to get good marks it is imperative that you have your fundamentals right.

I applied all of these when I took the CAT. My learnings from the NDA interview came in handy during my GD-PI in IIM Bangalore. After graduating, I worked with Britannia and Vam Organics before joining Satya, my batch mate from IIMB, and co-founded Career Launcher in 1995.


  1. hai sir my name is laxmi Narayana
    I’m planning to give cat in 2018
    I got
    5.7points in 10th
    68% in 12th
    78% in
    is there any chance that I can get seat in iim’s or any top b,school
    my friend saying that iims wiil consider our 10th,12th marks
    my score in 10th,and 12th is very less marks I scored is there any chance of getting into a iims

  2. hi sir

    my credentials are
    10th 93.10%
    12th 70%
    btech(ME) 71.10%
    i am currently working at a PSU as graduate engineer trainee.Which college to target for mba do i have a shot at the iims

  3. Sir,
    I am an IT department professional currently working at Accenture.It has been just one year after college and am preparing for CAT.
    10th – 94%
    12th – 96%
    Bsc (hons.) IT ,St. Xaviers college Mumbai. – 8.0 grade points.

    I have been an active student with good academic and co-curricular background.What are my chances of getting into top MBA Colleges and is my academic record good enough to receive a call from IIMs(A,B,C) after performing a good percentile?
    Will be eagerly waiting for reply.
    Thank you.

    • Abhinav, you have decent past academic records to apply to all top B-Schools given that you get a good CAT score. To know about which IIMs are likely to shortlist you try CL’s IIM Profilizer. It is a free tool that will evaluate your profile for IIMs and required CAT score to get a call from IIMs.

  4. Hello Sir,
    My 10th and 12th percentage is 88 and my B.E percentage is 66. Is it possible for me to get into one IIM’S. How many years work experience will i need?

    • Try IIM Profilizer and know which IIM is likely to shortlist you. You can register for free and access IIM Profilizer here:

  5. Hello Sir,
    I’m a working professional with a work ex of about 2.5 years now. Below is my academic profile
    10th – 87.7
    12th – 77.7
    BE (Mech) – 68.8
    I will be taking CAT 2018 for pursuing an MBA. My query is that I’m almost 26 years old as of now and will be close to 27 after joining the college next year(2019). I aspire to get an MBA from an IIM. Will my age be a defining factor for me getting into an IIM? I am really worried about this. Please clear this doubt of mine.

    • Dear Pratik
      IIMs follow a policy of age no bar! Focus on getting a good percentile next year! ALL THE BEST..

    • It depends on the amount and quality of your work experience, Khuba. Below 2.5 years work experience is considered apt!

  6. Hi , I am Anmol Nayak
    10th – 87.2%
    12th- 88.5%
    Do top IIMs look after which college you passed. Such as i am currently persuing BBA from Amity Unversity ,Kolkata. Is that gonna affect my profile?Will i be qualified for top IIMs?

  7. Hi,

    I am Rohan, an average student but an excellent professional

    10th – 77.4%
    12th – 72.6%
    Btech – 70%

    Worked in the area of credit risk analytics where we use machine learning and stuff at top firms like Moody’s and GE Cap, have an experience of 3 years with a research paper on my name and lots and lots of awards.

    I get disheartened when some of the organization will not even consider me for a role as I am from tier 3 college, to be honest there is no need of MBA except for targeting better roles in organisations I like – I see discrimination, I do not learn best in a classroom set up and I would complete the same thing with ease in professional set up.

    Please guide on what colleges I can target


  8. HI
    I am an average student,
    10th 62.8
    12th 67.8

    Btech in IT 86.2%

    Do i have a good carreer ahead,I had checked on profilizer and I found all IIM As no match..Is it good to prepare for CAT.I have zeal to learn amd i want to grow as i have seen a lot of sorrow in my life.

  9. Hello Sir,
    I am Rahul Dutt, Btech 4th year student.
    I got 91.2 % in 10th
    86.4 % in 12th
    current CGPA is 7.36
    As of now I am not prepared for CAT 2017 but I would like to prepare my best and give CAT 2018. Currently My college placement progress is stagnant so I would like to take a break after B.Tech.
    Will it be fine if I get a good CAT percentile after college break or shall I devote all my efforts towards placements to get a job and give cat after a few years of experience ?

    • Rahul, do not worry about the gap. You should be able to justify it during the PI round. Focus on your CAT score. All the best.

  10. iam a graduate from open school of learning du scoring 54%. Got 75% in 10 th and 70 % in 12 th
    right now preparing for cat donot know how much i will score in it . what colleges form i should be filled by me and is there any chances to get good colleges on the basis of 54% marks in graduation after cat

    • Pranay, there are many top B-Schools that do not consider past academic details. Focus on an excellent CAT score and you can aim for best B-Schools in India such as FMS, JBIMS, SIBM, SCHMRD, XLRI, MDI etc.

  11. Hello sir my name is Shikhar Sachan .sir i got 83% in 10th in 2012 ,80.8% in 12th in 2014 (both from up board) and 65% in (math).i belong to Nc-OBC category .sir can i get calls from top IIMs like A,B,C if i perform really very well in cat exam with 99+ percentile.

    • Bhuvan, it would be great if you could share your GMAT score and the colleges that you are targeting. Different colleges have different past academic weightages. A lot also depends on your SOP therefore it is difficult to pre-determined which colleges would accept or reject your application.

  12. sir i scored 84% in 10th and 55% in 12th. Then after 12th i took BSC Computer science but in first year i had a year drop so i decided to change my field so then i took BMS and currently i am in bms first year. SIR i wanted to ask u whether i still have a chance to get into top MBA college or IIM if i score well in all three years of graduation as well as the MBA entrance exam. Will my previous year drop can be a hurdle for me.

    • Shubham, if you are able to justify the gap year with your graduation marks and in the PI rounds to various B-Schools then it will not be a hurdle and you can apply to any B-School you desire. Focus on your studies and all the best.

  13. x-82.37
    but , there is a problem i am 2016 pass out. i worked for a startup for just only 5 month then i left my,technically there is no work experience. my question if i take cat in 2017 am i eligible to get a good college if i am score well. Kindly suggest me thanks in advance.

    • Rayon, do not worry about the gap if you can turn it your advantage in the PI round with good, sound reasons. Concentrate on your CAT preparation. All the best.

  14. Hello Iam a third year Economics honours student of Calcutta University
    I scored 87.4 % in 10 th and 89.2% in 12 th
    In first year I scored 81% and awaiting second year results
    Iam thinking of giving Cat nxt year
    If I start preparing from now and do some internships will it be possible to get into IIM A B C?

    • Madhurima, it would do you well to start preparing right away. You don’t need any work experience to apply to the top B-Schools, however, if you wish to do internship then you should do it well and be prepared to answer questions related to the work performed during the interview process.

  15. Sir I want to do MBA from a good business school.Currently I’m now in the 4th year of engineering. I got 65% in class X , did 3 years Diploma in Engineering with 7.64 C.G.P.A but did not do class XII. I took lateral entry in the 2nd year of engineering after completing 3 years Diploma. Am I eligible for CAT/MBA from any good Management College? Please help.

    • Pratosh, you are eligible for all the MBA entrance exams. Focus on scoring well in the entrance exams. All the best.

        • Ankit, check the eligibility criteria of each institute that you are interested in. Most need a master’s degree or a 4 year bachelor’s degree as a minimum criteria.

  16. Sir I have scored 75% in x and XII from West Bengal board and 56% in B com (Hons) applying​ for CAT 2017. Should I expect call from SP Jain , NMIMS IIM Lucknow with percentile about 85 to 89?
    I have cleared CWA foundation currently appeared for Intermediate. Just now started Articleship.

    • Arjun, you should focus on getting better percentile if you wish to get a call from these B-Schools. Do not worry about your past academic records and focus on your CAT preparation as many B-Schools do not give heavy weightage to past academic records.

  17. Hi sir
    i score. 10th -91.40%
    12th- 57%
    Currently i am getting into bba course at amity uni. I hav 3yrs of bba to study for cat apparently. Will i be able to get selected to iims or other mbs top institutes thru cat? Or my 12th grades would affect my furtger selections.

    • Gauri, All IIMs and other top B-Schools such as FMS, SPJain, JBIMS, IITs accept CAT score. FMS, MDI, JBIMS, NMIMS, SIBM-P, XLRI, IIFT are few colleges that do not consider past academeic records. You should focus on your CAT/XAT/IIFT/NMAT scores for these colleges.

  18. Hello Sir,

    I wanted to aim for iim. Here are my academics:

    X – 92.5
    XII – 93.9
    B.Tech – 75.2

    The problem is I got detained during my 2nd year in engineering due to the shortage of attendance and thus I have an year back in my graduation. Will this affect my iim admission?
    How to minimize it’s effect and achieve my dream?

    • Hemanth, You have decent past academic records, focus on CAT preparation and if you are able to justify your gap in the PI round, then it shouldn’t be a problem.

  19. Dear Recipient,

    I have completed my Graduation and now I want prepare for CAT, but I don’t have any guidance to do same and also I’m not able to pay coaching fee, so can you please help me out?
    please suggest me how to prepare for CAT by self study, or please suggest me is there any coaching centre who will help me in less fee amount.
    looking forward for you answer kindly don’t ignore it.



    • Pragya, a lot of free content is available over the internet. Make a study plan and stick to it and you should invest in Mocks from a reputed coaching institute and solve and analyse them religiously.

  20. hello sir,
    I am the student of B.B.A- foriegn trade student.
    my grades
    10th- 7cgpa
    i want to ask that can i make to good or best iims with much better graduation marks and higher cat percentile.

    • Aakash, prepare well for CAT and other MBA entrance exams and you can make it the bests of B-Schools in India.

  21. Hi this is Azeez a bcom graduate with 78%,12th 88,10th 73,planning to give cat 2017 is it possible for a commerce graduate to get into colleges like jbims sp jain mdi currently working with 3 months of exp as of now..some tips for preparation as well….thanx

    • Azeez, all the B-Schools are open for you. To score well in CAT practice with mocks and go through the analysis of each mock. Focus on topics that you are comfortable with and master that topic.

  22. Hello Sir,

    I have 5 year’s work experience in an IT company.

    My academics —
    10th – 80.8
    12th – 73.5
    BCA – 67

    I scored 98.34 in CAT 2016. I have a call for new iims. Should I go or wait a year for GMAT?

    • Aritra, it somewhere depends on which IIM convert and what do you really wish to do. If you convert say an IIM Ranchi you might want to join it. However, if you think that you can give it another shot and take GMAT you might want to do that. Preferably you should go for an executive MBA with ISB as your target. Do let us know which IIM you convert.

  23. Hi Sir ,
    I finished my 12th last year and dropped this year to prepare for engineering entrances . But , now I don’t think I would be able to make it to any of the reputed ones ( Manipal , most likely ) . I wanted to know how does this realistically affect my chances if I decide to go for MBA entrances once I’m done with my B.Tech . I got 93% in class 10 and 82% in class 12 . Will try to maintain a decent GPA while in engineering .

    • Ashwin, as long as you are able to provide a justifiable reason for the year drop and your selection into the engineering college, these issues won’t be a hurdle for getting into a good MBA college. Your past academic records are decent and if you prepare well for CAT exam and score well in your under-graduation you can hope to convert a good MBA institute. All the best!

  24. Dear Gautam Sir,

    Your experience with studies was very interesting and inspiring.
    I am a Deputy Manager in Deloitte India with 8.5 yrs of exp in SAP Technology. I am preparing for GMAT and can achieve a score of 700+. But my only worry is my 12th exam performance, as i had a low score in my 12th exam.
    Below is the details:
    10th: 70, 12th: 56, B-Tech: 77.6.
    Is there chances of me to get admission in premier ivy colleges like IMD, IE School Of Business and LSB. In Indian colleges I am targeting for 1yr full time MBA in IIM-A,B,C,L , ISB and XLRI(15mths) course.

    Kindly guide me on this please.

    Thanks and regards,
    Arshad Kalim

    • Arshad, there are few good institutes, which do not consider past academic records or give little weightage to past academic records, therefore if you are able to score well in the exam you can hope to get into one of these top management institutes.

  25. sir,
    my acads are,
    btech mech-60(state uni)
    2 years drop after btech. can i get into iim-a,b or c with good cat %le?

    • Salil,focus on your CAT preparation and do not worry about the gap as it will not cause any hindrance in your application process. All the best.

    • Ashish, do not worry about the gap, however, if in the interview you are asked about the gap then you should be able to justify the gap. Focus on your CAT preparation. All the best.

  26. Sir my academic record is
    10th- 93;12th-84;btech-75; but after btech I have gap of 20 months due preparation of engineering services exam.but since I was unable to clear ese I now want to pursue MBA next year ( from 2018 onwards).currently I have started working in a are my chances to reach iims considering my gap after it going to be a big problem in interview.

    • Vivek, the gap would not be a hindrance in your application to the IIMs or other top B-Schools, however, you should be able to turn the questions asked in the interviews in your favour. Also, be prepared to answer a lot of questions based on the work you would be performing and focus on your CAT preparation. All the best.

  27. Sir
    I am a 3rd year student of st. Xaviers college with 75% marks in b. Com(H) and had appeared for CAT 2016. However I have been unable to perform good in the exam and am expecting a percentile of around 90.
    Following is my profile
    X-91. 2%
    Xll-96. 5%
    Sir I would like to know if i have any chance of getting a call from ximb and sp jain or should I appear for CAT 2017 and aim for a better b-school than these. Also sir i have cleared IPCC.

  28. Hello Sir,

    My profile is –
    10th – 82%
    Diploma in ECE – 57% – 61%
    Post graduate diploma in Advance computing from CDAC.
    Work Exp – 27 Months

    Which collages should i target , Is there any chance to get a call from IIM’s ? I am also from OBC .

  29. Hello sir,
    I completed my bcom from Delhi university in 2015 and prepared for CAT 2016 but my CAT exam didn’t go well. I don’t have any work experience either. I am planning to start preparing for CAT 2017 rigorusly and to cope up by augumenting my talent acquisitions . But given the year drops will it be possible to convert a good bschool . If yes, then please tell me how?

  30. sir i was a two year dropout after 12th,and after that i m pursuing and i m a final year student.
    i want to know if i know take a coaching for cat exam and appear for in next session will i be able to occupy a seat in any of the IIM….and how does my this dropout count in my addmission

    • Siddhant, I know of students who are in the top IIMs despite a drop of 1-3 years. A good CAT/XAT/IIFT score is the first step so start your CAT preparation early.

  31. Hello Sir,

    Which one will be better bennett or bits pilani ? Can you tell me the last-year cutoffs for these two.


    • Souvik, we would suggest Bennett as it offers a assured placement of 7.5+ LPA in the Times Group. Bennett is a new college and there is no previous cutoffs.

    • Rohan, given your marks in X and XII you are unlikely to get calls from top IIMs, MDI and IIT Mumbai.Most of the other top MBA institutes do not consider your past academic performance for interview shortlisting and hence are possible for you.

  32. hi sir,
    i am a hotel management graduate with 2 years of exp.
    i want to pursue mba from a decent college but this entrance exam constraint is killing me i have not been able to score over 35%ile in AIMCATs, do i even stand a chance of getting into a decent college, 10th- 77%, 12th- 76%, BHM- 74%

  33. Hello sir,

    10th- 62%
    12th- 47%
    B.E.- 69%
    Am i elligible for cat exam?? i have less than 50% in 12th. will it effect to take admission in mba colleges???

    What are colleges in which i can take admission ????

    • Neha, you are eligible for CAT. Given your low scores, you should target those B-schools that consider low or no academic scores. You should aim for for IIFT, FMS, XLRI, JBIMS.

  34. as IIM A criteria announce now,When will IIM profilizer updated for getting latest scenario of admission chances?

      • I have low percenatge in Bcom just 40% so I decided to do Bcom hons again from the same
        distance learning college to improve the minimum percentage requirement of 50%
        that is required to appear for CAT Exams. Finally I got 52% marks in Bcom hons.
        But My Question is
        Will Top Business Schools accept my Bcom hons degree (which I did it second time) for fulfilling eligibility requirement of 50% or they can reject my application based on low percentage i.e 40% in Bcom which is done previously.
        Also Will they consider the time gap as major issue and reject on this matter?
        (as it took six years in doing Bcom for fulfilling the eligibility requirement)

  35. Akshay, you can check your chances for top IIMs by using this interesting tool IIM Profilizer . Considering your scores, there are fair chances of getting selected by new IIMs. You should also target non-IIMs like XLRI, FMS, JBIMS as academic scores are less considered here.

  36. Sir,
    10th – 67% , 12th – 62%, B.E (E&TC) – 60% (with one year gap in engg). Work exp : 14 months Cognizant. Left job on : 3rd june 2016. I am aiming for FMS and other top bschools of India. Category: SC. Can I get into these top bschools with such profile and only 3 months left to Cat exam. What should be my preparation strategy in such a less time.
    Thanks & Regards,

    • Pooja, you can check your chances for top IIMs by using our interesting tool IIM Profilizer. You have decent chances for FMS and other B-schools if you secure a good percentile in CAT.

  37. Hello sir, I am a CA final student. I have given three attempts of CA final, but could not clear, got exemption (63 marks) in one subject- Strategic Financial Management. So, now I am planning to do MBA. The following is my academic record:
    10th ICSE- 95.00%
    12th ISC- 96.00%
    CA IPCC Group- 64.43%
    B.Com. A&F, IGNOU- 70%
    I had completed 3 years’ CA articleship in September, 2015.
    How should I go about with my CAT 2016 preparation? Do I have any chances of getting into top 10 colleges in India?

    • Saubhagya, you can check your chances for top IIMs by using an interesting tool IIM Profilizer . Also, you have good chances for top B-schools if you score good percentile.

    • Sir, thank you for your reply. IIM Profilizer shows that I am eligible for 13 IIMs including IIM-A,B,C,L and also gives the percentile that I should aim at. Is it really possible to get into IIMs and other top B-schools by scoring a high percentile, without any work experience and extra-curricular achievements?

      • Saubhagya, IIM Profilizer is accurate in this prediction, ss every year many freshers join IIMs at high percentile.

  38. Hello CL team,
    I am a GEM. My profile is as follows :
    10th : 85.5
    12th : 88
    graduation from mait : 75%
    Gave cat last year with 89 %tile. I just wanted to know my strategy for the next 4 months to maximise my cat score. I want to know how do i solve RCs as it is where i suffer the most.
    I have taken the CL test series as well. How do i use the test portal ?
    Secondly, I am placed at accenture but as you might well have been aware that the call letters for the it companies take some time. But there is a company where i can work for around the same package as the IT company. Should i take up the offer ? Wouldn’t my preparation suffer ?

  39. I will be appearing for CAT and NMAT this year. How should I go about it to prepare for exams as I am currently doing a job as well.

    My 10th marks – 86%
    12th Marks – 77%
    Graduation – 81%
    JOB – Grofers.

    What should be my targets? ( NMIMS – Mumbai ? )

    • Prakhar, you can refer to our article How to ace CAT in 150 days? for preparation plan.
      Since you are interested in appearing for both NMAT and CAT, it is advised to schedule NMAT attempt somwhere in first half of october so that you have enough time to prepare for CAT. Try to brush up all the fundamentals by mid August. Take a mock every week to stay in touch with exam pattern. After month, you should increase mocks taking to 2-3 in a week. Take sectional tests as well. In september take atleast one NMAT mock and one CAT mock each week along with other practice tests. So by the october and november you will have enough practice for both NMAT and CAT respectively.

  40. Respected sir,
    My 10th std % is 74.1
    12th std % is 63.6
    I am an engineering student I have backlog so I would complete my degree in 2017 instead of 2016 (5 years instead of 4) my degree % would be 65 above but less than 68
    Sir I am looking forward for CAT 2017 & preparing for it and I want to get in to IIMB or Fms
    Sir is there any chance for me?

    • Bhoomit, you should be targeting FMS as academic scores are less considered at FMS as compared to other B-schools. Your admission will be based on your performance in CAT and GDPI round. If you are able to score 99%tile or above, then you can expect a call from FMS.

  41. Hello sir,
    My profile is-

    I know the score is not good enough to get call from iim but still how much i have to score in cat to get a call from even few good iims/iift/fms or any good institutes?
    i want to do mba in international business.

    please reply..

  42. SIR i got 9.4 gpa in 10th,78.80 in 12th and 8.10 gpa in i get admission in iim ahemdabad and iim bangalore.

  43. Sir,
    I have the following academic profile
    X- 93.10%
    XII- 68%
    BE(Mech)- 73.8%
    I graduated this year and plan to give the CAT2016. Do I stand any chance of getting into IIM’s?
    Also would it affect my profilei as i would end up with a 1 year gap now?

    • Shreya, you should target atleast 98%tile or above for top B-schools. You can check your chances for top IIMs by using our tool IIM Profilizer . You should prepare for CAt along with a job to fill in the gap year. However,if you want to have 1 year gap then it will not pose any hindrance as long as you can give a logical reasoning for the same.

  44. hello sir,
    i have completed my btech with 65% marks and i am from hansraj college of delhi university,
    i m in a reserved category of pwd(physically handicapped). is there any possibility for me to get admission in iim a,b,c

    • Prateek, apologies for missing your message. As a reserved category non-engineering candidate you can make it to top IIMs. Hope you have stated preparaing for CAT 16.

  45. Sir, I am of class 9, if I wish to study at iim . At present in what all subjects should i concentrate more , I fell i am good at chemistry/ biology/ maths in what other subjects should i be through.

    • Sweety, you should concentrate on all the subjects. The overall percentage of class 10th and 12th plays a major role in getting selected for top IIMs. Since MBA is done by aspirants from all fields viz, commerce, arts or science, so no inclination is required towards any particular subject. The idea is to maintain good percentage in school and graduation.

  46. Dear Sir,
    I scored 80% in Xth and 84% in XIIth (ICSE and ISC respectively) but 45% in B.Com (Calcutta University). Can I still get calls from decent B-schools if I give XAT and MAT?
    I have been told I cannot give CAT because I do not meet the criteria. Your advice will be most helpful.

    • Akil, with low academic scores you should be inclined towards scoring high in XAT and other MBA exams to convert decent B-schools.

  47. Greetings, Sir,
    I have scored 80% in my Xth and 84% in my XIIth (ICSE and ISC) and 45% in Graduation from Calcutta University. I belong to General class, my point of enquiry is can I still get into good B-schools? I was told I cannot give CAT, SNAP and NMAT. Please advise, I’ve already visited CL’s Park Street branch about this, I just want to confirm.
    I am also contemplating repeating third year just to get 50% but I wonder if this is necessary move.

    • Akil, if you wish to see yourself in top B-schools then it is a necessary move. In order to become eligible for various B-school exams, you need to better your score.

  48. Hello sir,

    I am a SC category student i am preparing for CAT.
    I have 91% in 10th
    58% in 12th
    82% in Degree .
    What should be my score in CAT keeping in mind my category .

  49. Hello Sir ,10-91%,12th-71%,BSc(physical science)-52%.I shall complete my masters in physics this year.Also i took a gap after 12th and one after BSc.My calculated chances through iim profilizer are quite low for getting call from a top B school.I want to know do i have other options among good B schools?also if i obtain required percentile for top IIMs is there any hope that i may get admission there despite of my low academic scores.

    • Ria, you should aim to score maximum in CAT for targeting top B schools. Even if you are unable to convert top IIMs, you still will have good chances for FMS, XLRI. These institutes do not give much emphasis to academic scores of candidate.

  50. Hello sir!
    I am an architect keen on joining IIM for an mba to get into the marketing and sales field.
    I am set to appear for cat 2017

    Gender- Female
    Category- NC-OBC
    10 std- 96.5%
    12 std- 91.3%
    graduation (architecture) – 77% (8.1cgpa) 🙁
    With 8 month internship at an architectural firm.

    Do i hold any chance of getting a call from IIM-Bangalore or Ahmedabad with this academic background?

    • Sushma, you have decent profile. Yes you have chances of getting calls from top IIMs if you score well in CAT.

  51. Sir,
    I want to give CAT 2016.Even though i have given CAT two times before i was never serious about it .Last year i have given my MH-CET and without any sort of preparation i got 80 percentile and that was when i started feeling guilty and am very determined to crack CAT this year.
    i have 73% in 10th , 83% in XII AND 7.2 CGPA in my graduation. In the past two years i have been in and out of work but right now i want to quit my job and prepare for CAT .Will i be able to get into the Top IIMs?

    • Tripura, only few months are left for CAT. You should start with devising a study plan and make sure you follow it. Yes you have decent chances to get into top B schools. You just need to score well.

    i will be grateful to you if could just brush up my mind a little for cat 2016
    my educational qualification:
    x (cbse) – 87.5% in 2010
    xII (cbse) – 78% in 2012
    graduation from national institute of technology gos(NIT GOA) – 57% in 2016
    I completed my graduation in june 2016 and right now iam planning to take a break till november 2016 so that i can fully focus on cat 2016.i got placed through campus drive but dint go for it,have no job experience in my hands. can u tell what are my chances for top iim and b-schools through cat(2016) and xat (2017)

    • Sonu, considering your low academic scores you have less chances for top IIMs as compared to other B-schools. But it forms only bleak part of admission. The larger part depends on your performance in CAT and the interviews. You have good chances for FMS, XLRI if you perform well in CAT and XAT respectively.

  53. Hi sir,
    I have scored 69% in 10th, 62 % in 12th, 75% in B.Sc(IT) ,B.Sc IT is from Distance.

    I have 5 years of experience in Software development(company:- HCL Technologies Evalueserve)

    Is there any chance to get selected in top 15 colleges.

  54. Dear sir,
    Hi,I am Ashu Mishra currently a working professional with 2 years of experience.
    Lately I have started giving mock tests,however the marks obtained are defamatory(40-50 percentile).
    Albeit I have gone through all the QA,VA/RC basics,still unable to score well.
    Kindly guide what Corrective and preventive actions must be taken as to score 99+ in CAT 2016.


  55. Hi sir,
    i have scored 70% in 10th
    70% in 12th
    and 78 % in
    and have 6 months experience in accenture
    n now m preparing for cat xat
    can i get into IIMS or XLRI???

  56. Sir
    I am a law graduate….My academics have been decent…..i scored 90.3% in Class X and 91.33% in Class XII…My graduation score is 61.62% from Mumbai University….Although it is a good score in a legal field,is it good enough for getting admission into the IIMs?
    I decided to pursue an MBA in my final year and took a year’s gap for the preparation.I couldn’t get a good score in CAT 2015 and am planning to appear for the exam again this year..What would be better for me? Taking up a job in legal field for two years and then do an MBA or prepare for CAT16 for 5 more months without any work ex ? Will I get shortlisted for an IIM-A,B or C’s interview if I choose the latter option?

    • Puja, take up the job prepare along with it and retake CAT’16. You can get into top IIMs if you score well in CAT and second round.

  57. sir,
    I had just started preparing of cat 2016.for cat i had also given up my job which i got through campus recruitment. Does I have an adequate time for preparation?

  58. Hello sir, lemme first start with how I wasted my year after my graduation doing nothing except games and travelling. Being honest I wasn’t very serious about my early life (after graduation). And with time and over I wasted my year and to end with the waste I ended up with giving cet ( without mocks and classes) .. I’ll be honest with my Marks I ended up with score of 43. I am actually scared to death about my future life and courier now . Sir I need an advice about should I prepare again for my mh-cet and cat this year ( with some courses to fill the gap for this year) or go with my low cet marks with average b-schools? But average b-schools isn’t a better deal for future and. I’m scared that me wasting 2years of life will ever be problem for me to fetch jobs(since I’m hearing this from some mba batch mates) .. Please advice me sir about should I go with the flow of low marks or is 2years break okay before I do mba? ( and the first year went doing nothing)

    • Siddharth, now you should get serious about these exams. Firstly, join a classroom programme that suits your needs. Make it a habit of taking mocks on regular intervals. Now take up a job to fill in the further gap year. Prepare along with job. If you are able to give any logical reasoning for the gap year, it will not pose any hindrance during interview.

  59. 10th:55.85%
    BCA :74.44%
    MCA :72.28%
    But i have 5 years gap between 10th and 12th and one year gap in BCA to MCA can i able to CAT exam 2016?

    • Kumar, you are eligible to give CAT’16. Given your low academic scores the chances for IIMs is quite low. You should target B-schools like FMS, MDI that give less emphasis to academic scores.

  60. hi sir ,
    I have always been a below average student ,what are my chances to get into the top 40 b schools of India .My grades are as follows ..
    10th grade is 62%
    12th GRADE 52%
    D.PHARMA -60%
    B PHARMA – 55%

  61. hello sir,
    my 10th % is 87
    and 12th% is 83
    and B.E% is 61.
    i belong to 2016 passed out i am preparing for cat 2016.can i have a chance to get into iim A,if i get a decent score in cat 2016?

  62. Hi Sir,

    My profile
    Xth- 86 %
    x||th 86 %
    Btech 85%
    experience 4 years in IT company
    I am planning for pgpx next year. Could you please help to know about the fees structure. I belong to middle class family.

    • Avni, generally the fees for the PGPX is higher than the PGDM course. So it should be around 20 lacs or above.

  63. Hello Sir,

    Could you please tell me what are my chances of getting into Top 50 B schools ?

    10th- 75%
    12th- 84%
    Graduation: 52% (Calcutta University)

    Also I have work experience of 3 years as Equity Analyst.

    Please advise.

    Thank you

    • Utsab, as far as you meet the eligiblity criteria of the institutes, you always have decent chances of getting into any B-school. Given you profile, you are eligible for top institutes. However, you can refer to our tool IIM Profilizer to check your chances for top IIMs.

      • Hello,

        Thank you for your response.

        Could you please specify some B-schools which I should aim for ? To be practical I do not think with low marks there is much chance in IIMs,

          • Hello sir ,
            My profile _
            10th -84%
            And I am currently pursuing business management studies (second year)
            I wanted to know whether I am eligible to apply for iim to pursue MBA? If not what are the other alternatives .

          • Thank you.

            Also I have another question, should I complete 4 years of work experience and do an executive mba ? What are the good colleges in that ?

          • Utsab, you should complete 4 years of work experience and do an executive MBA. You can target ISB Hyderabad, FMS, XLRI, SP jain. In executive MBA the admission largely dependa on your work experience. So academic scores will not play major role.

  64. HELLO
    I’m Malar
    I’m doing my BE degree 2nd year
    My 10th percent is 95%
    My 12th percent is 90%
    I wanna do my PG at IIM
    So what are the steps that I have to take to excel the requirements of IIM ?

  65. Hello
    I’m Malar
    My 10th percent is 95%
    My 12th percent is 90%
    I’m doing my BE degree 2nd year
    I really wanna do my PG at IIM
    How much CAT score do I need and what kind of preparations do I need to take now to excel the requirements of IIM?
    Kindly help me Sir!

  66. Hello Sir,

    I have done my B.etch in chemical engineering from HBTI kanpur in 2012 and thereafter i have been working for Akzo Nobel India Ltd as senior sales executive (10 months) and Business Analyst(2 years 10 months). I have secured 85 percentile in CAT and as of now i have two options in my career , one is NIRMA and second is Marketing Executive in Nippon Paints with CTC of 6 lpa. I already left job at AkzoNobel due to personal reasons.Pl guide , if two years MBA is advisable or should i take up my job at nippon for time being and then apply for one year MBA from great lake/MDI etc. Pl guide sir , i am in complete mess.

  67. Hello Sir ,
    Hope you are doing good . It would be wonderfull if I could get some guidance from you regarding mba and career .
    Currently i work at a mid-market investment bank (past 8months) and draw only 20,000/- and I am 24 yrs old . Also , I am doing my CFA , have my level 2 exams in june 2016 .
    Previous around 3yrs i have worked in my family business .
    My concern is that ,
    would doing an MBA be a good decision as I will be around 27-28 when I come out of college .
    Also , my 10th and 12th marks are in the 70’s range . So , IIMs are out and scoring 99%ile , might be “a bit” of a stretch for me , a realistic estimate would be around 80-85%ile .

    Would love to hear form you sir ,

    • Jai, since you are your CFA level-2, your first priority should be to clear the CFA exams. Pursuing MBA does not have any age limit and hence going for a 1 year Executive MBA would be a good option. Your 10th, 12th marks are alright. Try hard and you can easily reach 95+%ile.

  68. Sir, here is my profile

    10th :86.6 %

    12th : 72.4% – CGPA 7.6 ( 73.4% )

    Currently , I have around 16 months of experience.At the time of the interview I will have around 24-25 months of experience.

    Can you please let me know , for which IIM’s i may get shortlisted and for which of them I may not, if my CAT score is good enough for this.

  69. Hello Sir,
    In 10th-58.9 ,12th-72.3, i am having very less marks but sir if i clear cat and perform good there will I be able to get a good job there ?

    • Chandan, placements are a function of your performance in the MBA program and are usually not impacted by your past academic record hence focus on doing well in your MBA entrances and do not worry about post-MBA placements.

    • Hello Sir, I don’t know how to define my academics as average or below average
      XIIth- 82
      Economics Honours-80+(still pursuing)
      General Category
      What are the possibilities for IIM.? Please advice about FMS and XLRI also.

      • Anmol, you can refer to our tool IIM Profilizer to check your chances in IIMs.
        As long as you meet the eligibility criteria of the B school, you can always hope for an MBA from there.

        • Sir, I’ve used the IIM profilizer, I have a doubt. It is showing that I Will get a call from IIM Bangalore at 98.5 percentile. But as I have mention in my previous comment that I’ve a score of below 60(58.9) in 10th and 81+ in 12th and Graduation. And as far as I know about IIMB, it’s having the most scrict admission criteria pertaining to past academics. How accurate is the profilizer?

          • Anmol, IIM B percentile should be taken with a pinch of salt. IIM B is quite unpredictable in these terms. IIM Profilizer is fairly accurate and we are in a constant pursuit to better it with the new eligibility criteria.

  70. HELLO sir,
    Well my 10th cgp was 7
    in 12th i scored 72%
    but i got atkt in my 1st sem
    plus i am from bio
    do you think i get admission in iimABC

    • Nitin, we are assuming that you are still in your graduation right now and you have a chance to clear your back of the 1st Sem. Once you clear the back it won’t be an issue at any IIM or B-school as long as you have a logical explanation for the same. In fact, chances are that most B-schools might not even raise this topic in the interview.
      Please let us know which year are you currently in.

  71. Hello sir,

    I completed my 10th with 90%,12 th with 96.8% and presently i’m doing CA. I completed CPT with 87% ,IPCC with 54% and currently pursuing CA Articles.But,after completing ca i want to do mba in top iim collage.but,for ca students to join in IIM Ahbd,i should have atleast 55% in ca,if get above 55% in ca final ,i will be eligible for top b-schools or not?

    • Dileep, you are eligible for all top B schools but in case of IIMA interview call may not be possible at 55%. While it is difficult you should target 60%.

  72. Hi,
    This is my profile:
    XII= 61% 65%.

    so based on this profile,how bleak are my chances of getting in IIM or FMS??? (provided i get good score in CAT)

  73. Hello sir
    My academics are as follows:
    X 9.6 cgpa
    Graduation – 55% with 9.09 conversion factor, 60 with 10 conversion factor.
    What are my chances into the top b schools ??

  74. Sir I have scored 82% in 10th and 62% in 12 and graduation (BCA). And 2 year work experience and I’m from general category. How much percentile is required for me to get in to IIM?

  75. Hello Respected,
    I am a MBA aspirant but from last 1-2 year there is one question in my mind and I would to know the answer from you.
    If I would get 99+ percentile in CAT Exam and 60%,65% and 81% in 10th,12th and Graduation respectively, with no work experience. Do I have any chance of getting into any of the IIMs or other top 25 Business School in India ?

  76. Hi!

    I have already used the IIM Profilizer, and it shows that I have a good chance of getting into all the IIMs except IIM Indore. Now, the profilizer does say that my 10th and 12th marks have not been taken into account. I really want to make it to IIM Bangalore. But don’t they give a lot of weightage to class X and XIIth marks? Here is my profile:

    Gender: Female
    Category: General
    Xth: 89.9% (CBSE)
    XIIth: 70% (CBSE, Commerce)
    Graduation (Humanities): 65%
    Work Ex: Working at a startup as head of content and marketing. Would be working there for at least a year or two.

    I plan to write CAT in 2017. What are my chances?

  77. I got a chance with Evening classes 3 years MBA program AICTE approved and affiliated with an renowned university, i would like to get the advice whether pursuing the MBA for 3 years will be good option, if i want to go further into doctorate programs and Academic career. Also request you please advice me whether MNC companies consider this MBA Evening Class Program in their part of recruitment.

    • Tutai, the chances of getting a good job from 2 year morning MBA programme is more fruitful than this. MNC might not consider the evening MBA Class Programme.

  78. I am a BBA(H) 3rd year student i have a supplementary paper in 1st and 2nd year i have secured 56% in my CU exam, and i have already given my CAT exam in Nov , will i get into a B-school for sessions 2016-18 despite my due supplementary papers.

  79. I am not sure of making into IIM this year, but I am clear in one thing,that if I do MBA, I will do it in finance. The problem is, I am an engineer with no background in finance. Although I have deep interest in finance, I have no degree to certify that. I am planning to do CFA, if I don’t get in an IIM this year and then try again next year. I would want to know from GP, whether a CFA+MBA finance ,worth it?
    PS- I have heard that only CA guys opt for MBA finance

    • Vijit, The number of CAs who apply and make it to top MBA institutes is very low and most of the students who opt for finance are engineers. CFA+MBA is a good option and you should go ahead with it along with your MBA also.

  80. Sir, i am Tutai dutta and i am very much confused at this stage of my life at 30.
    10th- 65 %
    B.Tech- 68% passed out in 2008.

    I don’t have work experience from 2008 onwards, i was writing all government exams, for the last 7 years, few i got close and didn’t pass. i lost 7 years of time and exhausted, and depressed. Getting a relevant job role is getting difficult at this moment relevant to my engineering papers, But i am not disheartened i look forward to Management studies and start a fresh career in 3 years down the lane. I kindly request you sir please guide me, whether top 20 B Schools from india will give me the chance to study in their premier institutes if i score well in CAT/ XAT/ MAT/CMAT in the current 2016 period.

    • Tutai, getting into the top Indian B-schools will not be an issue as long as you genuinely explain the story of your pursuits in the interviews. Prepare well for CAT!


  82. Sir,
    My academics record are :
    10th – 80.4%
    12th – 72.25%
    B.Com – 53% (2014)
    No work ex and almost a 2 year gap after graduation.
    I’ve taken CAT this is year and will give other entrances exams too like CMAT, MAT, etc.
    With my profile are there any chances of getting selected in a decent college?
    And plus what are my chances of getting selected in TISS?

    • Sharad, your profile is just alright to get you to a good Tier-1 B-school. Make the most of XAT. TISS is an easy exam, you should be able to do well in it.

  83. I am currently pursuing in Information technology in a top 100 engineering college in India.My scores are 10th-89.4% , 12th-93.5% , . what are my chances in the top Mba colleges . any tips to build my profile ?.

  84. Hi,

    I want to know the chances of mine getting into top 10 B-School.

    Work Exp.-24months(currently)..

    Will appear for CAT-2016. With less marks in 10th and 12th what will be the chances to get into top 10 B School.

    • Sanjay, with your marks in X and XII, the top IIMs are unlikely. However most of the top MBA institutes have a low/no weight for past acads and hence are possible.

  85. i am a student of SMU distance education currently persuing BBA
    can i apply for CAT after my graduation ends?
    am i eligible for CAT?

  86. Hi, I plan to give CAT seriously in 2016. However, I have applied to it this year too. will this affect my profile? will they ask me the reason as to why I had not cracked in previous attempts? If yes, ill not giving the exam this year help?????

  87. Hi, I wanted to know if IIM A/B/C are possible for me with
    10th – 9 CGPA
    12th – 84%
    B.Tech – 80%
    Do I qualify for these IIMs ?

  88. right now i am in Bsc 2nd year.
    next year i have to give my CAT exam .
    i just want to ask one thing that if i get selected in good MBA college .
    what would be my salary as a fresher ?

    • Anushka, this is a function of the institute you go to. IF it is the top IIMs then you can expect a salary of 12-15 lakh pa. Most of the top 40 MBA institutes will ensure a salary of at least 8 lakh pa.

  89. Hi Sir,

    I am Jaya.Below is my profile
    10th – 93% 2004 pass out
    12th -92.1% 2006 pass out
    B.Tech – 8.6 CGPA 2010 Pass out.
    Worked with TCS and Oracle India having 4.8yrs IT experience.Currently I left my job and am a home maker.I would like to go for MBA and appear to CAT in 2016.
    With my experience and break will the colleges consider my profile?Please advise.


    • Jaya, yes you will be considered by the top MBA institutes. If you are serious about CAT 2016 then start preparing immediately and it will be prudent to GMAT also since you would be eligible for the 1 year MBA program of ISB Hyderabad and some of the IIMs.

  90. Sir , currently I am in my fourth year of engineering first semester. I have taken one year coaching with CL but could not focus on the preparation due to campus placements. so, i find find it practically not possible to get a good score this year i.e. nov 29/2015.
    Next semester is my internship semester. So if I give take full months of preparation after my internship that is after june 2016 onwards upto november 2016, will that be considered a drop year. I will try for campus placements during my internship semester also but the above is only in case I do not get one.

    • Ananya, put your best foot forward for CAT and more importantly for SNAP and XAT for which you have sufficient time.
      In case you have to go for CAT 2016, do not wait for the completion of your graduation but start immediately after your 7th semester exams. Starting after graduation will possibly get you in the same situation as this year. Spending 3-4 hours daily along with your internship should not be a problem.
      In case you do not pick up a job after graduation then it will be considered as a drop year but it can be handled.

  91. Hello Sir,
    I am currently preparing for CAT-15. I have been working hard for it since months but i couldn’t see any of my hard work reflecting in my Mocks. I have gone through every topic at least once. Apart from TSD, I don’t find any of the topics in quant as my weakness. Still i m stuck up between 50 and 60 marks in the mocks Performing poorly in the quant section as well as in LR-DI ( However, I m able to fetch up decent marks in VA )
    Now, as I have less than a month in my hand, I am afraid that i wouldn’t be able to score well in the CAT.
    Please help me deal with this sir. I have worked really hard for it, I don’t want my har work to go all in vain.

    • Hello sir.
      Sir i have cleared my Ipcc both groups in the first attempt and wanted to do MBA before my CA final. I started my preps from the result day itself. And i have worked hard. Completed most of the CL materials.
      However my performance has been weak in mocks ranging between 60-70.
      The only topics I am weak at include TSD and Time and Work.
      Sir please help me.
      I dont want my year to get wasted!

      • Sarthak, if the only topics that you are weak in at TSD and T&W then it is not a problem, these two will normally not account for more than 3 questions.
        Call me at 9811155160 after 8pm to discuss your performance in the Mocks.

    • Hello Sir,
      I found your article to be very inspiring.I wanted to know if I am eligible for IIM-A .Here are my details
      1. I am 25 years old
      2. I am a CA cleared foundation and Final in first attempt although it took me four attempts to clear intermediated
      3. I did Bcom from correspondence Mumbai University
      4. I got 80% on my 12th exams, American Board
      My query to you is whether I am eligible for any of the top IIM’s and if so what are my job prospects of being a CA and an IIM

      • Prakash, You should be eligible for all IIMs. For the IIMs from where you can get a call, please check the IIM Profilizer
        Since you are from Mumbai University, JBIMS should also be in your target list.
        CA + MBA Finance will give you very good opportunities in all areas of finance.

  92. Hello sir,
    Saw your blog for the first time and found it profoundly enriching and encouraging. Here is my query.

    I got graduated (july 2015) from Delhi University( with an aggregate of 84%(topper consecutively for 3 years)
    had one month a summer internship : IFCI
    12th (ISC) :87%
    10th (ICSE):83%

    Sir, I desperately want to join IIM A/B/C but i am not prepared enough for CAT2015 to bag these colleges. i want to gain some experience and give it another chance on the other hand my parents want me to join any of the college through 2015 cat?
    what shall i do?

    • Shiv, you must take CAT 2015 and be hopeful for scoring extremely well. You can download a 45 day study plan here and work according to that. If you do not succeed in getting your desired B-schools then you must analyse the situation as to how much you scored in CAT 2015 and how much can you increase the score.
      Taking two attempts at CAT is very common.

  93. sir, i am a little concerned about the current level of cl mock exams . i think they are a bit easy as compared to last year’s. i am afraid whether the cat exam is going to be of the same level of not.

  94. dear sir can you please tell me about the importance of extra curricular activities as far as the selection in iims are concerned(apart from good cat score)??

    • Kunal, extracurricular activities give you something to talk about in the interviews. Interesting hobbies might even attract the panelists towards you. But, even the lack of extra-curricular activities can be justified with the help of logical reasons.

  95. sir ,

    my percentage has a very unsteady graph in my boards as well as my . I obtained 84% in my class X and 55.2% in my class XII . I have secured around 60% in my engineering. Am i eligible for any IIMs ?

  96. Hello sir
    I got 10.00 cgpa in my 10th class and 91.4% in my 12th . Currently I m in my 3 rd year of BE . My cg till now is 8.8 which I hope to improve further. Am I eligible for cat 2016 and will I be able to make it to any of top iims without any work experience?

  97. Hi Sir,

    This is Vinay. I am preparing for CAT 2016 and very passionate for MBA.
    My academics records are:
    Class 10th: 68%
    Class 12th:74.3%
    B.E.:7.72 (CGPA)
    And currently I am working in Wipro Technologies (10 months so far).
    Can you please let me know, what are my chances of getting into IIM?
    Or if not IIM then which college I should focus on more?

    Thank you!

  98. sir,
    my academics record are as:-
    X- 90%
    XII- 83.2%
    B.E- 58.8% (mumbai university)
    which IIMs i am eligible for.. and what should b my aim for the cat’15 score

  99. Sir,

    I’m an average student with not so good scores in previous grades.
    And I have heard that, ‘one can’t make it for IIMs with poor academic background!!’
    I just wanted to know if I stand any chance in any of the IIMs with the following scores:
    Class X : 70.33%
    Class XII : 68.62%
    Degree(Bsc IT) : 65% (aggregate)

    What difference will it make if I performed well in CAT or GMAT exactly?
    (I mean, can I cover up my previous academic scores with a good CAT or GMAT score?)

    • Shreya, please check the IIM Profilizer to know about your chances at the IIMs and the required CAT percentile. A great CAT percentile will certainly open more avenues for you and if your are eligible for an institute, your past acads won’t really hamper your chances in that case.

  100. sir first of all i would like to thank all gkp fuda team for there so helpful suggestions querry is that i was enrolled into a btech marine engineering course but i didnt completed it and left in final year because of some medical issues and got admitted in ba in phsycology my education track record is as follows 10th-88% 12-75% btech 3 year aggregate 93% hold a university record of all six semester problem is that my current graduation result will be declared by mid july and classes of iim will commence
    by 30 june will this be a problem in getting admitted into the iims on time

  101. Hello Sir!

    I am aiming for CAT 2015. I have secured C.G.P.A. 10 in Class X and 95.2% in Class XII. I am currently pursuing Economics(Hons) in Delhi University. I am now in 3rd year (5th semester). I have an aggregate of 85% till now. I am a CL student and am getting 85-88 percentile in my CL mocks. I want to know if i stand a good chance of getting into IIM A,B or C?

  102. Hello Sir,
    I am general engineering student.

    10th percentage : 85.47 (Odisha State board)
    12th percentage: 62.87 (Odisha State board)
    Graduation: 8.62 (NIT Rourkela)

    I have 2 years and 2 months of work experience.

    Sir, Is it possible to get a call from IIM ABC with such a low score in 12th? Is there any preference to state board student?

    I am a bit tensed about this with new selection criteria of IIMA and IIMC.

    • Pratyusa, IIM-A might not be possible as the average of your 10th and 12th percentage is below 80%. Please confirm it with the new IIM-A criteria. Also, please confirm your eligibility for the rest of the IIMs using the IIM Profilizer.

    • Hello, my age is 34 years. I am a Government Clerk from last 10 years. Now I feel frustrated with my job and wants to do something big in life. I am very much attracted towards corporate life.However, considering my age and poor academic record will it be possible for someone like me to get selected in top schools like IIM, FMS, XLRI, IIFT if I study hard for entrance? And what are my chances of getting a decent corpo job after this MBA from top schools through campus placements? My academics are as given below please:-

      X – 58%
      XII – 59 % (3 attempts)
      B.Sc. (could not pass 2nd and 3rd year)
      B.Com. – 62% (from open university)

      • Abhishek, age will not decrease your chances of getting into a top B-school. During the interview, you have to come up with a genuine and logical answer for why do you wish to pursue an MBA.
        To know how good are your chances at an IIM, please use the IIM Profilizer.

  103. Sir,

    my academic scores are as follows:

    10th : 88.0
    12th : 86.4
    graduation: 52.5

    without work experience will i be able to make it to the top b-schools of the country. i am ok with non-iim’s also please suggest the possible b-schools that i can get through CAT.

    thank you.

  104. Dear sir,

    I am a great fan of your suggestions and I regularly follow GP KA FUNDA. I would like you to suggest me if there is some basic book for LRDI & VERBAL ?? I am getting less marks in verbal ,in quant section I get always around 90 %ile (whether it be cl mocks or cat 2014) but in verbal it ends up to 40-50 %Ile only . Till last year there was a hope that I could do a bit well in verbal because of reasoning questions. But from this year as we all know we have to get separate good percentile in verbal as well.

    I have 93 % in 10th, 76% in 12th and 8.85 gpa in BE . I have 4 months of job experience as of now. I am a OBC candidate. please suggest me some book in verbal ??

    • Abhijit, the first and the foremost thing you should begin with is reading. Read newspapers, editorials, magazines. Apart from this, it is extremely important for you to go through the basics of Grammar. Going through the CL material would be a good way to go about this.
      Practicing frequently asked question types such as Parajumbles, Paracompletion, Summary, FIB, Critical Reasoning could be done through the Test Gym. It is more than important to go through each and every mock that you’ve given. Mark out the difficult words from the RC, learn their meaning and their usage in the context.
      You must go through the following articles as well:
      7 Rules to Excel in CAT VA
      The Art of Solving RC Passages
      4 Rules to Master Paracompletion
      This should considerably improve your scores.

  105. Sir
    My academic profile is as follows
    10th(ICSE)- 91%
    I am in my second year now and I am working on my academics to get the best scores for the remaining two years. I wanted to know if the IIMs take the average score of all the three years of graduation or just the final year. Also, if they consider the overall score of the three years then if, after my final year, I score an aggregate of say 75%,then what are my chances to get into any of the top IIMs. I also wanted to know if they see the grades or the gpa or it’s just the percentage.

    Thanks and Regards.

    • Vanya, the average score of all the years is considered. With a 75% overall and considering your academics, almost all the IIMs are possible. Please confirm it using the IIM Profilizer.

  106. Hello,

    So, from what I’ve noticed, most of the queries appear to be from students who are Engineering graduates. How likely is it that I get into IIM-A, specifically, being a non-Engg. student?
    I’m a II Year undergrad student at NLSIU (which is obviously one of the best, if not the best, undergrad universities for Law – B.A, LL.B). My pergentage/ CGPA following my academic past is as follows:

    Class X – 9.6 CGPA
    Class XII – 91.2 %
    My current CGPA is a 5.3(approx.) out of 7. I’m hoping to improve my CGPA over the years to come, but it’s definitely a challenge.

    (i) I’m originally from a science background – I’d taken PCM in 11th and 12th. Considering the fact that what I’m doing at the moment is completely unrelated to what I’d done back in school, would it be an issue?

    (ii) I’d also taken a drop year, immediately after 12th (because of the whole is-this-really-what-I-want-to-do phase). Once again, would this be an issue? (I really hope not, because I’m still 18 – yeah, I got lucky with the whole age thing)

    (iii) Finally, how tough is it really for a student from a non-Engg. background to crack the exam. I’m aiming for IIM-A (only, tbh), and it would be a real downer if I decide to not sit for placements in my 5th year in order to give CAT, and somehow end up not making it to any of the top IIMs. Soooooo, is it worth it?


    • Dora, (i)& (ii) Being from a science background an pursing law will not be an issue if you have a logical answer to give to the interviewers. Career-oriented confusion is common at that age.

      (iii) It is not advisable to leave your placements for CAT (unless the placement drive is on the same day as CAT). You should keep looking for a job as a back-up.

  107. Sir,
    Thanks in advance for reading.
    I have 77.5% in class X and 85.5% in class XII and 75.5% in B.TECH (Mechanical).I can’t decide whether to appear for CAT or not.My 4 years of engineering education was very pathetic.I don’t want to blame my college but I was not sincere about my college education as I was during my school days.Now, I am in doubt that I may not get a good job.
    Please can you guide me.

    • Ranit, your profile is good enough to get you to a good IIM and other top B-schools. Please confirm using the IIM Profilizer. You need to prepare well and get a good CAT score.

      Once you get into a good B-school, finding a job will not be a problem.

  108. i am a hotel management graduate with 64% marks, i have also appeared in cat 2014 and got 85% but there was no call for any interview. Is this happens because of my under graduation degree?

  109. Dear sir,

    Please advise me too. I have 83.2 in my 10th, just 52 in my 12th, 57 in my BSc and a CGPA of 7.78/10 in my MCA. I have done an industrial internship and also have an year of work experience in Financial Services. What are my chances of getting into one of the top 10 B-Schools in India?

    Thank you

  110. Sir,
    it’s less than 3 months to CAT now, and i feel completely drained out. I am scared of failure. My academic performance has always remained decent, with 92% in X, 91% in XII, and currently i am in the final year of my graduation and the aggregate so far is 84%. People have a lot of faith and hopes from me but somewhere i don’t, in myself.
    My preparation ain’t good, as the mocks very well reflect, i solve my fundabooks and then try the test gym, i am just not able to perform.
    All this is really hampering my self-confidence. I tried talking to my parents about it, they say i am nervous because i’m not prepared well.
    CAT is not like any school examinations, and i find everything important, and then it totally messes me up, and i am not able to focus on any.

    Sir, could you please guide me on how to go about my studies? any changes i should make in my study pattern.. or any major topics coming in the examinations which i just shouldn’t miss. At this time of the year its important to study quality and not quantity, i know it but i am just not able to implement.

    in great need of your help.

    IIM-B aspirant

  111. My scores are:

    Class X — 68 %
    Class XII 59.6%
    B.Tech 72.74 %

    Could be good to prepare for IIM.. Would be possible for me too to get top IIM after scoring good marks in CAT.

  112. Hi Sir, My profile is as below
    X- 90.6% (yr 2008)
    XII-89% (Commerce) (yr 2010)
    Completed CA in 2014.
    Work Ex of 1.5 yrs in an IB Company.(till Nov 2016 as am targeting CAT 2016)
    I didnot do my graduation though as I was concentrating entirely on my CA.

    Would be glad if u can gv me an insight of any possible chances of me getting a call from the top IIM’s especially considering the fact that i dont have a graduation degree.

    Thanks in advance

  113. Sir/ Ma’am,
    I am a student from Pune University with academic scores as follows
    X – 81%, XII – 56%, B.E (Civil)- Distinction (67%).
    I was wondering if my poor academic scores (family problems) will affect my chances of being accepted into a top MBA school. I want to know if there is anything i could do make up for my poor past performances. Also, is there a chance for me at SBIM (pune) or SCHMRD by acing the snap test? Thank you.

    • Pranav, considering your profile most of the IIMs are possible. IIM Bangalore and Lucknow might be out of reach. Please confirm it using the IIM Profilizer.

      SIBM and SCMHRD are also possible. Please read here to know about the eligibility of SIBM and SCMHRD.

    • Sir ,I am a tybcom student.Iscored 87% in 10th;93.67% in 12th,in bcom till sy I scored 55%. Do I have a shot at iim-a,b,c?

  114. sir,i completd my btech this year,i got mat 99% in may mat exam,but i couldnt find good as the most of the good colleges had completed their admissions by march,so i m preparing for this year.
    i got 10th-86%,12th-86%,btech-75%,cai i get in to the good colleges with a good cat score having a gap of year as i am not doing any job right now

    • Sasha, considering your profile calls from all of the top IIMs are possible. Please confirm it using the IIM Profilizer.

      The one year gap won’t matter as every year many students with year gaps secure a seat at the top IIMs.

  115. Hello sir,
    I am very poor in academics i.e. i scored 80% in 10th, 55.4% in 12th and in btech i hv 6.33. Can i get any IIM with this score sir…??

  116. Sir
    My 10th percentage is 82
    my 12th percentage is 62
    while my Bachelors in engineering is 72.06
    I passed out in 2012 from college ,will a gap of 4 years with no work experience allow me to get into iims or good colleges
    can u please meantion which college would take me
    and how will it subsequently affect my campus placement?

    • Anurag, considering your profile, the top IIMs are possible. IIM Bangalore and IIM Indore might be out of reach. Please confirm it using the IIM Profilizer.
      The 4 year gap can be defended provided that you give a logical reason for it. Once you get into a good B-school, the year gap won’t have any bearing on your placement.

  117. Dear sir,

    My academic details are
    General Merit
    X = 95.2%
    XII = 82.5%
    BE = 73.2%
    Work exp- 2 years in a leading MNC (Manufacturing)

    what are my chances to get into top b schools (IIM A,B,C,I,K , XLRI, FMS) with a great CAT score ?

    • Kedarnath, with your profile most of the IIMs are certainly possible. Please confirm it by checking your personalized report on the IIM Profilizer. The minimum required percentiles are also given there.

      Through XAT, XLRI calls (both BM and HR) are possible

  118. Sir,


    work ex-14 months

    What are the chances of getting into top 15 b schools and what is the percentile bracket i should aim for.

    • Yogesh, with your profile, the top IIMs are possible. IIM-B, I and K might be out of reach. Please confirm the same by entering your complete details in the IIM Profilizer.
      The percentile that can get you a seat at an IIM depends on your category. For the General category, the percentile should be above 99.7 to get into IIM-A or IIM-C.

  119. Sir i am very much interested to join any IIM in india. But I have only 49% marks in graduation and 2.6 years working experience. May I apply in CAT ?
    Do i get the chance any IIM if i will get good percentile in CAT?

    • Soumik, according to the eligibility criteria of most of the IIMs, a General category candidate is required to score at least 50% marks (45% in case of any other category student)or an equivalent CGPA in the Bachelors Degree. Please go through the eligibility criteria of the top B-schools given here

  120. sir,
    my % is 64.3, but as per academics i have to complete degree in 2015, as i have 2 backlogs i may complete it in 2016. Does this one year gap effects my mba admission ? (if i appear mba entrance exam in 2016) this doubt shaking me a lot. please clarify me.

    • Sasi, an year gap will not affect your chances at a B-school provided that you have a good reason supporting the year drop. Please note, at the time of taking the admission there should not be any pending back logs.

  121. Hello sir,

    My brother has 10% = 75
    12th % = 59
    B.E(CIVIL) = Year drop in 1st year as not able to clear maths paper

    He will still continue with his B.E to get a degree but long term goal for him is M.B.A. Kindly suggest a way out to prepare for the same and what colleges he should target with this academics.

    Thanks in advance!

    • Anisha, a 12-15 month period is usually good enough time for CAT preparation. Irrespective of when he starts his CAT preparation he should start the following immediately:
      1. Develop a reading habit, read books by different authors and of different genre @ at least 1 per month. A daily newspaper (The Hindu or Indian Express) along with a current affairs weekly will help build his general awareness, reading comprehension, vocabulary and sentence correction all of which will be helpful in his MBA entrance process.
      2. Solve puzzles that come in newspapers and from other sources and also get in the habit of mental/oral calculations (outside the college studies).
      3. Go through class 9-10 NCERT maths books as it will cover almost the entire QA syllabus of CAT and other MBA entrances. This should be over in the next 2 months.
      4. He should not ignore his engineering classes, low marks in graduation could make him in-eligible for some of the IIMs, also in the interview your knowledge of engineering will be tested. His summer internship and B.Tech projects and/or terms papers etc will all be important in the interview.

  122. hello sir. I m in 3rd year B.E.
    upto 2nd year- 51%
    is it possible to get call from any IIM’s if i manage to get good marks in last 2 years? As our CGPA will be generated of last 2 years.

    • Vishal, the top IIMs might not be possible with this profile. Please confirm it using the IIM Profilizer. Please note that you have to maintain the graduation percentage above 50% as it is the minimum required graduation percentage for any IIM and for most of the other top B-schools as well

  123. Hi Sir,

    Your success path is an inspiration for me.

    I am aiming for Cat 2016. I have scored 75% in Xth, 70.7% in XII th , a cgpa of 7.45 in my B.Tech, and i have a work experience of 2 years with an mnc. Is it possible for me to get a call from IIM-C , XLRI ? what are the scores in cat/xat required for that?


    • Sucharita, yes a call is possible for you from these institutes, please refer to the IIM Profilizer for the IIMs from where you can get a call and the required CAT score. For XLRI you should have over 97%ile in XAT.

    • Hi Sir,
      my 10th and 12th score are above 70s.. currently i am in final year BE and my enineering agreegate is 49.28%.. according to new notice by cat15 i can apply for cat15 if i provide college letter..
      So would i be eligible for cat15 exam provissionaly, having aggregate 49% providing my college letter that i will clear my final year copleting 50% aggregate

      • Roshan, as per the CAT website you need to have 50% in graduation but since you are in the final year with two semesters left you can apply and if selected you will get a provisional admission subject to you getting a 50%.

  124. SIR,
    i have completed my third year engineering mechanical from ipu, having aggregate 78%, 10th- 79.2%, 12th- 90.8% what do you think the apt CAT percentile and i am having problems in va section, could you please help with that as these are the frequent hindrance in my mock %ile. please help

    • Nikhil, you can get calls from all IIMs, please check out the IIM Profilizer for the IIMs from where you can get a call and the required CAT score.
      Which area of VALR do you have problems in?

      • sir i am lagging in critical reasoning specifically in odd man out pj, grammar and inference based questions and my VA is not up to the mark, neither RCs and with the new pattern announced it has become blister in my feet, now we have to clear the individual cutoff for va-rc, i have tried study material but what i think is, there is some problem in my approach, please if you can help me with this, as my quant score has took a shoot after i have taken a mock analysis with you, it would be really kind of you to please help me with this also…
        thanks for the all valuables that you have shared already

        • Nikhil, persistence is the key. You must immediately begin with taking Sectional Tests. This way you would be dealing with your section of difficulty, VA, more closely. This way you will also be able to develop a proper approach of attempting questions in the VRC questions. Also, you must start reading. Read newspapers, editorials, magazines. This will not help you in the RCs but exposure to new styles of writing will also give you a better understanding of grammar. A student aspiring for the top IIMs should ideally be attempting 25 questions in VRC in 60 minutes.

          You should go through the following articles to gain more insight:
          7 Rules to Excel in CAT VA
          The Art of Solving RC Passages
          4 Rules to Master Paracompletion

  125. Sir
    Following is my profile
    10th= 85%
    12th= 85%
    btech mec =67% (2012)
    Experience: 2 years + experience [one year apprenticeship(KITCO Ltd) and rest as production engineer(KITEX Ltd)] . Between both firms a gap of 4 months.
    Planning to write this and next years’ CAT so that I can enroll for 2017 batch. Without much preparation last year’s percentile was 76.

    My first preference is PGDIM at NITIE(since fees is less) and then the rest of the top bschools. When should I relive from Job so that I can concentrate on CAT 2016(planning to write CAT 2015 while working). Based on profile, and assuming I get high percentile which institutes I could look forward to?

    • Varun, since your main aim is CAT 2016, you have sufficient time to prepare for it. You may quit the job 1 month prior to CAT 2016 but ideally it totally depends on your level of preparedness at that time.

  126. sir I have appeared for the last semister of engineering.awaiting for result.I got 77% in 10th and 56% in can I crack cat after seeing this academic performance.Am I eligible to top colleges or iims?

    • Sagar, if you score well in your Engineering you will still have a chance at IIM Ahmedabad and the newer IIMs.
      However, you need to score high (99.6+) in CAT.

  127. sir I am in the final year of engineering.Awaiting for 8th semister result.I got 79% in10th and 58% in is it possible to crack cat for me after seeing my academic performance.Am i eligible for top colleges or iims?

    • Shardul, if you score well in your Engineering then you still have a chance of getting a call from IIM Ahmedabad and the Newer IIMs.
      However, you need to ensure that you score high in CAT (99.6+)

  128. sir because of some problems i had to stay at my home,at that time i gave guest lectures for one year in an engineering college,but haven’t asked for experience’s been 2 years from my graduation,is it possible to get into iims,?will they consider my teaching experience?i got 92% in 10 th,86.5%in 10+2….80% in

    • Srimannarayana, your teaching experience will be considered and you should claim it while applying to the IIMs and other MBA institutes.
      A 3 year gap is difficult to explain but have seen similar students making it to IIMs and other MBA institutes in the past hence you should try for the IIMs. Your very good academic record and extra curricular will be helpful in getting and converting the interview calls. Start preparing for CAT’15 immediately and start looking for a job also. It will be useful to take Banking/SSC exams also to create a back up.


    • Suraj, if you will clear the backlogs along with your 8th semester then it is not a problem. You will be considered for the interviews based on your CAT/XAT score and can clear the interview also. Focus on our CAT preparation and college academics and do not let this minor issue derail your preparation.

  130. Hello Sir,

    I will be taking my CAT exam this year,(from bangalore)
    My academics are just average

    with 2 years 6 months of experience in PSU, im aiming for for 90+ percentile and also i belong to scheduled caste.

    Do you think i stand a chance getting into any of the IIM’s?

  131. Hi Sir,
    I am preparing for CAT 2015. I want to get admission into IIMS especially IIMS Ahmedabad.
    Here is my profile.
    12th-95% – 81.35%
    I was the vice president for electronics and communication engineering branch for extra curricular activities team and organiser of any activities in my college. I have 4 years of work experience in software industry.
    please let me know the possibilities of getting calls from IIMS.

    Thanks & Regards,


  132. sir,

    I want to get admission into IIMS. Especially IIMs Ahmedabad. I am preparing for CAT2015. Please let me know the possibility of getting calls from IIMS.
    Here is my profile:
    10th – 86%
    12th – 95% – 81.25%
    I was elected as vice-president for electronics and communication engineering branch for extracurricular activities team. I have 4yrs of work experience in software industry. Please let me know the possibilities of getting calls from IIMS.
    Thanks & Regards,

  133. Sir,
    i have 4.8cgpa in 10th and 48% in my 12th and in my B.Tech i have 62%,will any company will recruit me.

    • Suraj, it will be difficult but is possible. You will have to do well in the recruitment test of the companies (like elitmus, AMCAT etc). Alternately get into a good MBA institute and do well in the program.

  134. Hi sir,
    I’m kunal.
    10th – 87%
    B.Com (Hons) from open learning – 47%
    I am of general category and i know that i am not eligible for many exams but i want to do mba from a prestigious college.
    Have been managing financial accounts, customer relations, taxes etc. of my grandfather as he’s an insurance agent. So please guide me as for what shall i do now to make my dreams come true?

    • Kunal, unfortunately 47% in graduation makes you ineligible for most of the top institutes including the IIMs. XLRI and a few others are possible for you since their qualifying criteria is graduation only. Suggest that you try for XAT and also for Bank/SSC exams. If you do not make it to XLRI or any other good institute then work for a few years (with your father or in Banking) and then go for 1 year MBA from ISB Hyderabad or the IIMs.

  135. Hello,
    I am puursuing my final year from computer science at deemed university. I have 8 cgpa in 10th, 69 % in 12th and 6.2 cgpa till 3rd year of I am thinking to prepare for CAT. I heard that most of the colleges judge on the basis of academics record. So will it be possible for me to get any good colleges if i perform well in CAT ? Is work experience necessary ?

    Thank You

    • Amit, while most of the IIMs have some weight for marks in X, XII, Graduation most of the non-IIMs (XLRI, XIMB, FMS, most IITs, NITIE etc) have a low/no weight for this aspect and hence are possible for you. Suggest that you start your CAT’15 preparation immediately because an MBA from a good institute will take your career to the next level. Work experience is not necessary for an MBA in India.
      Please check out the IIM Profilizer to estimate your chance of getting calls from IIMs based on your profile

  136. Sir,with 83% marks in 10th, 65% marks in 12th and 59% in B.E from pune university is it possible for me to get into IIMS. I have 1.4 years experience too

    • Archana, apologies, I misread your data and hence the correction.
      Unfortunately most of the old IIMs will not be possible due to low marks in XII and Graduation. The new IIMs and almost all other top MBA institutes (FMS, JBIMS, NITIE, most IITs etc) are possible. Please refer to the IIM Profilizer for details.

  137. Hello Sir,
    So it’s 71.71 in 10th, 69.20 in 12th and 76.10 in (Electrical and Electronics)
    Working in MNC(IT) from past 1 year just after undergrad.
    What should be my target score in CAT to get into top MBA institutes of the country.

  138. Hi, I am in a big dilemma of my life. I completed my engineering last year and found a job where I worked for 7 months. Unfortunately I had to quit it for very serious personal reasons. Now i tried a couple of other places but finding it hard to get a job. I am taking up CAT15 but the thing that’s been bothering me is that whether this year gap which I am going to take will hamper my addmission process?

    • Avyan, focus on your CT preparation and do not bother about this minor issue. A gap of 1 year is not a problem and can be explained easily. Every year many students get into top MBA institutes (including IIMs) despite a gap of 1-2 years.

  139. Sir I had passed Btech(Mech) in year 2014. I am from state university affiliated not-so-good college. My credentials are
    X – 84%
    XII – 70%
    Btech – 66%
    I am not doing any job right now.
    I had also appeared for cat
    Cat 2013 – 33%ile
    Cat 2014 – 92%ile

    Now I am doubtul that will it be beneficial to do MBA after two years ( I am thinking for job from now onwards) and can I get OLD IIMs according to my profile ( willing to do hard work to fetch it). Please help me and let me know the real situation of mine!!!
    Expect you guidance!!
    Thank You

    • Aditya, Your CAT’14 score is encouraging and you should not give up on MBA from a good institute but with a 2 year gap the first thing that you need to do is to get a job. Gap can be comfortably handled and is not an issue for admission also the learning and the career growth will make the 2 years invested by you beneficial. IIM A and most of the others are possible for you but IIM B, C and I are unlikely.
      In any case my suggestion is to pick up a job and also take Bank PO papers to create a back up option for yourself.

  140. Dear Sir,
    I scored 91% in 10 th class
    91% in 12th exam
    Jeemains 1st attempt 95
    jeemains 2nd attempt 120
    jeemains 3rd attempt 172
    Sir, as u see I am quite pathetic when it comes to competetion exams. Do I stand any Chance at IIM A.? Iwish to ask should I try or it is not possible for a poor student like me to even try for the top Institutes…..What should I do in 4 years of my btech to make it possible.

    • Pranjal, with a 91% in X and XII you cannot be bad. Performance in JEE Mains cannot be the only measure of how good/bad you are. Focus on your performance in college and like your X and XII ensure over 80% in graduation as it can make your task of getting into top B schools easier. In case of IIM A/C a 70% in graduation is good enough. A good reading habit is helpful for MBA entrances hence a newspaper (preferably Indian Express) along with a current affairs magazine and a novel every 2 weeks should be your target.

      • hello sir my profile
        in engg i got detained so completed my engg duration 2010-2015
        bt sir i stii have 1 backlog in 7 sem…which i will clear before the m i eligible for cat 2015??? if i m then should i give as final year or graduate ??
        my cgpa 6.06 which will increase as i will clear dat exam& i m belonging to obc category

        • Bhavin, yes you are eligible for CAT’15.
          since you have not completed graduation you will be considered as a final year student.

  141. Sir,
    My academic profile is as follows:
    class 10 : 85.4%
    class 12:79.4%
    CGPA:8.5 (B.Tech)
    I will be taking cat this year and I am aiming for the top 3 IIMS.
    I have recently completed 3rd year and thus have no work ex.
    My mock cat scores are decent 98%tile +
    What range of percentile in CAT could help me realize my target?
    Thanking You
    CAT15 Aspirant

  142. Sir ,
    please guide on my profile .
    I’m an Engineering graduate ( IT branch) …2014 passed out.
    I didn’t prepared well this year and ended up with 70 % in CAT..
    I want o give my best shot this year .
    But till 2016 admission (i.e. next year ) i will be having 2 year GAP . 🙁
    Will this affect badly in admission rounds ??
    My profile is…
    10th : 91.23%
    12th : 66.83%
    Graduation (BE IT) : 7.87 CGPA

    Please help me out.

    • Nikhi, I am not comfortable with a two year gap and suggest that you pick up a job and prepare simultaneously. Call me at 9811155160 in case you want to discuss the issue.

  143. I’m a computer science student from B.I.T bangalore
    my profile is

    10th – 60.3%
    12th – 54.6%
    B.E.(currently in 2nd year) – 46.66
    (i plan on increasing my B.E. percentage upto 60% atleast before 8th sem)

    given my profile i find it very hard to even think that i’ll get any decent job. so i plan on getting admission in some gud mba college.

    Is it possible for me to get admission in any of IIM a, b or c.
    or maybe any other top mba colleges in india?

    • Maverick, Both jobs and good MBA institutes are possible if you start studying. Most B schools have a 50% in graduation as eligibility criteria and hence you first task is to improve grades in engineering and then look for anything else. Rather than look at 60% in graduation suggest that you ensure a 70% (or any other number) in the next semester.

  144. my profile is
    10th-75 (state board)
    12th-61(state board)
    b tech-68%
    i am from disabled category want to appear in cat 15
    my chances of making into iim a b c

    • Rupam, you have a chance of making it to all IIMs. You target scores should be over 80%ile in the sections and over 90%ile overall.

  145. Sir ,

    I wanted to ask , if a 3 year long gap in resume would cause problem for admission and placements ?
    I worked for 8months in accounting adn then left the job as I didnt like it . later on I met with an accident (within 6months after that) which cause me back and leg problem from jul-2013 onwards . on dec 2014 I gave my cfa level 1 and cleared it .
    and from august 2014 onwards cause i couldnt find any finance job in chennai , I’ve been working in my dads business . I plan to take CAT this year . so , bascially it will be 4years gap in my resume by the time gd and pi will start .

    I would like to know your advice regarding this matter .



    • Rahul, the gap can be explained and will not be an issue. The time spent in your dad’s business is work experience and you will be given credit for it, continue with it along with your CAT preparation.

  146. Sir I have been offered pgdm marketing/finance at IMT-GZB. Acc. To your previous advice I have already taken admission at FORE and I am not sure about whether cancelling my admission or not especially since I was more comfortable with HR. What would you suggest? Further, if I take PGDM (marketing), is it somehow different from PGDM Full-Time at IMT? Will it affect my career prospects?

    • Rashi, you should move over from FORE to IMTG Marketing/Finance, choose the specialisation that you are comfortable with. The opportunities that IMTG will provide you are much better than that from FORE. IMT DCP was not recommended because of its very high fee but IMT Marketing/Finance is as good as IMT G PGDM, the only difference is that while PGDM will allow you to choose your area of specialisation in PGDM Marketing/Fiannce your specialisation is pre-decided.

  147. Hello sir,
    I am vaibhav, I had queries regarding admission criteria of XLRI.
    My academics are very poor.
    xth 56%.
    xiith 50%. 47%.
    Currently I am student of ICSI Executive Programme.
    I have self employed experience of 3 years after my graduation, I own a garment retail business, maintained all books of accounts, have income tax return file of past 3 years, and registration document of my business. Will Xlri consider my work experience on the presentation of above said documents.
    I have read Xlri do not consider past academics for admissions in PGDM they are just concerned about XAT score and performance in GD & PI, is it true?
    Can I get admission in Xlri if I score very well in Xat(99+ percentile) and do well in GD,PI. I am good with my soft skills, and have ok ok writing skills for essays(would be improving it). Even council me on joining coaching.
    All the criticism and suggestions are heartily welcome.

    • Vaibhav,
      1. you will get credit for work experience.
      2. in XLRI the weight for different component is – XAT score 65%, GD 10%, Interview 10%, Work Experience 5% Essay + GK + Past acads 10% so a XAT sore of 99%ile with a good GD + Interview can take care of your academics.
      Call me at 9811155160 in case you need to discuss this further.

  148. Hi,
    X: 80%
    XII: 82%
    BTech:7.88 CGPA
    Electronics and communication Engineer
    Experience: 2 years
    What are the chances of getting a call from top IIMs?

  149. What percentile .will I need to get into IIM A
    10th- 85%
    Btech- 80.3(so far)
    I am general engineer male.

  150. Hello Gautam Sir…First of all really want to thank you for this amazing effort that you have put in creating this great resource (Smart Cracker Comprehensive)for working professional like us.
    I need your help to understand as to how I should plan my preparation for CAT. I have purchased smart cracker , got the books and material. Also, there are test gym , mock tests.. I have 6 months to CAT and actually kind of overwhelmed currently. given that I am a working professional , how much time do I need to take out on a daily basis so that I am prepared for the D Day.
    Sir, my profile is :
    10th – 91 ,
    12th – 83,
    B.Tech – 91%,
    3 years of work Exp at Intel
    waiting for your guidance……

    • Ayush, apologise for the delay in responding to your query.
      You should target 3 hours on weekdays and about 7-8 hours on holidays and you should practice all areas daily. Pick up a fundabook, go through the solved examples of a topic, watch the video lessons, move to the MCQs at the end of the book and then pactice more questions of the topic from Test Gym. Start with the topics that you are comfortable with so that you can move on to practicing them fast. Target finishing this by mid-August after which it has to be daily practice of all areas (QA, DI, LR, VA, RC) from Test Gym and Mock CATs.
      After the first 2 weeks you should split your time between fresh topic and practice of old topics.
      All important questions should be highlighted or book marked and revised once a week.
      Mock CATs should be taken as per the schedule and you should not wait for syllabus completion. This will help you improve your test taking technique. Analysis of all tests and regular revision is essential, please refer to the post Things you must-do after every mock you take

  151. Sir,
    I have currently finished my 2nd year Btech in electronics engineering from VJTI.
    10th ICSE – 90%
    12Tth – 85.5%
    CGPA at the end of 2nd year is 6,2
    what are my chances of getting into the top IIMs if i improve my CGPA in the remaining semesters?
    thanks in advance

    • Akansha, with a 6.2 CGPA at the end of second year you will find it very difficult to increase your CGPA beyond 7.
      Fortunately IIM A and C will not be a problem for you since C takes into account graduation marks and in A your X/XII marks will compensate for your low graduation marks. However you may not be able to get calls from IIM B. Most of the other IIMs will not be a problem.
      Start preparing for CAT asap, to get started read a newspaper everyday (Indian Express or Hindu) and a novel every 2 weeks. Completing class IX- X NCERT maths books during your summer vacations will be helpful. You should start your structured preparation (classroom or online) for CAT’16 byt Sep-Oct of this year.

  152. Sir
    my academic scores are
    10th: 64%
    I am in final year of graduation and going to score around 64%.
    I have 3 year gap during engineering.
    I was active student in extracurricular actives during my graduation.
    No Work experience yet in my field, but worked for a NGO.
    I want to appear for CAT 2015, SNAP 15, CMAT Feb 16,
    Do I have chance of getting call from IIMs, SP Jain, FMS, Symbiosis, JBIMS, KJ somaiya, SIMSREE, any other
    top B-School with good CAT score, what score should i aim for?

    Am I eligible for NMAT?
    Please guide me.

    • Lokesh, most of IIMs are unlikely because of your low scores in school/college unless you get almost a 100%ile in CAT. Fortunately most top B schools outside the IIMs have a low/no weight for past academics and are all possible. With a 3 year gap during engineering NMIMS may not be possible.
      Your target score should be over 99.5%ile for FMS, IIMs and IIT Mumbai and over 98%ile for most of the other top MBA institutes. A score of 95%ile will get you calls from institutes like IMT, IMI, KJ Somaiya etc.

  153. Respected sir,

    My query is regarding work experience. I graduated in June 2014 but because of some family problems, i was not able to go for a full time job, i was also preparing for the MBA entrances during the time.

    Because of some problems and family constraints, i could not prepare properly and obviously couldn’t clear the exams.
    Therefore now i have around 8 months of gap after graduation.

    My first question is that how much this gap may affect my selection in the GDPI round?

    Secondly, I am currently working in a lesser known start up with a very few employees, it’s in the beginning stages but i am learning a lot by being here.

    So, my second question is, would my experience in the start up be counted as a full time work ex by IIMs, XL, FMS etc. or not?

    • Sagar, 8 month gap is not an issue, is might be asked in the interview but can be handled comfortably. Also experience in start up is counted by IIMs and almost all other MBA institutes, in fact in the interview at times it is rated higher than a regular company experience because learning in start-ups is usually of a higher quality.

    2006-10TH -94.2 PERCENT
    2008- 12TH -90.8 PERCENT

    • Shikha, your gap years will be questioned in the interview but can be explained and will not cause any problems. Given your past performance in CAT/XAT you should start your CAT’15 preparation immediately to ensure that you do well in these exams. With your academic performance you should be targeting only the top institutes. Call me at 9811155160 in case you need to discuss this.

        • Shikha, for the IIMs shortlisting for the interviews is primarily based on your CAT score and past academic performance. Gap year does not figure in their calculation so you will get shortlisted for interviews. Most of the other top institutes shortlist on the basis of CAT/XAT/SNAP/NMAT score only.

          • Sir that means even the top iims A B C will have no problem in shortlisting me for interviews.??Moreover i wana ask having work exp in IBM will be an advantage??

          • Shikha, yes ther will not be any problem in this regard. Work experience of any kind is an advantage, the name of the company is not very important.


          • Shikha, do not look at explaining or justifying. The approach has to be of sharing the information and hence telling the interview panel the truth is the way forward. Suggest that you focus on CAT preparation and let us tackle this once you get the interview calls.
            To the best of my knowledge MDI does not have a problem with gap years.

  155. Hello sir, i am about to enter final year of my degree from june15. final examination shall be conducted in may16, and the results for which are to be announced in sept16, so now my question is as follows,
    i will be giving cat-15 and as we are aware of IIMA admission process, that it allows ample time for the selected candidates to submit the proof of eligibility(final pass and mark-sheet) by 31st dec of the respective academic year. but no such conditions are mentioned in the eligibility criteria of IIMB & IIMC. FMS has also mentioned that the original final degree certificate should be submitted at the time of admission confirmation. since almost all the above college’s final admissions happen max by end of july, i will not be able to provide my final certificate since the results will be declared in mid sept16 and it will approx take about oct-16 to get my original certificate of passing. so in that sense does it mean i don’t stand a chance for admission in IIMB,C & FMS in the academic year of 2016. please advice me on what to do sir…..
    eagerly awaiting your reply on this.

    • Chakradhar, while it has not been mentioned most of the institutes will give you time till September. Some of them may extend the date in case of delay by the university.

  156. sir,
    my class 10th score is 88.23 cbse
    12th 71.8 cbse
    and i did my engineering in i.t. from pune and my aggregate is 59.81
    if i go fr cat,is there any chance of getting call from iim??

    • Gulshan, unfortunately IIM A, B and C are not possible for you due to your marks in XII and graduation but most of the other IIMs and other top MBA institutes are not a problem.

  157. I have 2+ years of Experience in Telecom and 1+year Experience in IT Domain. I have been selected for SITM Pune (System & Finance) and have waiting of 172 in SCIT Pune (Waiting have moved from 232 to 172 at 24 March). Is there any chance to clear 172 waiting? Which Institute should I prefer if SCIT also clear and as I have experience in both the domain? Which one is better for me?

    • Rohit, SCIT will most probably get converted but my preference is for SITM due to its better placement record.

  158. hello sir
    Xth 82.2
    +2 69.2
    graduation 7.32 (VIT university 2014 passout)
    dropped this year , i got calls from new IIMs
    what are my chances to convert into IIM banglore if i give CAT 2015?
    I ll work this year in some company.
    how much should i aim for in CAT?

    • HArsh, given your marks in XII and graduation a call from IIMB will be difficult unless you have almost 100%ile in CAT’15.

  159. hello sir,
    I am btech (civil engg.) ,General Category, pass out from 2014 batch.I was preparing for government exams for past 1 year but no luck.Now i had 1 year gap after Btech. and no job in hand .My profile is
    X-80, XII-79, Btech-84.I appeared for feb CMAT and got only 93%ile.Should i go for lower category MBA college or should i take
    CAT exam.I have only one option of BPO job.Is it advisable to do that job while preparing for cat?Please give me some suggestion?

    • Aryan, pick up a job – try elitmus and other similar papers that will help you get a job and also continue your preparation for MBA entrance, IBPS/SBI PO and other government entrances.

  160. hello g p sir i am very much worried my carrier at first i thought to finish my life because i am not able to get success in my life i mean good salary due to my low scores in academics, I scored 57% in 10th, 53.2 in 12th and 56.6 in B. Sc biotechnology, but i am schedule caste category I am working professional in private company and have a 3.2 years of experiences getting 20 thousand salary but I can’t get a hype in my carrier. I was good in studies still i read lots of books and novels but due to bad circumstances( family problem) i was not able to score well, but i m scoring well now in test series around 95% my ques is, is there any chance to get admission in top 6 iims if I score 99%tile in CAT exam please sir it will be very great full and I appreciate if u enlighten me with your words

    • Pratik, while you might miss out on IIMB due to your past academics but a score of 95%ile will get you calls from almost all top IIMs and FMS. Continue with your CAT’15 preparation and you will be able to get the career growth you deserve.

      • thank you sir for your suggestion i will keep it in memory and continue my prep really sir it boost me a lot

  161. Hello sir,
    I have a wait list number of 99 in IMT gzb. Is there any chance that that I’ll be able to convert it (especially since they have declared a wait list of 458 students) ? Also, is XIM, Jabalpur a good choice (yet to apply for it..) ?
    My XAT % = 95.94
    And is this the correct place to ask for further help?
    Thanks for the help :).

      • Sir,
        I’ve got an offer letter from Fore and have to submit first installment by 15th april. Now the quandary is that IMT waitlist will be released only after 15th and I cannot afford to not take an admission this year. What should I do?
        Further, someone told my mother that rather than providing an official diploma, Fore people give you a simple certificate saying that you have pursued this course. Basically they have made my mother doubt the authenticity of fore. Could you please tell me what they might have been talking about so that I can reassure her as she is already reluctant about letting me take admission considering Fore’s hefty fees..?

        • Rashi, FORE will refund the entire amount if you withdraw about 7-10 days before the start of the program so I would suggest that you block a seat in FORE.
          Your mother has been incorrectly informed, FORE offers AICTE approved PGDM which is legally equivalent to a MBA degree. The AICTE website gives the list of approved programs and showing the list to your mother might convince her, the list is available at:
          You ould also take your Mother to FORE and have her interact with the authorities/students.

          • Sir, loads of thanks for the great help. How does one rank FORE? I mean whenever I have to tell any of my relatives about its rank, I have to talk in comparative terms. Can there be an absolute rank for such purposes? And FORE’s better than IMT-DCP, right?

            Thanks for al the invaluable help again. 🙂

  162. Sir, i got 95%ile in cat but got nothing good this year because of my very pathetic academics(x-54%,xii-68%, btech-59%). I have not got placed till now as i was not eligible for most of companies came to my clg so i m trying something in elitmus recruitment exam and banking exams. Please tell me

    1)shud i appear in this year cat or not with my poor acad.

    2)I want to do mba from one of the top mba school.Can u tell me which schools i can get if i score 99+%ile in cat 2015.

    3)Can i get top jobs with grt package in a mba clg if i perform well in mba.

    • Mridul, given your acads at calls are not possible from all IIMs unless you have a CAT score of almost 100%ile. However at 95%ile you should have got calls from IMT G, IMI Delhi and many other institutes.
      A CAT score in excess of 99%ile can get you calls from almost all non IIMs (including FMS DU) and hence suggest that you go for a retake. You should try for a job and consider Bank PO as a back up option.
      Placements after MBA are a function of your performance in MBA and hence a good marks in MBA will help you get good placements and no one will really bother about your past academic performance.

      • yes sir i got a call for imt but failed to convert. How much acads affect in final admission criteria of fms, they give points for acads or just ask in interview? and what about xlri,iift,jbims,mdi?

        • Mridul, while acads could have played a small role but primarily it would be the way you handled GD and the interview.
          IIFT, XLRI, FMS, JBIMS and most of the other MBA institutes do not have any weight for acads for interview calls. The weight for acads in most of these and others is zero/negligible and hence will not be a problem and a good CAT score along with a go GD/Interview/WAT can get you final calls.
          Apart from the IIMs, this year IIT Mumbai and MDI have also given weight to past acads for interview shortlisting and these too would not be possible for you.

          • Sir, my cousin got 99.23 %ile in cat this year; she has an average of 95% in her academics but still failed to convert any top bschool. By looking at my cousins situation every one is forcing me to leave mba as my career option. i am really depressed now; life is testing hard my decision making abilities. Everyone is saying there will not be any benefit for me doing mba and i will not get any job there as well. Sir can u suggest me what should i do?

          • Mridul, conversion of calls is mostly a function of your performance in the personality assessment process hence it is possible that your cousin had poor interviews. There are many students with lower CAT percentiles who have made it to IIMs. Call me at 9811155160 to discuss.

  163. Sir,does this mean that i have no chance in getting the admission in iim??? And also pls tell me that do i need to get work experience for getting the call from any other top non iim institutes??

    • Gurinder, Work experience is not necessary for admission to MBA program in India.
      What are your marks in X, XII, Graduation and what is your field of study?

  164. Hello sir, i hav 8.4 in 10th class and i hav 56%in 12th class and i hav 70%in bcom. Sir i hav no work experience. So i wanted to know if i get 99+ percentile in cat then will i able to get call from iim A,B,C respectively. Pls help me sir .and i also wanted to know that my no work experience is a barrier for getting admission in iim A,B,C

    • Gurinder, IIM A, B and C are unlikely with your academic record due to your marks in XII and graduation unless you get a 100%ile in CAT. However most of the institutes outside IIMs have low/no weight for past academics and a CAT score of over 97%ile can can get you calls from most of the top non-IIM MBA institutes.

  165. SIR,
    I have good score of 95.45% in 10th but average score score of 85% in 12th.Will this result into me missing out the opportunity of getting calls from IIMA in particular?Also the number of student selected each year approximately in finance field and the minimum score required to get calls for interview of IIMA
    The information provided by you will be of great help for me in coming years.Eagerly waiting for your reply
    yours truly

    • Rikco, 85% in XII is good not average. You will not miss out on calls from any IIMs due to this. A general category candidate typically needs about 99.6%ile for a call from IIM A but a commerce/arts graduate can get a call from IIMA at a score of 96-97%ile

  166. Sir,
    My academic profile is as follows :
    Class 10 : 89.14 %
    Class 12 : 87.285 %
    I am currently pursuing engineering(3rd year), with approximately 78.9 % in all semesters. Do I have any hope in the top IIMs ?
    Kindly reply.

  167. I have got 8CGPAin 10 standard and 76.6 percentage in 12. currently i am doing my bechlors degree and have got 7.2 CGPA in first year. My friends told me that you will not get iima, iimb, iimc with this much of percentage in 10 and 12 standard.I want to know that this is true or not.

    • Mukund, your friends are only partially correct. IIM B, I and S will be difficult but most of the other IIMs (including A) are possible

  168. Sir, i have a doubt, i need your advice,please help me out. so the problem is, i have been pursuing my medical degree since 2012,and then meanwhile i took admission in distance degree in 2013 so that i attain eligibility for cat faster than normal. i will be giving CAT-15 and by the time of gd/pi rounds,i will be in the end of final year of my distance degree, but will not be able to provide my original 10th and 12th certificates,since they have been taken by the university of my regular degree,at the time of admission in 2012 and will be returned either after discontinuation or completion which may be around 2018. so now im in a huge dilemma as to what to do. it seems the instructions for the candidates selected for gdpi round clearly states that all the ORIGINALS must be submitted for verification, and if i have to submit the originals,i need to discontinue my mbbs degree for an interview round,the chances of converting the calls for which being 50%. well im ready to discontinue the course once the calls are converted, but for once,i cannot risk it before the conversion. Recently i was checking the prerequisites for applying for a duplicate certificate, but it seems to be quite risky since i did not loose my certificate, and doing so in my case would be illegal. iam completely clueless of how to proceed further, im despperate to join any of the IIM A,B,C or FMS in 2016-18 batch. please guide me sir, i dont know what to do next,all my plans may get crushed simply because of this issue. please Sir, Eagerly awaiting your reply on this. Thank-you.

    • Chakradhar, unfortunately the only way forward will be to apply for duplicate certificates. Apply for them only after you get your CAT/XAT score.

  169. I wanted to know if I can expect a call from IIMB with my profile
    10th:91.6%, 12th:86.4%. B.E : 6.42 CGPA, GMAT:700, Work Exp: 2 years in Dubai. Average Extracurricular activities.

  170. sir my 10th and 12th marks are above 90 ………
    but i have 56% in Btech..
    i am general category ..can i get int any IIM’s ,NMAT ,FMS,IIFT OR XLRI ?

    • Apoorv, more than 90% in X and XII imply that calls are possible from IIM A and C but with a 56% in graduation you are unlikely to get a call from IIM B and a few otherr IIMs. You also would not be eligible for some institutes (like IITs) that have an eligibility criteria of 60%. Most of the institutes have a low/no weight for past academics hence NM, Symbiosis, FMS, IIFT, XLRI etc will not be a problem.

  171. Sir,

    this year without any preparation i wrote XAT and had 92 % in DM, 91 % in VA and 20 % in QA . overall 80 % . what sud i do from now ?

    • Vikas, prepare and go for a retake. If you can get your QA in order then calls from all top MBA institutes (including IIMs and XLRI) are on.

  172. Hi Gp sir,
    I am Shantanu Kaushik.
    I am planning to do an MBA and am just starting with my preparations.
    Before starting I wanted to know if I stand a chance, if I secure 98+ %ile, in any of the top 15 colleges in India.
    My past record is really very poor due to negligence and now I wish to do something exceptional in life.
    10th: 69.73%
    12th: 63%
    Engineering: 55%
    Work Ex: 3 years in a public limited company.
    Current desg: Senior software engineering

    Please do reply. This is my last hope of tasting some success in life


    • Shantanu, your academic record rules you out of most of the IIMs unless you get a 100%ile in CAT. However fortunately most of the non IIMs have a low/no weight for past academics and hence calls are possible from most of them at a score of 98%ile. It would be prudent for you to take GMAT along with CAT/XAT and try for ISB Hyderabad alsong with other B schools.

  173. hello gp sir,
    I am a 2014 engineering graduate and was working for a financial advisory firm for the last 6 months.I recently left my job without serving the notice period(So i don’t have an experience letter and all i have is my salary slip) and now am aiming for an MBA from the top tier institutes.I wanted to ask if i stand a chance for the IIM-A,B,C ? My academics are X-77%, XII-82%, B.TECH-67%

  174. Hi GP,

    Please clear my doubt.
    My profile as follows,,

    10th = 83%
    12th = 58%
    Diploma = 83%
    Engineering = 7.2/10
    Work Exp = 15 months.
    Category = OBC – NC

    What CAT score should I get to get shortlisted for IIMs and FMS. Also my acads will have impact on placements during my MBA??

    Thanks in advance.

    • Parthiban, you should target a score of over 97%ile to get shortlisted for IIMs. For FMS a score of 95%ile should be sufficient. Placement after MBA is usually a function of your performance in MBA and not your performance in school/college.

  175. Hi GP,

    Please clear my doubt.
    My profile as follows,

    10th = 83%
    12th = 58%
    Diploma = 83%
    Engineering = 7.2/10
    Work Exp = 15 months.
    Category = OBC – NC

    What CAT score should I get to get shortlisted for IIMs and FMS. Also my acads will have impact on placements during my MBA??

    Thanks in advance.

    • Parthi, With a 58% in XII you will need over 98%ile for calls from top IIMs. A score of over 95%ile will almost guarantee a final call from FMS.

  176. x-88
    working as tech support full time ibm as a engneering graduate my tech support(bpo) is counted for weightage or not ?
    or i want to support in the interview.?
    some are it will not be counted becoz the stream is different ? so i want change the job is it required?

      • Hello sir,
        I got 54% in X
        XII- 68%
        Graduation -50%
        Having 5 yrs of experience in HR
        Will I be eligible for any IIMs if I crack cat with good percentile.

        • Garima, While you are eligible for MBA from IIMs but with your marks in X, XII Graduation you will not be shortlisted for interviews of their 2 year MBA programs (especially top IIMs). Given your work experience suggest that you take GMAT and try for 1 year MBA from ISB or the top IIMs.

  177. Sir i have completed my B.E in 2011 and worked in TCS for a period of 11 months and then resigned to prepare for government jobs as i have desire to work in my core area i.e mechanical engg but from there my hard days started i could not make into any govt job uptill now. Now i have decided to prepare for CAT 2015 will it be relevant for me to give the cat exam.

    If i get a good college also will i get a placement considering the gap i am having.

    my profile stands like this

    work exp: only 11months in TCS
    At present doing part time job in CHEGG INDIA PVT ltd

    Sir please reply me wheather i am eligible to do MBA or not? If so can i get a placement after pursuing MBA

    • Hariprasad, while it can be explained, the 3 year gap will be an issue and hence if possible try picking up a full time job. If not then we will have to manage. Eligibility is not an issue. While some companies will not consider you because of the gap most will not have a problem.

  178. Sir,

    I have got 48% in 12 and did distance graduation from IGNOU with 55%. Am I eligible for CAT? I mean do B-school recognize IGNOU (distance)degree? It is UGC and AICTE approved.

    • Rahul, the eligibility criteria is 50% in graduation so you are eligible. IGNOU is an approved university and its graduates can take CAT/XAT and other MVBA entrances.

  179. Hello GP sir,
    I am curious about MBA and given are the details of my academics
    X- CGPA 8.4
    XII- 88.6 (in top 5 subs) and 82 % (aggregate).
    In college 1st Yr- 72.8 % and I just gave 3rd semester Exams, result I think is not good i.e. 58%.
    And I am contributing in 2 start ups currently.
    I am pursuing Bachelor of Management Studies From DU.
    And I aim to do MBA from FMS.
    Please give me the tips for getting through it with reference to my track record.

    • Aditya, apologise for missing you query.
      Unlike the IIMs and a few other institutes, FMS does not have any weight for past academics so your marks do not matter as long as you are above the eligibility requirement. In case of IIMs while your X and XII are good you will need to pull up on your graduation marks and if the graduation marks fall below 70% then you may not be able to make it to some of the IIMs.
      Extra & co curricular activities usually help only in the interview but there are no marks attached to these.
      For FMS as a general category candidate you should target a CAT score of over 99.3%ile to be sure of converting the call.

  180. SIR,m a btech graduate with 70%
    got 86%ile in cat2014 which was my 1st try after i want to drop another year for cat2015.will it be a fyn step to drop 2 years to get a nyc mba clg??

  181. Sir,
    Now I am pursuing MBA at SRM School of Management,Chennai.
    I have completed my degree in Engineering in Mechanical in 2014. And I got admission through its own entrance examination. Early I thought its a good B School, but somehow I can’t find up to my expectation level. So my question is What’s your suggestion to me about my MBA and future career opportunities ? How can I Prepare myself for current job market?

  182. Sir, i got Overall 98.53%ile in cat 2014 and filled mdi,imt,imi,fms forms. But my academic record is very poor(55% in 10th, 64% in 12th, 59% in btech). I heard from someone that even if i get a good bchool then i will not get placed due to my poor record. I am from gen. category and in my final yr of btech. What shud i do, do mba or not? How much my record hamper chance of getting a job in bchool? As i didnt prepare well this yr so i was also thinking of trying next yr to get a better cat score. Plz tell me if mba a good option for me or not…

    • Rahul, please do not get carried away by such rumours. Placement is mostly a function of how well you do in yor MBA and is not dependent upon your past academics.
      You have a good score and will get calls from IIMs so start your PDP classes immediately to ensure conversion. Think about a retake only if you do not get into a good MBA institute.

  183. Hello

    My daughter has recently got her cat score as below

    DI /Quant – 81.5
    Verbal – 97.5
    Overal – 93.58
    Category – General

    Her academic records are
    X – 91
    XII – 93
    GPA from NIT-Trichy – 8.2

    Please let us know if she has any chance to get shortlisted for any of the IIMs

    Raji Shankar


    i have passed my class 10th with 89% marks and class 12th with 75% marks(science side).
    sir,initially i was confused for which career to go for.
    firstly,i thought of doing btech,but was unable to crack any of the exams.
    my uncle got me admitted in a respectable engineering college of mumbai through management quota.
    but,after a little bit of self realisation, i came to the point that btech is not the thing for, i did not went there.
    i always wanted to do MBA,but was confused for the undergraduate course.after declining BTECH,i dropped my year and is currently preparing for IIM INDORE’s IPM course.
    (finally got the thing of my interest).sir i want to know how to prepare for this test smartly(iam doing my share of hard work) and what is the scope of this course in the future ahead?
    sir i also wanted to know the difference between a BBA and a BMS?


  185. sir i have completed by graduation with 58% in 2014 , 12th 69.4%, xth 79.6% , i have no job experience until now , i am interested in writing cat to do mba , am i eligible , if i get a goos score can i get in to any reputed b shool?? if not IIMs

    • Nihaar, while a few institutes are unlikely for you but most of the MBA is institutes have a low/no weight for past academics and a good CAT score can get you calls from most institutes.

  186. Sir, my profile is given below:

    10th: 95%
    12th: 85%
    B. Tech.: 62%
    Category: NC-OBC
    No work experience

    What are my chances for old IIMs if I manage to get a 99 percentile in CAT 2014?

  187. Hi sir. My college has a marks based system and we are given the 4 year aggregate CGPA on our request. My %age comes out to 64% and CGPA is 8.22 for 4 years. I am confused as to what I should write in the college applications because we don’t officially follow a percentage system as well. The percentage was calculated based on our marks by ourselves.

    • Aastha, I am confused. Does your college give a CGPA or marks in your Report Card?
      If your college follows a percentage system then you should report it.
      if your college follows a Grade System then ask the college for its formula to convert CGPA into Percentage. If no such formula exists then multiply your CGPA with 10 to get the percentage. The percentage you have calculated based on marks does not have any value.

      • No, we get marks in our marksheet like 400 out of 650 which can be translated to percentage by us. But for our transcript and other requirements we are given CGPA too out of 10 and 4 depending on the requirement of the student. That CGPA is not given individually year wise but is comprehensive for the 4 years.

  188. hello GP sir,

    I wish to appear for CAT-2015, right now i am working in a PSU, i have around 1.5 years of work experience, as my work environment is not very favourable ,i want to quit my job by May next year ,so that i have around 5 months to prepare properly
    will that have negative impact on my profile?
    M academic credentials :
    class 10 :94%
    class 12 :92%
    graduation from NIT with 8.2 cgpa
    I am a general category female

    • Mehak, quittin g will not have a negative impact on your profile but will raise questions that you will need to handle in the interview. You have a good academic record and with over 99%ile in CAT will be able to get calls from almost all IIMs and other top MBA institutes. My suggestion is to start preparing for CAT immediately and not wait for May and also if possible continue with your job. Call me at 9811155160 in case you want to discus this further.

  189. I wrote CAT this year and attempted 37 ques. with 90% of accuracy 16 I QADI and 21 in VALR.
    My exam was not so good as comparing to other candidates.
    So, I decided to prepare for the next year. (I didn’t fill any other form)


    WORK EX- 0

    Targeting only IIM A B.

    what are the chances to get calls from new IIMs this year.

    What will the % which lend me call from IIM A B C.

    please tell

    • AP, call from IIM A, B and C is not possible with only 37 attempts. A NC OBC candidate would need over 95%ile (preferably 97%ile) for a call from these three.

  190. Sir I wrote CAT this year Attempted 37 (16- QADI AND 21- VALR) questions with 90% accuracy. My exam was not so good as compared to others.
    So I decided to prepare for the next year.(I didn’t fill other forms)
    NC -OBC Candidate
    10th – 67%
    12th – 78%
    BBA – 74%
    Work ex – 0
    Curricular Activities – Average
    Final year student
    Targeting only IIM A and B.

    Please Tell
    what are the chances of getting calls from new IIMs this year.

    And how much %ile will put me on the safer side to get calls from IIM AB NEXT YEAR.
    Thank You

    • AP, this year calls from new IIMs are unlikely.
      For IIM A and B you should target 97%ile in CAT’15 to be sure of getting an interview call.

  191. Hello Sir,
    Xth 90.61,
    XII th 76.7
    Graduation : 66.92 from NIT
    I belong to the poorest of all categories: a GENERAL MALE ENGINEER
    Experience: Currently in 6 months in job.
    What %ile do i need to realistically give a shot to IIM A, C, I, L and FMS?

  192. Sir,
    I belong to NC-OBC category.

    Non Engineer , MALE

    10th- 74%

    12th- 77%

    Graduation – 72%

    Work experience- NILL

    Extra curricular – NILL

    How much percentile should I target to be safely admitted into IIM A-B-C & FMS

  193. Hello Sir 🙂 How are you ?
    Sir, I want IIM A only. Here is my profile.
    I am from OBC category.
    10th- 85.60% Topper in school with technical subject,
    12th- 73.80%,
    BE Electronics- 8.02 CGPA/10 (75.20%),
    Work exp : 18 months as a Software data ware house tester in an MNC
    Extra curricular : Working for NGO more than 6 months as a leader Which helps poor children from studies to Basic needs.

    I got 70%ile last year and got a call from IIM Indore. But did not go. Because i want only IIM A.

    So, How much %ile do i need to get into IIM A ? I am desperate to get into IIM A. Please help me sir. Thank you in advance 🙂

    • Cat-Dog, with the removal of the weight for academic profile score by IIM A my estimate is that a CAT score of 95%ile will be required for an interview call. If you want to be safe then target 97%ile.

      • Thank you GP sir 🙂 Btw, CL mocks rocked 🙂 Same difficulty level and same as CAT design friendly manner 🙂 Hats off to you, Gejo sir and whole CL team 🙂 Proud of you sir. In Gandhinagar, CL class opened. Why do not you come there for visit ? Please I want to meet you sir.

  194. Respected Sir ,
    I have a question regarding my situation . It’s a really bad one as compared to the rest above I’ve read .
    my 10th marks are 72.5% (dragged by low 2nd language mark)
    my 12th marks are 75% (I was a private candidate , was kicked out of school in my 11th , but i didint miss a year)
    my graduation , I did a and Finance) from a college in Madras and got a 62.5% aggregate .
    -I will be giving my CFA level 1 in dec 2014 (10days from now )

    My work ex :
    -8months with a Share service center of a top mangement consulting firm
    – 1 year in family business (not sure on how this is viewed by the Adcoms)
    -6months was bed ridden due to back injury .

    I am preparing for my XAT currently and my CAT was good , but then hard to say as eveyone found it extremly easy .
    My questions are :
    1. Are there any top 15-20 colleges which would accept me dispite my shaky profile ?
    2. Would me justifying leaving my job to join family business was motivated because I wasnt happy with a BPO/Accouting job and to get a finance job we basically need an MBA .
    3. Sir any other tips from you which would help my case , as you can Mine is probably the worst profile out here .

    Panicking ,


    • Rahul, all colleges will accept you as there is nothing incorrect about your profile, while there will be questions on opting for open school in XII or change of jobs or moving to family business all of these can be handled comfortably. Stop worrying about your profile and focus on your exams – CFA, XAT etc and let us discuss these issues once you get the interview calls.

  195. Respected Sir,
    my 10 th score is 84
    12 th is 59
    graduation (engg) -61
    took me 5 years to complete as i was detained for one year with lot of backlogs

    i need your guidance on the following:-

    1)Firstly what are the realistic chances of me getting in to IIM A or C and other iims
    provided if i get almost 100 or a 100 in cat as i do have the ability.

    2)Considering to get the best out of mba even if i get selected it would be tough for me to get summer internship in good companies ..i aspire to be an investment banker so what would be great to get the best out of placementS ..joining the b school first or become a PO in SBI for 2 years while doing CFA ?

    Kindly help sir 🙂

    • Ram, IIM C has a weight for only X and XII marks and not graduation marks and with low marks in XII you will need a 99.9%ile to get an interview call.
      With the current criteria of IIM A & C are unlikely to shortlist for interviews unless you have a 100%ile in CAT. Your extra year is not an issue, while it will be questioned in the interview it will will not be a reason for rejection.
      Summer internship could be an issue but if you do well in your 1st term then your chances will improve significantly. Final placement is also usually a function of your performance in MBA and not your past academic record.
      Keep all options open, if you get into a top 30 B school go for it else go for SBI PO.
      CFA should be pursued with both – PO as well as MBA.

  196. Hi,
    X-82%, XIIth- 72%, Grad- 70%. Currently working for 7 months. Apart from the thirteen IIMs(realistically impossible from my point of view), can you suggest some good colleges which call with the above mentioned past academic profile and a CAT %ile of around 90, keeping in mind CAT 2015. Thanks a ton.

  197. Hello Sir,
    I have 68% in 10 & 12 but I scored very poverly in graduation. I got only 47% in maths. But after that i did through distance education n got 85%. Also I have a post graduate diploma in Financial planning wit 84% (Full time 1 year) and currently I am a CFA level 3 candidate n also I have cleared CA inter.

    Can i apply for the cat exam with my distance education degree and if suppose I have scored a good percentaile, will there be a chance for me to getting into IIM if i disclose my maths scores.
    Also I do have a 3 yrs of work exp in reputed banks.
    Please guide me in this!!!

    • SriValli, with over 85% in graduation you are eligible for CAT and IIMs. Distance education degree is not a problem. Your work experience will be an added advantage. for eligibility B.Sc Maths is not important your B.Com will be considered.

  198. Sir just now i read the selection process of iims
    it states that you have to submit marksheets of all semesters
    i scored 67 and 68 percent in my first and second semesters respectively……my current cgpa is 7.34…can it affect my chances of getting into IIM? or only my final cgpa will count?
    please clarify i am extremely worried……as it may shatter my dream of getting into IIM

    • Sweta, your CGPA till 5th semester is important since results till this semester are declared at the time of interview. CGPA of 7.3 is not going to eliminate you from the race, it is you CAT score which will decide your fate so continue with your CAT preparation and do not get distracted by such issues.

      • Sir i want to know whether it can eliminate me from the race of IIMs since i am a fresher?????
        Can i get IIM A,B,C or L? even if my cgpa is 7.3

        • No…IIM A for example does not differentiate between Freshers & those with work ex.
          IIM C does not even consider graduation marks as a shortlist criteria and does not consider work ex
          So if you have a good CAT %ile you have a fair chance to get a call.
          All the Best!

  199. Hello sir,
    I am scoring consistently 85-90% in mocks. I have 86% in X and 89%in XII and 74% in Graduation (Top 20% of batch). I am a commerce graduate (Graduated in 2014), working in an Investment bank.

    In what all IIMs i have a chance this year ?

    • Also sir i have really strong extra curriculars. I have been finalist at various flagship events in IIM Bangalore and IIM Calcutta.

      • Rahul, unfortunately all extra curricular activities a4e considered only after you clear the hurdle of CAT score and here you are below the required score. You will have to pull yourself up in the next 2 weeks and get to a raw score of at least 130 to have a chance in the top IIMs. The target score for the top IIMs is 99.5%ile, for other old IIMs 99%ile and for new IIMs it is 97.5%ile.

  200. R/SIR,
    i do have a very weak profile :
    12th 64
    grad -63
    work ex 2yrs 6mths at a public sec bank after mba

    gap period 2008-09 after grads

    july 11 to mar 12 gap after pg

    Is there a any damn way to make to any iim’s????

    plz guide whether i should even think about it or not?

    • Abhinav, due to your not so good acads profile IIM A and C are unlikely but all other IIMs and other top B schools are possible since they have low/no weight for past acads. In case of IIMB your work experience could compensate for your low acads profile score.

  201. Hello Sir,

    I am little confused regarding my MBA preparation. I am a B.Tech graduate. My academics are X 97%, XII 82% B.Tech 76.5%. Currently I am working in an IT company for lat 1 year and preparing for CAT. But my preparation is not up to the mark. As I am working in a 24×7 environment, my work timing changes after every week. So, I don’t get any fixed timings for my study. So, I am thinking of quitting my job and dedicatedly prepare for CAT.
    But the problem is that I had an year gap after 12th and it took 4 months for me to get a job after completion of B.Tech. Now, the question is that if I take another year gap and prepare for cat, will it be a correct decision ? Even if I score good percentile in exam, wont it effect the later part of selection process ? I have understood very well that in my current working condition it is not possible to take proper preparation for any competitive exam. Please give me suggestion.

    • Arijit, I do not agree with your decision to quit your job for CAT preparation.
      If you are looking at CAT’14 then you do not have sufficient time and if it is CAT’15 that you are considering then you have a 12 months to prepare and do not need to quit your job. If you go for classroom coaching then do tell them that you need the flexibility of attending different batches. Do not worry about the gap year after 12th, it is not an issue.

  202. Dear Sir

    I am a below average person. I wasted most of the time while in my school/graduation days. I don’t have any specific achievements and only one or two extra curricular (that too not too strong). I got 65% in 10th, 63% in 12th and 73% in B.E (Automobile Engineering). I do have a work experience of around 3.5 years and currently employed with a PSU. So basically my profile is very weak.

    I attempted CAT-2013 and got 90 percentile (because of 78 percentile in QA) and 97 percentile in XAT-2014 (But low percentile in VA here) so i missed all good calls. The only call i got was from IMT ghaziabad. But i could not get through that also (may be beacuse of my profile).

    Sir i am aiming for IIM’s, XLRI, NITIE, SP Jain, MDI, IIT’s, FMS and NMIMS and some other top colleges, but i am feeling very depressed about my profiles. My preparations are going good but while filling up for institutes i feel like it is not worth trying as i will not be able to get into them.

    Please give me an honest opinion about my profile sir. Whether this is sufficient enough to get into one of top business schools?


    • Pradeep, you cannot change your past hence there is no point worrying about it, focus on what is in your control. You had a good XAT score last year and there is no reason why you will not do better this year. While your academic record is average you can definitely make it to almost all IIMs and top MBA institutes and your 3+ year work experience is a definite advantage specially for SP Jain and IIMB which have a high weightage for work experience, obviously you will need a good CAT score to get an interview call.

  203. Sir , i hv got 93 % in 10th, 74% in 12th but 55 % in B.E in SECOND attempt ( in 1st attempt my aggregate is just 49%).., so my question is, m i eligible for CAT and do they consider second attempt marks ??

  204. Hi my profile..
    10th : 86%
    12th : 73%
    B.Tech : 67%
    Extra curricular activities : zero
    Work experience : Past : 3 years of IT experience as Software engineer (Testing) in IT mnc
    Present : Probationary officer in a leading PSB
    Age : 26
    Query : I wish to do MBA in HR from one of the leading MBA colleges in the country. as per my knowledge, XLRI and TISS are the best in the country offering HR.
    Kindly tell me which entrance exam and which college I can apply to with my above academics and work profile.


    • Vineeth, profile is not an issue in your case, you have a good chance in all institutes subject to a good CARR/XAT score. Ideally you should restrict yourself to XLRI, TISS and IIMs but if you are willing to compromise on the institute then SIBM & SCMHRD Pune, NMIMS and XIMB can also be considered.

  205. hi sir,,


    12th-57.8 6.98

    work exp-23 months

    can u plz tell me is there any chnace for iim
    or can u please tell me what top b school i can get if my cat percentiles is gud

    • Rohit, IIM A and C are unlikely but the other are possible due to your work experience. however you should ensure a score of over 99%ile to have a chance of call from most of the others. Fortunately most of the B schools outside IIMs have a low/no weight for past academic record and will not be a problem.

  206. Sir I am a general category student…………
    77.4% in 12th
    9 cgpa in 10th that is 85.5%
    n currently 71% in BE
    in 5th semester
    I have a lot of doubts………
    What are my chances in IIM A, B and C IF I bring my graduation score to 80% i can still improve my graduation score…….
    then is it possible to get IIM A,B , C OR L?
    I don t want nethng below IIM lucknow…… please guide me clearly becoz recently i read lot of people get rejected from IIMs bcoz of their academics?
    Will i also get rejected/……..i want to get into these four IIMS only

    • Vikramaditya, you have good marks and as a general category candidate, a CAT score of over 99.5%ile should get calls from all IIMs, this year IIMA has also relaxed its academic criteria and candidates with 65-70% in X, XII and graduation can make it to the interview shortlist. It will obviously be helpful if you can increase your graduation marks to over 80% but with 4 out of 8 semesters gone it may not be possible as marks of only 6 semesters available when you apply for CAT. While most of the institutes tend to club 70-80% in one group, IIMC has a 70-75% category and a 76-80% category hence my suggestion is to target a 76% which is achievable and will also ensure you have time to prepare for CAT and other MBA entrances.

  207. dear sir,
    I am a btech(ece) pass out out student in 2014 recently joined a company that makes robot for school as well as college using different kits as (NXT,LEGO,TATRICS,EV3) and trained students using robots for eg :explain science and maths with robot in schools and trained college student as well. but the company has recently started so its a very small scale company so will this work experience create any negative impact in cat interview and in final b school placement because this is not a well known company.
    Q2.seconly if i got 99%ile in cat and an average performance in gd/pi is there still any chance of not getting admission in any iim or top 30 bschools


    • Dear Risabh,

      The kind of work that you have done is going to be more important than the company that you worked in. So your work experience is not going to pull you down at all. Your work experience will add value to your candidature. Yes, with such a performance, you will have a good chance of making it to at least a few IIMs and other top b-schools.

  208. Hello GP Sir,
    I scored 79 percent in my class X and 87 % in class XII in 2012.I cleared CA entrance exam in 2012 june but was unable to clear the next level from then.I am doing my B.Com(gen) in krishna university(2013-16).Scored 88% in first year.I have a year wasted 2012-13 preparing for CA.
    Sir how are my chances to enter into IIMB,IIMC,IIMK?I started taking coaching from the Time institute for CAT 2015.
    Also Sir I need not attend my degree college I have to only prepare and write for my exams.So I am workless at home throughout the day.I have CAT classes only on monday,thursday and saturday in the evening for 2 hrs(6:30-8:30).At home I will revise the topics for sometime but I am getting damn bored to be laid off.
    I want to make my life busy Sir.Please suggest me what to do.I mainly want to thank you because this site is really very helpful to all of us.Thanks allot for spending your valuable time clearing our queries.Will be waiting to hear from you soon sir.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Kiran, Dropping a year is not a problem and many students with a drop year make it to IIMs and other top MBA institutes.
      In addition to you Mocks and online practice through Test Gym you should read e-papers also as it will help you in increasing your reading speed.

  209. Dear Sir,

    I didn’t attempt Geometry in my School Time. bcoz i afraid from Geometry & i didn’t catch Geomatry rule so i leave it. but now Geomatry is the most important part of all this MBA entrance Exams & this time i want to do Geomatry as good as i can do.
    so give me some way or suggestion how i do geomatry. and other important topic

    • Dear Gaurav,

      First of all, learn the basic formulae of two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry – for example, equations for radius, area, volume, etc. of common shapes and bodies. At least a few questions from geometry will be quite easy and mere knowledge of such basic formulae will enable you to answer these questions. Further, learn the different identities of geometry and start practising problems based on these identities. For such problems, practice will be the key to mastery.

      • Thanks Sir for Giving me Helpful Advice
        But one think that is comming in my mind.
        can i do Geomatry in these remaining days and how much time on daily basis i give to Geomatry..

  210. Hello GP Sir,
    This is Santosh…
    My 10th perc- 86.16
    12th perc- 93.40
    B.Tech- 64.99.
    My Question is, as my percentage is very less and has a drastic decrease compared to my 12th, will this be a problem for me to get into best B-schools?
    How much should I score for getting into IIM’s.

    • Dear Santosh,

      You may be questioned about your acads in your interview. If you are able to justify your acads, then it should not be a problem for you. Overall, your acads are quite decent. Aim for 99.5 + percentile in order to maximise your chances of getting into an IIM.

  211. Hello GP sir,
    I am Santosh. My 10th percentage is 86.16,
    12th- 93.4
    and B.Tech – 64.99. My question is as my graduation percentage is very less compared to my 12th percentage will it be a problem for me to get into best B-schools? How much should I target for getting into IIM’s ?

    • Dear Santosh,

      You may be questioned about your acads in your interview. If you are able to justify your acads, then it should not be a problem for you. Overall, your acads are quite decent. Aim for 99.5 + percentile in order to maximise your chances of getting into an IIM.

  212. hello sir,
    my x is 72%, XII is 61%, grad in engineering is 59.96% & i had taken a drop for preparing to get an iim. this is my dream to get here, but at present my aimcat score touches around 50 percentile, & still only 2 months are there . are there any chances of mine to select for iim if i get 99% in cat, please guide me

    • Dear Vishal,

      If you are able to get 99 percentile + in CAT, you will definitely have good chances of getting selected to an IIM. But, you have very limited time available. You will need to work very hard in order to achieve your goal. You should, first of all, analyse your mocks/aimcats thoroughly and identify those areas/topics where you are regularly making mistakes. Revise the basics in these areas and then, practise as many problems from these areas as possible. If you have access to Test Gym Adaptive, use it thoroughly. This will help you build up speed as well as accuracy. These steps will help you improve your performance.

  213. Hi Sir
    How is Great lakes chennai. I have four years of experience.Acad grads are average.
    I want to pursue only one year MBA.What are best option for me in India.

    • Dear Uttam,

      Great Lakes, Chennai is definitely a good b-school. Among one-year MBA programs in India, ISB Hyderabad would be the best option. Great Lakes would rank second.

  214. Hello sir,
    I’ve got:
    89.3% in X
    89.4% in XII ( both cbse )
    and currently i am doing bba and preparing for cat 15. I’d probably complete my graduation with 7-8 CGPA. My query is -do i stand a chance in top IIMs given my academic record with a good CAT score? And does 89% falls in the 80 – 90 category and the person with 81% gets the same points as the person with 89% in the selection process of IIMs or the record of individual percentage is taken?
    How do i make up for no work experience? Kindly help me out

    • Dear Shefali,

      Your academic scores are quite good. You certainly are a good candidate and have the potential to get into the very best IIMs. Yes, 89% falls in the 81-90% band. Do not worry too much about your lack of work experience. Most of the IIMs give very small weight to work experience. Typically, between 30 to 40% of the seats in each of the IIMs are taken up by freshers.

  215. SIR,
    I have 9.2 percentile in 10 with 89% in 12 and my graduation score is around 87, will i get iim a or b .moreover i am getting 98 percentile in aim cats..

    • Dear Rohan,

      Your acads scores are good. 98%ile + in AIMCATs is also very good. Keep up this performance. You certainly have a very good chance of getting calls from all IIMs.

  216. Hi Sir,

    I was a pathetic student like yourself in my student days few years back. I have below average academic scores. I can easily connect to your story and am inspired by it.

    What do you think are my chances of a student like me, to now get into IIMs or IIMB given that the reservation system after 2008 takes up more than 50% of available seats ?.

    Do you think, it is even possible in this day and time for a pathetic student with no reservation to get into the IIMs ?


    • Armaan, at my time the total number of seats in IIMB was 150 and it was around 600 between the four IIMs (A, B, C & L). This number has increased to around 450 for IIMB and to around 3500 for all the IIMs together. In any case it is you performance in CAT and the interview that will determine your chances of making it to the final list.

  217. Sir I have secured
    88% in 10th
    70% in 12th
    6.2 cgpa (59%) in B Tech
    If i manage to get good percentile in CAT.. Will i be able to join iim b or c.
    And what percentile will be required?

    • Dear Ranjan,

      Your acads scores are quite decent. A good CAT percentile will certainly ensure that you get calls from most top b-schools. Aim for 99.5 percentile + in CAT in order to maximise your chances of getting a call from IIMs B and C.

  218. Hello Sir,
    I am a Clerk in government department from last 10 years and my age is 33 yrs. I got bored with my current job and wish to enter in corporate world and do something in life. I am ready to do hard work required for cracking CAT and planning to take leave of 2 yrs. However, I request you to clear my following few doubts please:-

    1) My academics are not good
    10th – 57%
    12th – 59% (with 3 attempts)
    B.Com – 61% (through open university after 10 yrs of gap)

    So, am I eligible for any of IIMs or any other top B school with this kind of academics????

    2) Will my experience of 10 yrs as a government clerk considered???

    3) If I get admission in any of top B schools at the age of 35 and pass out at 37, how would be my chances of getting decent corporate job???

    Eagerly waiting for your reply.

    • Dear Abhishek,

      1) As regards your educational qualifications, it would be best for you to contact the IIMs once and seek a clarification from them about your eligibility.
      2) Most of the b-schools mention that they consider work experience gained after graduation. Therefore, you should check with the b-schools regarding whether they will consider your work experience.
      3) In case you are selected to a decent b-school, you should not have undue problems in getting placed.

  219. hi sir
    my academic profile is as follows
    Ebgineering: 80%
    what are my chances at the top MBA colleges with these scores ?

    • Atisha, you have good chances of call from all IIMs, A,B & C will need over 99.6%ile while the other top IIMs, FMS and IIT Mumbai will need over 99%ile. The new IIMs, MDI, other IITs and NITIE will require over 97.5%ile.

  220. hello sir,

    Need some advice..what are the prospects after a PO job??
    After 2-3 yrs of work can one consider doing MS or MBA…and will it be fruitfrul.
    I am a B.Tech grad and would be joining TCS in a month.

    I have cleared the written of SBI PO and am confident of clearing the interview as well.

    • Sam, A bank PO is equivalent to a Management Trainee in top companies and most of the top management in Public Sector Banks started as POs. Also the POs are in demand in all banks after they have worked for 4-5 years. A MBA from a top 25-30 institute will be give your career a boost but may not be worth from other institutes. If you clear SBI PO then you should seriously consider joining it.

  221. Dear Sir,
    i am having follwing scores in acads:
    10th :58.88%
    Gradu: 74.36% (From a B grade institute)
    Work Exp: 4 yrs in Credit and finance in State Bank
    Chartered Financial Analyst CFA (USA): level-II Completed

    Now i am thinking about executive MBA from any of the old IIMs. Please tell me can i convert it or shall i perish the thought. I know it will be game changer for me but having doubt whether they will consider me or not due to poor academics.

    • Dear Nitesh,

      You should be able to convert this. Your acads will matter to the extent that you should clear the minimum eligibility criteria of the institute that you wish to opt for. Apart from that, your acads will not be critical. Further, in your case, you have shown excellent improvement in your acads scores over the years. That can be a good point to highlight in your interviews.

  222. dear gp sir..
    i have secured a job of the profile of IT recruiter in collabera which is a us based IT staffing firm….it is a semi- hr profile in which i vil b involved only in telephonic interviews with candidate and interaction with other personel in company profile is as follows…
    1)10th-82, 12th-70
    then took a year break for jee preps…
    2)engg-cse (2014 )-completed in 4.5 years and 23 backlogs with aggregate of 69%
    my questions are-
    1)will this work exp be considered legitimate?will it fetch any points in short -listing?
    2)i want do mba in marketing but my profile is of hr..will d interview panel allow me to do so?and will i get any job in marketing sector domain ,considering i get a good cat score?

    • Dear Utkarsh,

      Yes, your work experience will be considered legitimate. There is no reason for your work experience to not fetch points. You need not have any problem in opting for an MBA in marketing. In your interviews, you may be questioned on the reason you wish to take up marketing. Once you are able to justify your switch to marketing, there should not be any further problems.

  223. sir,
    I have79% in 10th and 87% in 12th
    after my 12th(march 2012) I planned to start my career as a chartered accountant and so I wrote n was qualified in CA-CPT(june 2012)exam.Then I tried to clear my CA-IPCC exam in may 2013 but was unable to.I started attending B.Com(Gen) degree college from june 2013.With home preparation I again tried CA-IPCC exams in nov 2013 and also may 2014 but no +ve results.I have no extra-currics or any work experience.I’m taking coaching for CAT n will surely come out with 99 above percentile.But I think I should have something extra in my profile.What could do better sir?hope you will help me out soon to enter into IIM.

    • Nishita, at present you should focus on your CAT preparation and not worry about the profile. Apart from your CAT preparation you should concentrate on you college academics.

  224. dear sir,
    i want to do mba in finance but the problem is that i am working as an it recruiter in a company. so they will definetly ask why in finance and not in how to answer this question please reply me at earliest.
    and please tell me that it will effect my image in front of panel members.


  225. Hello Sir,
    I am a general category student with the following academic records :-
    Xth- 83%
    XIIth- 81% and
    Btech(IT)- 8.18 CGPA (till 3rd year) from West Bengal University of Technology.
    No work experience as presently I am a final year student.

    1) On basis of the above, sir culd you kindly tell me what are my chances of getting into IIM A,B,C and other mba colleges like FMS, NITIE and MDI. and also hw much shuld I aim for in CAT to get into the above colleges?

    2) Also sir I have a year gap after class 12 as I was preparing for the various joint entrance xams. Will this hamper my application rating for the top mba colleges?

    3) And finally sir, please , also tell me about hw much shuld I aim for in XAT and IIFT exterence xams) to get a call?

    • Arindham, with your academics you have a chance in all IIMs and other top MBA institutes. A gap after 12th is not an issue and many students with a gap year make it to top IIMs and other MBA institutes. Your target score should be:
      a) over 99.5%ile for IIM A, B & C
      b) over 99%ile for other old IIMs, FMS and IIT Mumbai
      c) over 97.5%ile for ne IIMs, MDI, NITIE and other IITs.
      d) over 95%ile in XAT for a call from XLRI but my suggestion is to target over 98%ile
      e) over 50 marks in IIFT.

  226. sir my academic is worst
    category -sc
    as i am giving mock and got 90% and its improving my aptitude
    i just want to know that i am applicable for iim or not.

  227. Hello Sir,
    My academic results are as follows:
    XIIth = 81%
    Btech (till 3rd year) = 8.1 (from Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata)
    also I have a year gap after my class 12 .
    With my above academic score how much do I need to get in CAT to get into IIM A,B,C and other colleges like FMS,NITIE,MDI?
    Also sir, could you please tell me if the 1 year gap in my academics hamper my selection into the top IIM’s and other top MBA colleges?

    • Dear Kaustav,

      You should target 99.5 percentile + in CAT in order to maximise your chances of getting selected to a top IIM. You may be questioned about your 1 year gap in your interviews. If you are able to justify this gap, then it should not hamper your chances of selection.

  228. Hi sir,
    My academic profile (2012 pass out)
    10th – 93%
    Inter – 95.5%
    B tech – 78.36%

    Work exp – 2 years in reputed MNC and currently working in same as software engineer
    Can you please tell me with this profile what are. My chances of getting into IIM’s and I am A bit low confident about this I.e while working can I do it or not if I concentrate more on CAT it mat effect my current job. Please help me in this. And I just started preparation for next year CAT exam

    • Dear Swathi,

      Your academic profile is quite good and your work experience adds even more value to your candidature. Further, some of the top IIMs also have bonus marks for women. Thus, your chances are very good. The fact that you have already started preparing for next year’s CAT is also a point in your favour. This will ensure that even if you are able to study seriously for 2 to 3 hours every day, you should be well prepared for CAT. As you have started your preparation early, it should not be difficult for you to manage your studies and your job.

  229. hello sir……
    i got 48%in 10th standard and in 12th i got 69% is their any chance for me to get in iim A…if i score a good percentile in CAT……….

  230. Dear GP sir,
    i got 52% in 10th in 2007
    +(1 year gap)
    68.8%in 12th in 2010
    +(with 1 year gap)
    6 cgpa in 2013
    +(1 year gap)
    now i preparing for cat 2014
    so if i score good percentile in cat ,then should i get calls from any of the top management institute….??

    • Adarsh, you will not be rejected due to breaks in your academic career but given your marks in X, XII and graduation you will need a very high score in CAT. Also you will need to explain the reason for these breaks in the interview. Almost all MBA institutes are possible for you and a good MBA institute will give a good boost to your career so work had and get a good CAT score. Do take the bank exams also alongwith the MBA exams as they will act as a back up for you.

  231. sir my scores are as follows
    10th- 84%
    12th- 77%
    BE ECE – 7.12 cgpa
    no work experince
    sir i’m preparing hard for cat 2014 aiming a score more than 99.5%. Is there any chance for me to get calls from IIM’s?

  232. Dear Reputed GP Sir,
    I am currently a first-year student in one of the top IIMs and due to rules, I won’t disclose which one. But, since the processes are same in all IIMs it doesn’t matter.
    Before the summer placement process, intensive CV preparation and verification is done in every IIM. I have 3.5 years of work-experience in a reputed IT company and I got mails sent from my supervisor and manager (through their official mail ids) as testimonial certifying I have worked under the projects I mentioned in my CV.
    But to my horror, on the verification day, they started to verify the credentials of my manager and supervisor through linkedin and google and since they don’t have any such profiles, my CV points were not approved for the time being and put on hold. I was told to submit a scanned copy of their visit cards or some such thing as proof failing which my work-ex CV statements would be deleted.
    I have talked to my bosses. While 2 managers have visit card, some others don’t and so there is a high chance all of my valuable CV points and work-ex achievements will be rejected. Kindly advice what I should do.
    Do these juvenile 2nd year students have discretionary power to reject CV points based on their whims? Should I approach the placecom chairman? If not, what really should I do because it is extremely painful to see genuine points being deleted this way?

    • Not just that. I have 3-4 CV points related to my school achievements. I could only go ad get those proofs once I visit my hometown in the 1 week break after the first term. But, they have given me only a week deadline for this and my school authorities are not responding unless I personally visit the school. I was not aware of such kinds of rigorous verifications before joining the programme else I would have got things ready from before. Now what should I do? Am I in a danger of losing the summer placement offers?

      • Also, how important is the summer placement for my qualification? Do bad summer placements also jeopardize chances of final placements? Could I independently again work on my CV for the final placements without interruption from my high-handed whimsical seniors? How did things happen in your times?

        • Akhilesh, I have not come across a more bizarre situation. That a placement committee can be so stupid is unfathomable. Please immediately have a word with the faculty incharge of placement and if he does not respond then talk to the Director of your IIM.
          A good summer placement is helpful for your final placement but not essential. Call me at 9811155160 to discuss.

      • Dear Akhilesh,

        Approach the Placecom Chairperson and seek some time for this as well. Also, check if this part can be handled by someone in your family visiting the school with relevant documents.

  233. Respected sir
    please let me know what are my chances for getting IIM I . . . My X and XII percentage are 76 and 73 respectively .Presently i am persuing B tech (EE) nd my cgpa is around 7.2 with two sem remaining . i m pretty serious about cat 2014 .
    My college campus placements for the electrical engg is not good otherwise i would have opted for job . Also comparing CAT nd GATE I preffered CAT because I feel good studying quant and verbal . i m also confused if i m right or not . whether i should have chosen gate or cat . i am preparing for cat 14 since march . . . if i am right then what should be my strategy for cat .?? and if i am wrong then should i leave cat and start with the preparation for gate .?? please guide me sir . . . waiting for your reply . . thank you

    • Nigam, you have decent academics and hence all IIMs (except IIMB) are possible for you. This year even IIMA has relaxed its academic criteria and most of the others are not very stringent on academics.
      GATE Vs CAT is an individual choice based on the kind of career you are looking at. If it is academics and/or research of a PSU engineering job that you are interested in then GAT is a better option else it should be CAT.

  234. My profile:

    10th: 69%
    hindi- 90
    maths- 40
    science- 44
    sst- 76
    computer- 76

    12th: 59% as not interested in science, could not clear math and chemistry
    english- 94
    hindi- 94
    physics- 40
    chemistry- 27
    maths- 24
    environmental studies- 76

    Grad: English hons
    topper first year and second year
    overall percentage 57% (above average for English literature)

    Work ex: 1 year as a marketing executive at a start up

    Cat score 2013: 99.7 percentile

    Last year I didn’t take admission as i thought that getting 1 year work ex might get me a call from IIM A,B or C. Last year I got calls from IIM L,K,I and others, FMS, IMT Ghaziabad, Narsee Monjee, Sp Jain among others but I didn’t go for any GD or interview. Honestly, I am not very keen to do MBA and want to become a singer but my family’s financial condition is not good and I am the only child. This year I plan to reappear at CAT and get an even better score. I also have a 2 year gap between my 1st yr and 2nd yr due to my mother’s illness. I want to know if one year experience will help me in getting calls from IIM A, B or C even though the company is not very well-known. Do you think I should pursue my dream to be a singer and go to Bombay or join MBA college? I know becoming a singer is difficult and if it doesn’t work, I will be on the streets and so will be my family but will getting an MBA be better than living for my passion?