Guest Column: Nikunj Bhagat, Alumnus IIMB,Mentor- CL Kolkata With the CAT testing window starting on 16th Oct 2013 and your preparation drawing towards a close, it is time to decide on the B-Schools...
After a thoroughly engaging series of workshops across Vizag, Hyderabad and Bangalore, the next stops for SQC workshops in the coming days are Cochin, Chennai, Pune, Kanpur & Lucknow...
Vizag As every year, I was looking forward to these workshops as we started with Vizag on 19th July.In the evening session I saw a lot of students coming in directly from their respective colleges...
One of the most upsetting situations that I encounter as a faculty is to interact with a student who did not fill up the application/admission form correctly and hence has to settle for a sub-optimal...
Ever since Niraj, Gejo and I started taking webinars for CAT’12, there have been regular demands from students for a full fledged CAT/MBA entrance preparation program built around our way of handling...
On 30th May 2013, DTE finally came out with its notification for CAP for admission to MMS/MBA programs of Government Universities and Institutes. Given the paucity of time DTE has dispensed with the...
I have always believed that one needs to reinvent himself to remain relevant. While the delta of innovation can be small or big, however there comes a time when one has to stop doing course correction...
I am sure by now Civil-Service aspirants are home and settled. The CL team has worked hard to bring the answer key & analysis for both paper I & paper II. Please visit...
The Common Admissions Test (CAT) 2013 will be held over 20 days between October 16 and November 11, 2013 at a total of 40 locations across India, including new centers at Surat, Udaipur, Trivandrum...