Convert your SNAP’12 percentile into score

As you must have seen, the format of the SNAP scorecard this year is slightly different from previous years. It contains the four sectional scores (as a percentage of the highest score in the section) and the total percentile score. Since it does not show your exact scores, we at CL have tried to come up with a more comprehensive scorecard that will give you a better picture of your performance.

To access your score:

CL students: Log in using your SIS login ID and password at

Other students: Sign up at

Disclaimer: The SNAP Percentile to Score calculator has been developed by experts at CL using statistical tools and a sample of scores from students. CL does not take any responsibility for any decisions taken on the basis of this information.


  1. SIR .1) how snap academic score percentile is calculate
    my 10 th score -84.15% 12th score-65.67%
    graduation score-62.18%
    category -sc
    2) i have got 60/180 in mock test
    which college should expect

    • Ravi, academic profile is no longer relevant in Symbiosis. This year the interview call will be based on only the SNAP score.
      As a SC candidate you will need a SNAP score of 80%ile for SCMHRD, 70%ile for SIBM Pune and about 60% for SIIB & SIBM Blr. All others will need a much lower score. With 60/180 you will most probably miss out on all the top 4 SNAP institutes and call will be possible only from the others. With over a month to SNAP you can improve your score with regular practice and revision.

  2. Sir , I got 80.1025 SNAP %tile this year . Is there any chance to get a call from SIIB(IB) ? If not , then how is SITM compared to BIMTECH or WELINKAR ? If u kindly help me out .

    • Prashant, if your background was a problem then you would not have got a call. Stop worrying and start preparing for the interview. Hope you have started your PDP classes.

  3. Sir i have got composite percentile of 69.33
    snap score of 54.8
    AP 99.99
    i applied for SIBM-P,SIMC,SIIB,SIBM-B, SSBF
    what are my chances of call

  4. Hi Sir ,

    Snap score -76 percentile and academic score -99.99 pecentile,composite percentile -85
    any chances of SIIB and SIBM banglore?

  5. Sir,
    My percentile’s are below:

    Composite score: 75.7636
    SNAP score: 73.3733
    Academic Score: 79.9261

    Which score should I take into account.
    Also I’ve applied for
    MBA – SIBM Bengaluru

    What are my chances??

    • Dennis, calls will be given on the basis of Composite score. You can get calls from SCIT – MBA (ITBM). SIOM is a borderline case.

  6. sir my PERCENTILE OF COMPOSITE SCORE is 56.4181
    Percentile of SNAP Score is 43.2638
    AP is 84.7170
    i am general category .

  7. Sir,
    I have snap composite percentile= 89
    Academic %tile = 79.89
    SNAP %tile = 89.37
    category SC

    can I expect a call from SCHMRD and SIBM pune ??

  8. sir i got 60% percentile in snap,17.4 percentile in academic profile and my composite comes as 41.45 percentile
    how come my composite percentile has decreased?
    i have got 78 % both 10th & 12th, 55% aggregate in graduation and 65% in final year.

    • Akshay, the composite score is a combination of your snap score and your academic profile, with a weighatge of 80% to the snap score and 20% to your academic profile. The problem is that according to their scoring criteria, anybody with an aggregate of less than 60% has been awarded a zero for that section. You can refer here:

  9. Sir,
    I am very disappointed with my SNAP score.
    Don’t know how I messed it up.
    Percentile of SNAP Score = 42.9227

    Are snap calls possible for me ?

    • Cherry, unfortunately SNAP call is unlikely for you with 43%ile. Hopefully CAT will give you a pleasant surprise tomorrow.
      All the best.

  10. SNAP Composite score: 85.03%ile
    SNAP score: 84.88%ile
    Have a defence reservation too. What are the institutes that I may get?

    • Deep, At a composite score of 85%ile, calls are possible from:
      SIIB – MBA (IB)
      SITM – MBA (TM)
      SIOM, Nasik – MBA (OM)
      SIMS – MBA
      SIIB – MBA (E&E)
      SSBM – MBA (BM)
      SIMC, Pune – MBA (CM)
      SCIT – MBA (ITBM)
      SIIB – MBA (AB)
      SICSR – MBA (IT)
      SIMC, Bengaluru – MBA (CM)
      SIHS – MBA (H&HM)

  11. Sir, the following are my score details for SNAP 2013 –
    Composite Score – 98.8228 percentile
    SNAP score – 98.7253 percentile
    General English – 95.5887 percentile
    Quant, DI, DS – 96.7274 percentile
    General Awareness – 89.5899 percentile
    Reasoning – 94.9040 percentile
    Academic Profile Score – 84.7170 percentile

    Please tell me if I have even the slightest chance for calls from SCMHRD

    • Ria, At a composite score of 66.5025%ile, calls are possible from:
      SIIB – MBA (E&E)
      SIMC, Pune – MBA (CM)
      SCIT – MBA (ITBM)
      SIIB – MBA (AB)
      SICSR – MBA (IT)
      SIMC, Bengaluru – MBA (CM)
      SIHS – MBA (H&HM)

  12. sir,
    I have a composite score of 55 and snap test percentile of 69..i am from da category,any chance for sibm-p?(i only applied for it..:(..)

  13. my snap cmposite is 83.88 and snap percentile is 74.33
    and academic is 99.99
    can i expect calls from siib for ib

    • Karan, SNAP composite score of 83.88%ile is a borderline case but SIIB IB is possible. Please start your PDP classes immediately.

  14. Sir,
    Please tell me where is this percentile to score calculator located?? Ive logged in through my sis id…went to exam corner,snap zone..n there is no such option there.I would be grateful if you could explain me where can i find the calculator.And if there is some problem from my end then PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH (APPROX) SCORE WOULD 40 PERCENTILE IN LOGICAL REASONING AMOUNT TO?????It is very urgent and imp.

    • Dear Atin,
      As per the last year cut-offs, you can expect a call from SIOM. Chances of conversion depend on your performance in the next round. All the best.

  15. hi sir,
    I have composite score of 85.3
    and snap score 79 and academic profile of 99.974.

    any chance of SIBM pune?? also i have defence category

    • Sushant, call from SIBM-Pune is unlikely at 85.3%tile composite score. You have bright chances of call from SIIB-MBA(IB), SIOM-MBA(OM) and SIMS-MBA. All the best.

  16. i got composite percentile of 53.3662 and SNAP percentile 43.66. Will i get any calls from these colleges

  17. Sir,
    I belong to the Scheduled Caste category.
    My composite percentile is 67 with SNAP exam percentile being 72 and academic profile 55.
    I have applied to SIBM(Pune, Banglore), SIIB, SCHMRD and SIOM.
    Can i expect a call from above mentioned colleges ?
    Thank you.

    • Ashish, SIBM Pune might be a borderline case and SCMHRD-MBA is unlikely. You can expect a call for SCMHRD-IM and all the other colleges.

  18. Hi Sir,

    I have 80.6 % in 10th ,79.2% in 12th and 70.70 % in,then why my Academic Prof score is 62. I got Composite score of 86.4, do i stand a chance of getting a call from SIOM.

    • Dear Naveen,

      As per the last year cut-offs, you have very bright chances of getting a call from SIOM. Chances of conversion depend on your performance in the next round. All the best.

  19. What colleges can i expect to get a call with a snap composite score of 73.67 percentile (academic-99.9974 percentile and snap-60 percentile)

    • Arunkumar, a composite percentile of 73.67 should get you calls from SIIB in E&E and AB as well as from SIMC, SCIT, SICSR, SSBM and SIHS.

  20. sir plz tell me…composite score 18..snap score 20…AP 22…which college I’m expect…SIBM,SIIB,SITM,SCHMRD,SIBM-B,SIOM…im from SC category…plz do reply

  21. Hi,

    I got the composite score of 38.5474, Percentile SNAP score – 24.0055 and Percentile of Academic Profile Score – 79.9261. Could you pls advise us whether I can get the seat for the mass and media communication in any SNAP colleges and also my reservation category is SC.

    • Shyam, as a SC candidate with a composite score of 38.54%ile you can expect calls from:
      SIIB – MBA (IB)
      SITM – MBA (TM)
      SIOM, Nasik – MBA (OM)
      SIIB – MBA (E&E)
      SSBM – MBA (BM)
      SIMC, Pune – MBA (CM)
      SCIT – MBA (ITBM)
      SICSR – MBA (IT)
      SIMC, Bengaluru – MBA (CM)
      SIHS – MBA (H&HM)

  22. comp score of 96.5095 and snap score of 97.39!

    i hvae applied to sibm pune,schrd pune,siib pune and sibm bengaluru! kindly pls telme wat chance do i have?

  23. VERBAL : 18.9121
    QUANTS : 78.4232
    LOGIC : 78.6053

    ACADEMIC PROFILE : 40.3939


  24. Sir,

    I have 80.6% in Xth and 79.20% in 12th with 70.68% in but i only got 62 percentile in AP and 90.9 in Snap test (Composite:86.4).Do i stand a chance to get a call from SIOM.

  25. Sir
    Where is this percentile to score calculator??? I had logged in from my cl id,clicked on exam corner, snap zone…and then theer is no option of this calc…pls tell me where EXACTLY is this calculator located?????

    • Sanchita, this was for SNAP’12, to avoid further confusion I have changed the title of this post. Apologise for the confusion.

  26. Composite %tile: 96.1
    SNAP %tile:92.94
    AP %tile: 99.97
    Please do let me know of my chances at the above mentioned colleges.

    • Talkie, a composite percentile of 96.1 should definitely get you a call from SIBM-B. It would fall short for SIBM-P. SCMHRD would be a borderline case.

  27. SNAP composite percentile score 94.7834
    SNAP percentile 97.5405
    Academic percentile 62.4631

    Applied to all colleges SIBM-P, SCMHRD, SIIB, SIMC-P, SIBM-B, SIOM, SITM, SCIT

    which colleges should i expect?

  28. Hi Sir,

    My percentile of comp. score is 11.7694,percentile of snap score is 15.0009 and percentile of AP is 17.3963

    is there is any chance for SIMS?

    Please suggest

    Section Percentile Percentile of SNAP Score 39.2296

    What colleges i’ll got???
    I’d applied for
    MBA – SIBM Pune

      • what are my chances

        Section Percentile
        Percentile of SNAP Score 38.0985
        a) General English : Reading, Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability 80.2288
        b) Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency 53.6637
        c) General Awareness: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Business Scenarios 69.5417
        d) Analytical and Logical Reasoning 8.2865
        Percentile of Academic Profile Score 33.3179

  30. Sir,
    I got 49.8448 percentile as composite score and belong to general category. I applied for SIIB (IB), SIIB (E&E), SSBF, SITM and SIMS. Can I get call?

    • Dhiraj, SIMS might be possible at that percentile. If the cutoff for SIIB (E&E) goes down by a few percentage points, that might also be possible. The rest would be out of reach.

  31. I have 93.218 as composite percentile and 88 as snap percentile…Can i get a call from any of SIBM, SCHMRD, SCIT, SIIB, SIBM-B …??

  32. Sir,
    I am from EBC Category . And i applied for SIIB (IB), SIIB (EE),
    SSBF, SITM and SIMS. My score is 49.8448 %ile

    • Dhiraj, at 49.84%ile calls are not possible from any of these programs. SIIB EE is a borderline case and hopefully you will make it to the shortlist.
      All the best.

    • Dhiraj, it’s very difficult to get a call at this score if you belong to the General category. SIIB-MBA(AB) is possible.

  33. Sir,

    My Snap score is 96.29 %ile and composite score of 92%ile.
    Could I expect SIBM-P and SCMHRD ?
    I Belong to General Category. Also, I am a CA with 20 months of Post Qualification Experience. Please enlighten.

  34. sir plz tell me…composite score 18..snap score 20…AP 22…which college I’m expect…SIBM,SIIB,SITM,SCHMRD,SIBM-B,SIOM…im from SC category…plz do reply

  35. Hi Sir,

    My percentile of comp. score is 5.2858,percentile of snap score is 10.2152 and percentile of ap score is 6.7323.

    Please suggest

      • sir my composite score percentile in SNAP is 88.45. is it possible for me to get a call from SIOM,SIIB or SIBM-B?

          • Dear Prateek,
            You can get call from SIOM, Nasik – MBA (OM)
            SIMS – MBA*

            SIIB – MBA (E&E)
            SSBM – MBA (BM)
            SIMC, Pune – MBA (CM)
            SCIT – MBA (ITBM)
            SIIB – MBA (AB)
            SICSR – MBA (IT)
            SIMC, Bengaluru – MBA (CM)
            SIHS – MBA (H&HM)


  36. Sir, i got 87.83 percentile [score card(88.075) + academic profile(79.92)] in SNAP’13.
    I’ve applied only at SIBM(P), SCMHRD, SIBM(B)..
    What are my chances for getting a call..??

  37. in class 10 i have 65% in 12th 59% and in graduation 64%..
    now in snap if i score above 100 out of 180.. will i be shortlisted for wat n pi for sibm pune , sibm banglore , siib , schmrd, ..?

  38. sir,
    how to enter the graduation marks in snap i am a (hons) graduate will i enter the honours marks in gradution as cat(common aptitude test) says or will i have to include the marks of pass subjects as well.
    i am from calcutta university


  39. Gp sir,

    i have a long term query, how much academics matter for mba placements ,i have 55.46in 10th,46.83 in 12th,65.83 in grad, but will be doing my best during mba course….but i have nervous that will i get placed? i have got calls from SIIB,SiBm-B,scit….is it worth for me to invest 8 lacs fees for my an mba???

    • Nishant, if you do well in MBA then your past academic record will not matter. Placements in MBA are a function of your performance in the program and not of your past academics. You should go for MBA, SIBM lr and SIIB are obviously to be preferred over SCIT.

  40. Sir,
    I have calls from SIMS and SCIT
    Which would be better one ??
    I am doing (final yr)
    can i assume myself in better position with these option
    Please reply Sir

  41. hi sir my snap percentile is 72.838 and score according to cl is 75 is there any chance for getting a call from ssbm

  42. Sir,i have got 88.68%ile,on the basis of sibm-p cut off
    SIOM is possible or not?
    plz reply as 19 is the last date….

      • but in your posts you said that sicsr or simc is possible in 80 percentile. my score is 84.75/180 and a percentile of 83.391. hv applied to siom,scit,sitm,sicsr

  43. hi Sir
    I am SC catagory and my snap percentile is 46.822
    I have applied in scmhrd,scit
    do I have chance in SCIT?
    I hav checked for SIBM and I didnot get.
    cl converted score came 56.72
    should i try other colleges?
    please help
    thank you

  44. Dear sir,

    I Have got 81.6%ile and a score of 83 according to Cl calculator, what are my chances for SIBM-B , SIOM and SICSR?

  45. Sir,
    Got 86 percentile in SNAP, raw score = 87…
    I’m a Computer engg,
    have 23 months of WorkEx in IT industry,
    Wat r my chances of SIIB, SIBM B, SITM, SIOM ?
    Also my CAT Score is 77 percentile ..wer shud i apply as a safety …

  46. hi Sir
    I am SC catagory and my snap percentile is 46.822
    I have applied in SIBM,scmhrd,scit
    do I have chance?
    cl converted score came 56.72
    should i try other colleges?
    please help

  47. Sir,
    i Got 70.62% in CAT(VA-72.XX QA-67.XX)..i have applied for BIMTECH,TAIPAI, BHU…and my snap score is 81.6% ( raw score 83) appliied for SIIB,SIOM,SIBM-B,SCIT,
    what should be my focus..?
    I’m final year btech(CS) student.
    10th-82.3%…12th-83.8%…(UK State Board)
    currently not placed.

  48. i have got 92.7 percentile.
    i have filled up sibm-p, sibm-b, siib.

    from where are the calls possible?
    should i fill in siom also?

    please do reply… thanks

  49. Hello Sir,

    My snap %60.74le and Score 66 by CL Calc.I have applied for SIBM-P,SIBM-B,SCMHRD,SIIB,SCIT .

    what should i expect.i belong to SC category

      • 1.sir,as u said i might get some calls till now only SIIB hoping SIBM-b too. Sir please please arrange this colleges in order with placements in Finance domian:Sibm-b,siib,sims,scit(as i had applied just as a bacup i have done IT).
        2.why sims is undercover if its avg placements is more than SIBM-B. are the placements authentic.

        • Nishant, we should go for the ranking of institutes only after you get the final calls. At this point of time you should focus on converting all the calls.

  50. Hello Sir,

    My Snap percentile is 97.284. I am seriously preparing to take an admission in SIBM Pune/SCMHRD. I have a two and a half years of IT experience. Last day, I heard from one my senior friends that there is no teaching in Symbiosis and suggested me not to think about this colleges. Sir, please suggest.

  51. sir i have 43.33%tile % raw score of 54.5 marks but having negative -1.33 percentage in gk, i am belongs to sc category,can i expect a call from siom

  52. sir, i have got 64.428 %ile (68.75 marks) in snap? what are my chances of getting a call from any of the symbiosis institutes??

  53. Sir I’ve scored a 98.2 percentile.I’m expecting calls from all SNAP Institutes.On the SIBM-Pune website,the dates for GD-PI are mentioned on 2nd to 6th feb. My sister is due to get married on 4th feb and ill be busy on 3rd and 4th feb.Is there any chance the institution will allow me to be available on the other dates

  54. Sir,
    Will a percentile of 37.152 and a score of 49.75 as per the snap calculator, be enough for the SICSR and SCIT pune call??

  55. Hi GP Sir,

    At 98.516 %ile would I get a call from SIBM – Pune?
    And if yes, do i stand a chance to convert the call?

    • Peeyush, at 98.5%ile you will get a SIBM call and conversion will be a function of your performance in the personality assessment process.

  56. i have got 86.2 percentile in snap .can i expect any calls among sibm p,sibm b,siib,scmhrd.
    Please reply as soon as possible.
    Should i apply to sicsr or any other institute under snap.Please reply sir, i am very worried.

  57. Sir.. my snap %ile is coming to be 93.884 and my score as per your calculator is coming out to be 98 marks. I have filled forms for SIBM Pune, SCMHRD and SIMS. I got a call from SIMS on this but can you please tell me on the chances of getting a call from the other 2 colleges which i had filled.

  58. Sir, I have 97.428%ile with a score of 107.36. I have filled only SIBM-P & SCMHRD. What are my chances in both?
    Moreover, how many aspirants take SNAP(so that i can calculate my rank). Tried searching for the same on internet, but couldn’t stumble upon anything useful.

  59. Snap-64.5%ile
    Wat r my chances for SIBM-P?
    I m a mechanical Engg. Right nw working wid L&T and having 3 yrs experience. Should i apply for SIOM?

    • Praneel, given that SIOM attracts fewer applications than the most of the Pune based institutes you have an outside chance of a call.

    • Ankur, SCMHRD is unlikely but SIBM B could be possible. We will have a clear idea on 17th when SIBM declares its results.

  60. Sir i have scored only 95.902 %ile in SNAP and have applied only to SIBM-P and SCMHRD. Is there a decent chance for me in any of these institutes??

  61. Hi Sir,
    My snap percentile is 46 and the SNAP score is 57.25 ..i belong to the ST Category. will i get calls from SIBM P,SCMHRD,SIBM B,SIIB ??

  62. Sir, My percentile is 84.972 and marks are 86.35/180 acc to the score convertor.. what r my chances at SIIB and SIBM Blore?

  63. helo sir ,

    Accordng to the calculator , my score comes out to be 79.75 . Are there any chances of geting SIOM ? Please reply . Thanku .

  64. sir i got 37.554 percentile….and calculated score 56…sir any chance for sibm pune or scmhrd???pls reply

    sc category

  65. getting 52 score on cl and 40 %tilr…from sc category…any chances to get a call from sibm-p,sibm-b,siib,scmhrd,sitm???

  66. Sir

    I got a percentile of 55 in SNAP. What are my chances of getting into SIBM – Pune or Blore SIIB or SIMC (MBA Prog) Blore or Pune under the NRI quota

    • Nikki, I do not have sufficient information to answer your query but since very few NRI applications are received you should not have a problem.

  67. sir i have got 36.527 percentile , and 49.25 marks. My category is sc . is ther any chance to get a call from simc-B and siom ?

  68. sir I’ve calculated the score but i’m confused as when i’m having 32 percnt in english thn the score is 11 only and i’m having 28 percnt in maths and the score according to ur calculator is 11.5 , how can this vary when persntage of both subjcts are from 40 marks …and they are percntages not percentiles so they have to b calculated in a simple manner . thn how a higher percntge is yielding less marks thn a lower percntage score ?

    • Abhi, SNAP has given normalised percentages = your sectional score as a percentage of the highest score in the section.

  69. Hi GP!!! I am surprised the way you people are calculating the marks or I don’t know whether I am getting it wrong somehow.. Because It is clear that we have got Percentage marks in SNAP test for each section. Now percentage basically makes us calculate the exact marks as we definitely know the maximum marks in each section. like 66.67% in Logic makes it 40/60 logically.. Please clarify

    • Ankit, SNAP ha given normalised percentage and they have defined it as given below.
      Section wise percentage scores (as a percentage of the highest score in the section and not as a percentage of the maximum marks of the section) will be given to all candidates.

  70. Sir,
    i got 79.36 percentile n acc to cl score calculator, i got 82 marks.. can i expect a call from any of siib, sibm-b, siom, scit..?
    plz reply

  71. Sir. i am getting score 0f 73 from 70 percentile. can i expct call from SITM, SIMC. & Sir wat wud be the cutoff of Sibm-B?

  72. sir, my percentile is 97.225….and i am a ca …is there any chance of me getting a call from SIBM-Pune nd SCMHRD?

    Thank you.

  73. sir, is 76.055% with a raw score of 78 fetch a call from siib. if not wt coll in snap could be possible at this score.

  74. Sir,
    My percentile is 92.884 in snap nd my raw score acc to ur score calculator is 97.56 .
    My academic record is-
    10th- 89.6
    12th- 85
    What r my chances to receive a call from SIBM-Pune nd SCMHRD?

  75. Sir, according to CL key i have scored 104.11/180 marks.
    My actual percentile is 95.902 and have applied only to SIBMp and SCMHRD. Is there a chance for me to get a call or should i apply to more colleges like SIOM??

  76. i think there is some problem in calculation . i got 43.85 as percentage marks out of 40 .. which is 17.5

    and this is showing 13.5 ..

    same applies to LR

    Please clarify this

    • Ashish, the percentage in your score card is normalised percentage = your score as a percentage of highest score in the section

  77. Sir,
    Total Percentile : 96.104
    Total Score -102.5/180 (From CL calculator)
    Can I expect a call from SIBM-P and scmhrd?


  78. sir i got SNAP – 84.66 %ile , which all colleges can i get a call ,given i am from kashmiri migrant quota
    i have filled SIBM-P,SCMHRD,SIIB

    • Debarun, SIBM should be possible at 97.3%ile. SNAP contibutes only 40% to the final score so converting the call should not be a problem.

  79. sir i got overall percentile of 90.75 and a score of 93.25 as per cl estimate..r dere any chances to get a call frm scmhrd and siib..shuld i apply to siom and sicsr are they good colleges in terms of placements?kindly help..thank in advance..

  80. Sir,
    Total Percentile : 74.548
    Total Score – 76.75/180 (From CL calculator)
    Category SC
    Can I expect a call from SIBM-P and SCMHRD?

  81. Sir,
    I am getting a score of 98.25 @ 93.976 %ile…
    Is this good enough for SIBM-P and/ SCMHRD..?
    According to your analysis,
    a score of 90+ should give a call for SCMHRD.
    Is my %ile good enough to fetch me a call from at least one of two?

  82. According to your score calculation in getting 86.71 marks and i have got 85.361

    shall i expect from SCMHRD…?

  83. Hi GP sir,

    By the calculator, I am getting a score of 99.75.
    Please suggest the approximate cut off for SIBM Pune, if possible.


  84. sir, i am getting 91 raw score from your calculator but you said .91 is good score is good for scmhrd and sibm-b
    but my percentile is only 89..i dont think this is good enough for call..

  85. Sir,
    Will a percentile of 94.288 and a score of 98.75 as per the snap calculator, be enough for the SCMHRD and SIBM pune call??

    • Anirudh, SCMHRD is possible but SIBM Pune is unlikely but let us wait till 17th when SIBM will come out with its list.

  86. CL score calculator was cent percent right for my scores in QA, VA and LR. In GK, i had attempted all randomly and therefore did not remember around 50% of them. My %ile 99.193, every digit of this score belongs to CL, even the decimal part.

    Its vigour is matchless, image is flawless, faculty is assiduous and students are ruthless. Kudos to CL, esp. GP and Saral Sir.

    I always espouse for CL wherever i go, and u guys prove the worth of each and every word i promulgate about CL. THANKS a tonne

    • I feel the same about CL and GP sir.. Though I could not score well in CAT this time (thanks to VA) ,but have done pretty well in other entrance and that’s all because of CL and GP sir..

  87. please correct the calculation mistake… there is a blunder in calculator. at 94.126 percentile, its prediting my score as 83.05 whereas I calculated it as 104.4

      • According to me I believe the percentage score in each section and maximum marks in each section is known we can easily find the total marks got.. so I can’t understand the CL calculation technique. Please Explain

  88. 92.74 %ile in SNAP. Modified CL score(As per CL modified score 96.5).
    What are my chnaces in SIBM-P,SCMHRD?

  89. I am confused as to what exactly has been mentioned in the scorecard when it says Percentages score and how to arrive to the actual score out of 180?

    • Somrita, the SNAP’13 scorecard gives the percentiles and npt percentage. You will not be able to arrive at the actual score out of 180 based on this data.

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