
“CAT 2014 – How I Attempted New Pattern Prock Mock 13” by Gejo

This article by Gejo is a must read and the video a must view for anyone who is serious about CAT and other MBA entrances. It beautifully illustrates how a systematic and a planned test taking process...

CAT 2014 – How I Attempted New Pattern Mock CAT 12

This is my third and the last attempt at recording the test while attempting it and sharing the video recording share my thought process while attempting the paper. The reason for me not taking any...

CAT 2014 – How I Attempted New Pattern Mock CAT 10

I took “CAT 2014 – Mock CAT 10” on 4th Oct and like Mock CAT 7 recorded the attempt which is available in test analysis available in SIS and can also be accessed by clicking here, however due to...

NMAT 2015 Exam Analysis

In the first couple of days of NMAT a few students have had a disaster hence let us start with a couple of things that you need to ensure:...

SNAP form filling

Admission to the Business programs offered by Symbiosis is via SNAP. If you are interested in SIBM or any other Institute under Symbiosis University, you need to register and apply for the academic...

4 ways to eliminate options in RC

BANE Technique to handle RC. Let me share my ‘ mantra ’ to handle RC 1. I don’t skim! Skimming is for those who know the subject. When I do not know much about philosophy, and the passage gives the...

CAT 2014 – How I Attempted New Pattern Mock CAT 7

Since I had been on the move, all the Mock CATs that I had attempted so far were in the pen and paper mode and after taking the paper I would write down (based on memory) of how I attempted the paper...

CAT 2014 – How I Attempted New Pattern Mock CAT 3

Last few weeks I have been travelling and hence have not been able to contribute to the video analysis of the new CAT’14 Pattern Mock CATs. However while travelling I was able to create time to solve...

70 days to CAT

The CAT is on the prowl! The CAT ’14 notification has been issued with a lot of changes (The NEW CAT 2014 Decoded – Our Insights.) If you have read GP’s previous blog post CAT 2014: Ache din aane wale...